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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 21   View pdf image
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Maryland Manual 1994-1995
1967, June 21. ............

1967, July 25.............
1967, Sept. 12-1968, Jan. 10.
1968, May 14.............
1969, Oct. 5..............

1970, Spring. .............
1972, Nov. 7..............


1974, Nov. 5.. ............

1975, May ...............

1980. ...................
1980, July 2 ..............

1981 ....................
1983, Dec.9..............

1985, Nov.24 ............
1987, Dec. 14.............

1992, April 6 .............

1992, May 18.............
1993, July 1 ..............

1993, Sept. 10 ............
1994, May ...............

Maryland at a Glance /21

Opening of Columbia, a planned community incorporating one-tenth of
the land area of Howard County.
Cambridge riots.
Constitutional Convention of 1967-1968.
Proposed State Constitution rejected by voters.
Maryland Public Television first broadcast from Owings Mills
(Channel 67).
Student rebellion at University of Maryland, College Park.
First general election in Maryland where lowering of voting age to
18 years of age or older applied.
Second parallel Chesapeake Bay Bridge opened.
Urban "homesteading" begun in Baltimore. City sold abandoned houses
for $1 each to buyers for renovation.
Both houses of General Assembly elected, for the first time, on the basis
of equal representation by population.
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant began operation.
Maryland Science Center opened in Baltimore.
Metro, the regional, rapid transit system for the national capital area,
opened to link stations in Maryland with Washington, DC, and
Maryland and Virginia established Chesapeake Bay Commission to
coordinate interstate legislative planning and programs to restore
Bay resources.
Harborplace, a 3-acre center of restaurants and shops, opened in
Baltimore City, signaling the revitalization of Baltimore's Inner
National Aquarium opened in Baltimore.
Chesapeake Bay Agreement to improve water quality and living resources
of the Bay signed by Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, District of
Columbia, Chesapeake Bay Commission, and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
Pennsylvania joined Chesapeake Bay Commission.
Fort McHenry Tunnel opened.
Chesapeake Bay Agreement to restore and protect the Bay signed by
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, District of Columbia,
Chesapeake Bay Commission, and U.S. Environmental Protection
Orioles Park at Camden Yards, the new stadium for the Baltimore
Orioles baseball team, opened in downtown Baltimore City.
Central Corridor Light Rail Line opened through Baltimore City.
Interactive computer network, called "Advantage: Maryland" planned to
link Maryland high schools and colleges by fiber-optic cable. First
such network in the United States.
Chesapeake Bay Partnership Agreement, a partnership between State
and local governments to reduce pollution in the Bay's tributaries
by the year 2000, signed by Governor, Maryland's 23 counties,
and Baltimore City.
The National Archives at College Park, Maryland, known as Archives II,
scheduled to open.


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 21   View pdf image
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