Maryland Manual 1994-1995 State Department of Education /231
all handicapped children through State and federal funding in 1929; and build schools for baby boomers
with the School Construction Loan Fund of 1949. Desegregation of Maryland schools began in 1955.
The basic foundations were laid in 1916 for the current State Department of Education, which became a
cabinet-level department in 1976 (Chapter 539, Acts of 1976). The general care and supervision of public
education are vested in the Department, consisting of the State Superintendent of Schools, appointed by the
State Board of Education, and the professional staff employed by the Board to assist the Superintendent.
The State Board of Education sets policy for the public school system and enacts the bylaws and
regulations that govern it (Code Education Article, secs. 2-201 through 2-205). The Board also considers
and mediates disputes arising from the twenty-four local independent school districts in Maryland. The
Board, often through the office of the State Superintendent of Schools, consults and advises county boards
of education, county superintendents of schools and their staffs, principals, and teachers. Appointed by
the Governor, the State Board of Education is composed of ten members. Nine are appointed to five-year
terms, and a nonvoting student member serves a one-year term.
With the advice and counsel of the State Superintendent of Schools and the staff of the State Department
of Education, the Board prescribes basic policy and guidelines for instruction in public schools. The Board, with
the State Superintendent's advice and counsel, also sets the standards for certification of teachers and other
professional personnel employed in Maryland schools and establishes high school graduation requirements. If
local school districts do not comply with State standards, the Board and the State Superintendent are
empowered to recommend the withholding of State funds from those districts.
Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent
of Schools
200 West Baltimore St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333-2200
The State Board of Education appoints the State
Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent
directs the State Department of Education and
executes the policy and enforces the regulations
adopted by the Board. The Superintendent serves
a four-year term (Code Education Article, secs.
2-301 through 2-303).
The State Superintendent of Schools serves on
the Governor's Executive Council; the Governor's
Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families; the
State Coordinating Council (for residential place-
ment of handicapped children) the Advisory Com-
mittee for Children, Youth, and Families; the
Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy; the
Governor's Advisory Board for Justice Assistance;
the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee for
Minority Affairs; the Governor's Volunteer Coun-
cil; the Professional Standards and Teacher Educa-
tion Board; the Governor's Commission on
Hispanic Affairs; the State Use Industries Advisory
Committee; the State Advisory Council on Alcohol
and Drug Abuse; the Governor's Drug and Alcohol
Abuse Commission; the Education Coordinating
Committee; the Maryland Public Broadcasting
Commission; and the Maryland Education Coun-
cil. The Superintendent also chairs the Cabinet
Council for Career and Technology Education; the
Education Coordinating Council for Correctional
Institutions; and the Education Coordinating
Council for State Hospital Centers.
The Department was reorganized in 1988 into
three Bureaus: Educational Support; Educational
Development; and Vocational Rehabilitation and
Correctional Education. In 1990, divisions for-
merly within the Bureau of Educational Support
were placed directly under the State Superinten-
dent of Schools. The other two bureaus were dis-
banded in 1991. Now, directly under the State
Superintendent of Schools are five divisions: Busi-
ness Services; Planning, Results, and Information
Management; Library Development and Services;
Certification and Accreditation; and Rehabilitation
Services. The Deputy State Superintendent for
School Improvement oversees four additional divi-
sions: Instruction; Compensatory Education and
Support Services; Special Education; and Career
Technology and Adult Learning.
Edwina L. Green, Chairperson
Staff: Janet Bagsby (410) 333-4395
The Advisory Committee for Educational
Block Grants, formerly the Education Advisory
Committee, was established by Executive Order in
1981. Pursuant to the federal Education Consoli-
dation and Improvement Act of 1981, the Com-
mittee advises the State Department of Education
on allocating federal funds for instructional im-
provement among eligible State education pro-
grams. It also advises the Department on how to
plan, develop, support, implement, and evaluate
these programs.
Committee members are appointed by the Gov-
ernor for one-year terms. They represent public and