nity Programs Administration. In 1983, the Office
became the Job Training and Placement Admini-
stration under the Department of Employment and
Training. In 1987, the Division was renamed the
Office of Employment Training under the Division
of Employment and Training. The Office adminis-
ters programs authorized by the federal Job Train-
ing Partnership Act. Under the federal Act, the
State administers employment and training pro-
grams operated within Maryland for economically
disadvantaged adults and youth, and dislocated
workers. Programs encompass vocational training,
counseling, and on-the-job training, as well as sum-
mer programs for youth. They also include those
operated by local service delivery areas/private in-
dustry councils (SDA/PIC).
In accordance with federal law, the Governor
designated twelve local service delivery areas, which
consist of a county or group of counties. Each area
has a private industry council that decides what
particular employment and training services are
needed in its area. Appointed by local government,
the private industry councils consist of repre-
sentatives of community colleges, local govern-
ment, private industry, and State agencies.
The Office of Employment Training also sup-
ports the Department of Human Resources'
management of the Job Opportunities and Basic
Skills Program. Created by the federal Family
Support Act, the Program offers employment
training, education, employment support serv-
ices, and job placement to recipients of Aid to
Families with Dependent Children. The Office
works with local private industry councils that
operate the Program in conjunction with other
local agencies of social services, education, and
economic development.
Paulette Hall, Executive Director
(410) 333-5353
Functions of the Office of Employment Services
date to 1902, when the Chief of the Bureau of
Industrial Statistics was instructed to organize and
operate a free State employment agency (Chapter
365, Acts of 1902). That responsibility in 1916 was
transferred to the State Board of Labor and Statis-
tics with the additional duty of investigating causes
of unemployment and possible solutions (Chapter
406, Acts of 1916). Since 1936, the State's employ-
ment service also has administered the unemploy-
ment insurance law.
Created in 1937, the Department of Employ-
ment Security included the Employment Service
Division. The Division continued to function under
the Department of Employment and Social Serv-
ices, created in 1970; and under the Employment
Security Administration of the Department of Hu-
man Resources, formed in 1975. When the Depart-
ment of Employment and Training was established
in 1983, the Division became the Maryland Job
Service under the Department's Job Training and
Placement Division. In 1987, the Maryland Job
Service became part of the Division of Employment
and Training within the Department of Economic
and Employment Development.
The Office of Employment Services, also known
as the Maryland Job Service, provides a statewide
public labor exchange to match employers with job
seekers. The Office also carries out programs for
Alien Registration, National Job Bank, Targeted
Jobs Tax Credit, Statewide Vocational Counseling
and Testing, Disabled Veterans Outreach, Local
Veterans Employment Representative, Unemploy-
ment Insurance Work Test, and Migrant and Sea-
sonal Farm Workers.
Richard Aarons, Chairperson
Christopher R. Norris, Vice-Chairperson
(410) 333-5353
Job Service Employer Committees were formed
in the early 1970s. They include a statewide steering
committee and 20 local committees that audit and
advise local Job Service offices.
Thomas S. Wendel, Executive Director
(410) 333-5306
In December 1936, the General Assembly was
called into special session to pass Maryland's Un-
employment Compensation Law. The Office ofUn-
employment Insurance originated as the
Unemployment Compensation Board created by
that special session. The Board was superseded by
the Department of Employment Security in 1937
(Chapter 314, Acts of 1937). The Department's
Unemployment Insurance Division administered
the unemployment insurance law until 1970. In
that year, the Department was reorganized as the
Department of Employment and Social Services
(Chapter 96, Acts of 1970). The new Department's
Employment Security Administration carried on
administrative duties and in 1975 was renamed the
Unemployment Insurance Division of the Depart-
ment of Human Resources (Chapter 382, Acts of
1975). In 1983, the Division was transferred to the
Department of Employment and Training and re-
named the Unemployment Insurance Administra-
tion. It became part of the Department of
Economic and Employment Development in 1987
(Chapter 311, Acts of 1987).
Pursuant to the Maryland Unemployment In-
surance Law, the Office of Unemployment Insur-