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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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Maryland Manual 1994-1995 Official Biographies /29


Lieutenant Governor

Melvin A. Steinberg, Maryland's fourth
Lieutenant Governor since the office was
reestablished in 1970, brings more than twenty
years of legislative experience to the State's second
highest elected office.

Lieutenant Governor Steinberg began his career
in public service in November 1966 when he won
election to the State Senate. He made an immediate
impact on the State political scene, elected as
Chairman of the Baltimore County Delegation
during his first year in the Senate.

In the years to follow, Mr. Steinberg continued
to demonstrate strong leadership qualities as
Chairman of the Joint Committee on Ethics, the
Committee on Narcotics, Subcommittee on Family
Law, and the Joint Committee on Racing, and as a
member of numerous task forces and committees.
In January 1975, he was designated Vice-Chairman
of the Judicial Proceedings Committee and, in
January 1979, he became Chairman of the Finance

In January 1983, beginning his fifth consecutive
term as a Senator, Mr. Steinberg was chosen by his

colleagues to serve as President of the Senate. Mr.
Steinberg served in that capacity until his election
as Lieutenant Governor in November 1986.

During Mr. Steinberg's tenure in the General
Assembly, he sponsored or was the leading
spokesman for a number of significant bills. Mr.
Steinberg served as a member of the blue ribbon
Task Force on Health-Care Cost Containment and,
under his leadership in the Senate, major legislation
was enacted which achieved substantial progress in
controlling rising health care costs. As Chairman of
the Senate Ethics Committee, he developed and
drafted the original rules pertaining to disclosure
and conflict of interest for legislators.

As a member of a special legislative task force,
Mr. Steinberg assisted in drafting the Dangerous
Substance Control Act which placed Maryland at
the forefront of efforts to control dangerous drugs.
Major legislation also was enacted under his
leadership to rekindle the vitality of the racing
industry in Maryland. With a tradition stemming
from Colonial days, racing in our State has the third
largest impact of any industry on our economy.


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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