252 /Department of the Environment
Board advises and consults with the Secretary of the
Environment on matters relating to radiation.
The Board's twelve members are appointed by the
Secretary of the Environment for four-year terms. Two
members represent the community at large (Code
Environment Article, secs. 8-201 through 8-205).
Richard W. Collins, Director
Vacancy, Deputy Director
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 (410) 631-3304
Functions of the Waste Management Administra-
tion originated in 1912 with the Bureau of Sanitary
Engineering in the Department of Health. In 1951,
the Bureau became the Division of Sanitary Engineer-
ing under the Department's Bureau of Environmental
Hygiene. Certain functions of the Division in 1966
were assigned to the Division of Solid Waste Disposal
under the Bureau of Resources Protection. As the
Division of Solid Wastes, the Division was placed
under the Environmental Health Administration,
when the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
was formed in 1969. The Division was renamed the
Division of Solid Waste Control by 1973 and assigned
to Community Health Programs by 1977. Also under
the Environmental Health Administration by 1977
was the Toxic Substances Control Program. Elements
of these programs were combined by 1980 as the
Waste Management and Enforcement Program of the
Environmental Health Administration. The Program
was reorganized as the Waste Management Admini-
stration by 1982, became part of the Department of
the Environment in 1987, and was renamed the Haz-
ardous and Solid Waste Management Administration
in 1988 (Chapter 306, Acts of 1987). It received its
current name in 1992.
The Administration provides for the safe collec-
tion and disposal of solid wastes. It regulates and
inspects industrial facilities that treat wastewater
and controls the transport, storage, and disposal of
hazardous substances.
Industrial wastes may not be discharged nor
designated hazardous substances disposed of with-
out an Administration permit. The Administration
conducts inspections to assure compliance with the
conditions of permits, certifications, and licenses
that have been issued and investigates reported
water and pollution violations. It also administers
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Planning
Act. The Office of Recycling within the Solid Waste
Program leads State recycling initiatives.
Under the Administration are five programs:
Planning and Resource Management; Solid Waste;
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Hazardous Waste; Environmental Response and
Restoration; and Oil Control.
Jeffrey L. Tryens, Acting Chairperson, 1994
Staff: Harold L. Dye, Jr. (410) 631-3343
The Controlled Hazardous Substance Advisory
Council was created in 1976 (Chapter 618, Acts of
1976). Formerly under the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene, the Council was placed within
the Department of the Environment in 1987
(Chapter 306, Acts of 1987).
The Council advises the Department and assists
in identifying any hazardous substance as a control-
led hazardous substance. The Council also helps
develop rules and regulations relating to the man-
agement and disposal of controlled hazardous sub-
stances and low-level nuclear waste.
Appointed by the Governor, the Council consists
of thirteen members who serve six-year terms. Ten
members are appointed with the advice of the Secre-
tary of the Environment, and three public members
are selected with Senate advice and consent. Serving
on the Council are the pesticides coordinator for the
Cooperative Extension Service, the State Fire Marshal
or designee, and a person in the resource recovery
business. Members also include one representative
each from the Department of Agriculture; Division of
Labor and Industry in the Department of Licensing
and Regulation; Department of Natural Resources;
an industry that generates hazardous substances; the
hazardous substance disposal and management indus-
try; an industry that generates low-level nuclear
waste; and the low-level nuclear waste management
industry (Code Environment Article, secs. 7-211
through 7-215)
Chairperson: Alvin L. Bowles, designee of
Secretary of the Environment
(410) 631-3441
In 1992, the General Assembly asked the Secre-
tary of the Environment to convene a Controlled
Hazardous Substances Task Force (Chapter 197,
Acts of 1992). With the Department of the Envi-
ronment, the Task Force is devising a strategy to
reduce, treat, reuse, manage, and dispose of con-
trolled hazardous substances in Maryland.
The Task Force has seventeen members. They
include twelve members appointed by the Secretary
of the Environment; a senator appointed by the
Senate President; and a delegate appointed by the
House Speaker. Serving ex officio are the Secretary
of the Environment, who chairs the Task Force; the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; and the
Secretary of Economic and Employment Develop-