Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In
1987, the Division was made part of the Depart-
ment of the Environment and renamed the Center
for Environmental Health. In 1989, the Center was
reformed to become the Environmental Health
Program and, in 1992, Environmental Health Co-
Environmental Health Coordination advises the
Department on the health effects of environmental
conditions and on science-related environmental
issues. The Office studies health and the environ-
ment, and coordinates risk assessment and, with
local health agencies, the Department's environ-
mental health program.
The Office oversees the Advisory Council on
Lead Poisoning and two programs: Lead Coordi-
nation; and Environmental Health Assessment and
Katherine P. Farrell, M.D., Chairperson, 1996
Staff: Barbara L. Conrad, R.N., M.P.H.
(410) 631-3847
The Advisory Council on Lead Poisoning was
established in 1986 (Chapter 404. Acts of 1986).
The Council reviews rules and regulations relating
to lead poisoning prevention and develops educa-
tional programs to eliminate lead poisoning.
The Council's twenty-one members are appointed
to three-year terms by the Governor. The Senate
President and the House Speaker, or their designees,
serve ex officio as nonvoting members (Code Envi-
ronment Article, secs. 6-601 through 6-608).
Maria Markham Thompson, Director
(410) 631-3774
The Maryland Water Quality Financing Admini-
stration was created in 1988 within the Department of
the Environment (Chapter 535, Acts of 1988). The
Administration maintains and administers the Mary-
land Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund.
Local governments may secure financial assis-
tance from the Fund for wastewater treatment fa-
cilities in accordance with Title VI of the federal
Clean Water Act of 1987 (P.L. 100-4). The Fund
finances loans to local governments for construc-
tion projects to abate and control water pollution
and thereby improve water quality. Loans from the
Fund may be used to buy or refinance debt obliga-
tions of local governments. They also may help
guarantee or purchase insurance for bonds, notes,
or other evidences of obligation issued by a local
government (Code Environment Article, secs. 9-
1601 through 9-1622).
Department of the Environment / 249
Leslie A. Campbell, Director
Patricia E. Crosby, Deputy Director
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 (410) 631-3116
The Director of Finance and Administration
oversees five divisions: Budget Management; Fiscal
Services; Management Information Systems; Per-
sonnel Services; and Central Services. Finance and
Administration also provides security and safety
and library services for the Department.
Merrylin Zaw-Mon, Director
Susan S. G. Wierman, Deputy Director
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 (410) 631-3255
State concerns with air quality and the effects of
radiation were evident by 1951 when the Division
of Industrial Health and Air Pollution was formed
under the Bureau of Environmental Hygiene, De-
partment of Health. The work of monitoring and
regulating was restructured in 1966 when the Di-
vision of Air Quality Control was established within
the Bureau of Resources Protection, and the Divi-
sion of Radiological Health functioned under the
Bureau of Consumer Protection. These divisions
continued under the Environmental Health Ad-
ministration in 1969, when the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene was formed. By 1977,
under the Environmental Health Administration,
Community Health Programs regulated the control
of dangerous emissions through ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation sources, while Air Quality Pro-
grams developed air resource management plans.
Air Quality Programs were reorganized as the Air
Management Administration by 1983 and, with the
Division of Radiation Control of Community
Health Programs, transferred to the Department of
the Environment in 1987 (Chapter 306, Acts of
1987). In 1992, the Administration was reorgan-
ized as the Air and Radiation Management Admini-
stration to include the Radiological Health
The Administration develops and implements
programs for cleaner air. To this end, the Admini-
stration monitors ambient pollutant levels of air
across the State and devises plans to achieve and
maintain air quality standards. To control air emis-
sions, the Administration makes and enforces regu-
lations and issues permits that set emission
standards for construction or operation of equip-
ment that emits to the atmosphere. The Admini-
stration sets standards for the Motor Vehicle