Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Charles O. Fisher, Sr., Esq., Chairperson, 1997
John M. Colmers, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215 (410) 764-2605
The State Health Services Cost Review Com-
mission was established in 1971 to monitor all fiscal
affairs of Maryland's hospitals and related institu-
tions (Chapter 627, Acts of 1971). The Commis-
sion publicly may disclose a hospital's financial
position, its verified total costs incurred in rendering
health services, and the level of reasonableness of its
rates as determined by Commission review and
certification. The Commission also evaluates the
adequacy of each institution's financial resources to
meet its financial requirements. When these re-
sources are inadequate, the Commission seeks solu-
The Commission assures purchasers of hospital
health care that total costs are reasonable, that
aggregate rates are set in relation to the hospital's
aggregate costs, and that rates are set equitably
among all purchasers of services.
The Commission consists of seven members ap-
pointed to four-year terms by the Governor, who also
designates the chairperson. Authorization for the Com-
mission continues until July 1, 2003 (Code Health—
General Article, secs. 19-201 through 19-222).
Marcia Gann Pines, Chairperson, 1994
James R. Stanton, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave., Room 226
Baltimore, MD 21215 (410) 764-3255
The State Health Resources Planning Commis-
sion originated in 1968 as the Comprehensive
Health Planning Agency (Chapter 221, Acts of
1968). The Agency was reformed as the Maryland
Health Planning and Development Agency in 1978
(Chapter 911, Acts of 1978). In 1982, the State
Health Resources Planning Commission replaced
the Agency (Chapter 108, Acts of 1982).
The Commission promotes the development of
a health care system that provides quality care at
reasonable cost for all citizens. The Commission
plans the development of quality health services
within each health service area to meet current and
future needs; identifies essential resources; and en-
courages the effective use of those resources. The
Commission advocates policies and systems for ef-
ficient access to services, including acute, long-
term, mental health, primary care, and
community-based alternatives. The Commission
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene /315
also coordinates its work with the State Health
Services Cost Review Commission and the Mary-
land Health Care Access and Cost Commission and
assesses the impact of plans and projects on total
health care costs to Maryland and its citizens. In
addition, the Commission prepares the State
Health Plan and conducts the Certificate of Need
Program to assure that institutions meet standards
of public need before building or constructing new
The law creating the Commission also estab-
lished local health planning agencies to serve health
service areas designated by the Governor. These
agencies are required to assure broad citizen repre-
sentation of their region and in their activities,
formulate local health plans, and help develop
statewide criteria and standards for Certificate of
Need and health planning. Local agencies may
testify at evidentiary hearings or submit recommen-
dations on the evaluation of Certificate of Need
applications. Presently, local organizations serve the
following designated health service areas: 1) West-
ern Maryland counties of Garrett, Allegany, Wash-
ington, Frederick, and Carroll; 2) Montgomery
County; 3) Southern Maryland counties of Prince
George's, Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary's; 4) Cen-
tral Maryland area of Baltimore City and Anne
Arundel, Baltimore, Harford and Howard coun-
ties; and 5) Eastern Shore counties of Cecil, Kent,
Queen Anne's, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wi-
comico, Somerset, and Worcester.
The Commission consists of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene or designee, and thir-
teen members appointed to four-year terms by the
Governor. Five members represent local health
planning areas, six represent health care providers,
and two represent the general public. The Gover-
nor designates the chairperson. The Executive Di-
rector is appointed by the Commission with the
approval of the Governor (Code Health—General
Article, secs. 19-103 through 19-122)
William C. Richardson, Ph.D., Chairperson, 1998
John M. Colmers, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2299 (410) 764-3460
In 1993, the Maryland Health Care Access and
Cost Commission was created as an independent
agency within the Department of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene (Chapter 9, Acts of 1993). The Com-
mission develops strategies by which the costs of
health care may be limited and access to health care
services extended to all Marylanders. The Commis-
sion formulates a uniform set of benefits for the