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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 31   View pdf image
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Maryland Manual 1994-1995 Official Biographies /31


Comptroller of the Treasury

Louis L. Goldstein was born in Prince Frederick
on March 14,1913. He was educated in Baltimore
City and Calvert County public schools, at
Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland
(B.S., 1935), and the University of Maryland
School of Law (J.D., 1938). From 1939 to 1942,
he was an elected delegate from Calvert County to
the Maryland General Assembly. He enlisted in the
U.S. Marine Corps as a private in 1942 and was
discharged in 1946 as a first lieutenant after service
in the Asiatic and Pacific theatres. He is a captain
(retired) in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.

From 1947 through 1958, Mr. Goldstein was an
elected State Senator from Calvert County. During
that time he was Majority Leader (1951-1955) and
President of the Senate (1955-1958). He was a
member of the Legislative Council (1947-1958)
and served as its Chairperson between 1955 and
1958. In 1958, he was elected Comptroller of the
Treasury; he was reelected in 1962, 1966, 1970,
1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, and 1990. No one has
served in statewide elected office in Maryland
longer than Mr. Goldstein.

Mr. Goldstein is married to the former Hazel E.
Horton and has three children, Philip, Louisa, and
Margaret Senate. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein reside at
Oakland Hall, Prince Frederick, Maryland.

Mr. Goldstein and his wife have shared a legal
practice in Prince Frederick. He also operates
several farms. He is active in veterans, charitable,
and civic organizations. He served as President of
the National Association of State Auditors,
Comptrollers and Treasurers for 1969. He is
Chairperson of the Board of Visitors and Governors
of Washington College. He also has served as a
delegate or alternate to thirteen Democratic Party
National Conventions, and was a member of the
Platform and Resolutions Committee at the 1964,
1968, 1972, 1976, 1984, 1988, and 1992

Morgan State University, Western Maryland
College, Washington College, the University of
Baltimore, and Towson State University each have
awarded Mr. Goldstein honorary doctorates. He
has received the President's Medal from Mt. St.
Mary's College and the Father Andrew White
Medal from Loyola College. He has received the
Financial Reporting Achievement Award from the
Municipal Finance Officers Association of the
United States and Canada each year since 1981,
and the Distinguished Financial Leadership Award
from the Association of Government Accountants.
He also has received other awards for his interest in
civic affairs, education, historic preservation,
promotion of tourism, outstanding management,
veterans' affairs, and conservation.


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 31   View pdf image
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