Maryland Manual 1994-1995
The State Board of Social Work Examiners was
formed in 1975 (Chapter 453, Acts of 1975). The
Board issues licenses to social work associates,
graduate social workers, certified social workers,
and certified social workers-clinical. Under certain
conditions the Board may take disciplinary meas-
ures to reprimand, suspend, revoke, or refuse to
renew the license of a licensee.
The Board's seven members are appointed by the
Governor for four-year terms. Five members must be
licensed social workers. Two members are consumers
appointed on recommendation of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene with Senate advice and
consent. Consumer members cannot have had train-
ing as a social worker or have a financial interest in a
related field. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1,2004 (Code Health Occupations Article,
secs. 19-201 through 19-502).
John M. Krager, M.D., M.P.H., Chairperson
Florence Fenton, Ed.D., Vice-Chairperson
c/o Baltimore County Health Department
401 Bosley Ave.
Towson, MD 21204 (410) 887-2717
The Maryland State School Health Council was
created by the State Department of Health and the
State Department of Education by 1946. Reorgan-
ized in 1966, the Council advises the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene and the State Depart-
ment of Education on the school health program. The
Council helps develop and maintain programs to
provide a healthful school environment, health and
safety instruction, and school health services. It also
serves as a forum for the two State departments, their
local counterparts, and other groups concerned with
the health of school-age children.
The Council includes two representatives ap-
pointed by each of the twenty-four local health and
education departments. The Executive Board con-
sists of five members elected by the Council and
representatives of health and education agencies;
State and local government; medical associations;
and education organizations.
Christopher B. Ruff, Ph.D., Chairperson
Ronald S. Wade, Director
655 West Baltimore St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 547-1222
fax: (410) 706-8107
Authorized in 1947, the State Anatomy Board
was created in 1949 (Chapter 669, Acts of 1947).
The Board's purpose is to ensure the proper distri-
bution of cadavers to qualified hospitals, medical
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene /321
schools, and other agencies engaged in medical
education and research. Bodies are distributed equi-
tably to the anatomy department of each medical
school in Maryland. The Board also carries out the
legal provisions regulating Consent to Post Mortem
Examination (Chapter 315, Acts of 1961) and the
Anatomical Gift Act (Chapter 467, Acts of 1968).
The Board consists of two representatives from
each of the departments of anatomy of medical
schools in the State of Maryland and one repre-
sentative of the Department of Anatomy of the
University of Maryland School of Dentistry. Mem-
bers of the Board are designated by the administra-
tive officers of each school (Code Health—General
Article, secs. 5-401 through 5-409).
Judith W. Ryan, R.N., Ph.D., C.R.N.P.-A,
President, 1994
Donna M. Dorsey, R.N., M.S., Executive Director
4140 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2254 (410) 764-5124
The State Board of Nursing originated as the
State Board of Examiners of Nurses in 1904 (Chap-
ter 172, Acts of 1904). It received its present name
in 1987 (Chapter 109, Acts of 1987).
To assure safe, competent nursing care for the
public, the Board regulates the practice of registered
nursing, licensed practical nursing, nurse practitio-
ners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and nurse
psychotherapists. The Board administers licensure
examinations; issues licenses to those who success-
fully have completed requirements and examina-
tions; evaluates, monitors and approves nursing
education programs to assure that minimal stand-
ards are maintained; enforces standards of practice,
interpreting the provisions of the Nurse Practice
Act, defining the scope of nursing practice, and
approving refresher programs; and assesses and
evaluates trends in nursing. Through its investiga-
tive unit, the Board also investigates any complaint
alleging violation of the Nurse Practice Act by a
nurse, conducts hearings, and takes disciplinary ac-
tion as required. Such action may include emer-
gency suspension, revocation of license, denial of
licensure, or probation.
The Board cooperates with the National Coun-
cil of State Boards of Nursing in the preparation of
the examination used for licensure. The Board also
works together with health care facilities, educa-
tional institutions, professional organizations, the
Maryland Higher Education Commission, the State
Board of Education, the Office on Aging, county
health departments, local school systems, and De-
partment agencies.