270 /Department of General Services
Robert F. Cheeks, Assistant Secretary for
Services & Logistics
301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4440
Services and Logistics originated in 1970 as the
Office of Central Services. The Office was reorgan-
ized under its present name in 1991.
The Assistant Secretary for Services and Logistics
is responsible for the Procurement and Contracting
Office, the Maryland State Agency for Surplus Prop-
erty, the Minority Business Enterprise Program, and
three divisions: Printing and Publication; Inventory
Standards and Support Services; and Records Man-
agement. The Assistant Secretary coordinates the de-
velopment and implementation of policies,
procedures, regulations, and standards to assure that
programs and services meet the needs of the agencies
served. The Assistant Secretary for Services and Lo-
gistics and Assistant Secretary for Facilities Planning,
Engineering, and Construction constitute the Depart-
ment's Procurement Review Board.
Teresa D. Gee, Administrator
(410) 225-4270
The Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Pro-
gram oversees departmental procedures and poli-
cies for procuring supplies, services, maintenance,
architectural and engineering services, and con-
struction contracts. The Program also monitors
procurement contract performance to ensure com-
pliance with the State's MBE law. To achieve at least
10 percent of both total contract dollars and num-
ber of procurements for certified minority business
enterprises, the Program conducts outreach activi-
ties within the minority business community (Code
State Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 14-
301 through 14-308).
William E. Culen, Director
301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4988
The Procurement and Contracting Office was
formed in 1993 to centralize procurement and con-
tracting functions of the Department. The Office
oversees procurement for commodities, design and
construction, services for facilities, telecommunica-
tions, and real estate. Under the Office are six units:
Procurement Administrative Support; the Purchas-
ing Bureau; Facilities and Construction Contract-
ing; Telecommunications; Services Contracts; and
Management Support.
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Ovetta M. Moore, Director
(410) 225-4602
Created in 1992, Procurement Administrative
Support manages the Central Automated Purchas-
ing System (CAPS), and the Commodity Minority
Business Enterprise Program. The unit also is re-
sponsible for all computer operations training and
special projects.
Mary Margaret Smith, Acting Chief
(410) 225-4620
The Purchasing Bureau was established in 1920
as the Central Purchasing Bureau (Chapter 184,
Acts of 1920). It was placed under the Department
of General Services in 1970 (Chapter 97, Acts of
1970). In 1993, the Bureau was made part of the
Procurement and Contracting Office
The Bureau is responsible for the procurement of
all materials, supplies, and equipment used by State
agencies. The Bureau purchases commodities ranging
from office supplies to medicines and food items.
Annually, total purchases exceed $150 million.
State agencies must submit requisitions to the
Bureau for all purchases, except exempt commodi-
ties or those costing less than $1,000. The requisi-
tion identifies both the commodity and quantity
requested. The commodity may be ordered through
an open-ended contract developed by the Bureau,
bid through the Bureau as an individual require-
ment, or ordered as part of the Bureau's scheduled
purchase program. Emergency procurements can
be made by an agency whenever the purchase is
necessary to preserve human life or State property
(Code State Finance and Procurement Article, secs.
4-301 through 4-315).
Vacancy, Chief
(410) 225-4988
Facilities and Construction Contracting was
formed in December 1993. To support State facility
construction and renewal, the unit is responsible for
procurement of architectural, engineering, con-
struction and maintenance services.
William M. Bowser, Chief
(410) 225-4254
Telecommunications began in 1992 as Procure-
ment and Contract Management under the Assis-
tant Secretary for Telecommunications. The unit
was reorganized as Telecommunications under the
Procurement and Contracting Office in December
1993. Through this procurement unit, the Depart-
ment administers State procurement of telecommu-