Maryland Manual 1994-1995
urements. The Division was renamed the Division
of Finance and Research in 1949, the Division of
Research and Development by 1963, and the Divi-
sion of Research, Evaluation and Information Sys-
tems by 1971. The Division of Administration
assumed information system functions by 1979, as
did the Division of Administration and Finance by
1983. The Office of Management Information Sys-
tems emerged in 1987 and was replaced by the
Division of Planning, Results, and Information
Management in 1992. The Division is responsible
for planning, research, evaluation and statistical
services, and data processing.
Ricka K. Markowitz, Chief
(410) 333-2651
The Results Branch collects and compiles data
from local school systems for local, State and federal
reports, including the Maryland School Perform-
ance Program Report. The Branch produces annual
reports (by school system) on staffing, students,
facilities, finance, and curriculum.
Lois M. Brown, Chief
(410) 333-2589
The Information Processing Branch oversees the
Department's data processing operations and ex-
J. Maurice Travillian, Assistant State
Superintendent for Library Development & Services
200 West Baltimore St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333-2113
The Division of Library Development and Services
began in 1946 as the Division of Library Extension.
In 1969, it was reorganized under its present name.
The Division administers State and federal programs
to improve library services in public schools and public
libraries throughout the State (Code Education Arti-
cle, secs. 23-102 through 23-105).
Under the Division are three branches: Public
Library and State Network Services; School Li-
brary Media Services and State Media Services; and
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically
Handicapped. The Maryland Advisory Council on
Libraries advises the Division.
Josef B. Brown, Chairperson, 1993
Secretary: J. Maurice Travillian, Assistant State
Superintendent for Library Development & Services
(410) 333-2113
State Department of Education /233
The Maryland Advisory Council on Libraries
was created in 1971 (Chapter 770, Acts of 1971).
The Council serves as an advisory board to the
Division of Library Development and Services, the
State Superintendent of Schools, the State Board
of Education, and the Governor.
The Council has twelve members. Five serve ex
officio and seven are appointed by the Governor for
five-year terms. Of those appointed, one must be a
library trustee and one a professional librarian. The
Governor designates the chairperson. The Assistant
State Superintendent for Library Development and
Services serves as secretary to the Council (Code
Education Article, sec. 23-106).
Rivkah Sass, Chief
(410) 333-2117
Origins of the Public Library and State Network
Services Branch trace to 1902 when the State Library
Commission was created (Chapter 47, Acts of 1902).
Commission responsibilities for public library devel-
opment were assigned to the Office of Public Libraries
under the State Board of Education in 1935, and to
the Division of Library Extension from 1947 to 1971.
Within the Division of Library Development and
Services, the Public Libraries Branch was formed in
1971 and renamed the Public Library and State Net-
work Services Branch in 1988.
The Branch oversees the State Library Network
through which Maryland residents obtain library
materials and gain access to information not avail-
able in their local library. The Network is centered
at Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore City. The
Pratt Library serves as the State library for Mary-
land. Three regional resource centers include the
Eastern Shore Regional Library (Salisbury), South-
ern Maryland Regional Library Association (Char-
lotte Hall), and the Western Maryland Public
Libraries (Hagerstown). More than 400 Maryland
libraries participate in the State Library Network.
(Code Education Article, secs. 23-201, 23-202).
Carla D. Hayden. Director
Enoch Pratt Free Library
400 Cathedral St.
Baltimore. MD 21201 (410) 396-5395
In 1971, the Central Library of the Enoch Pratt
Free Library System was designated as the State
Library Resource Center (Chapter 770, Acts of
1971). The Center coordinates State Library Net-
work procedures and interlibrary loan by the Mary-
land Interlibrary Organization and provides
reference information to State government through
the Government Reference Service. The Center
also produces the statewide union catalog of mate-