178 /Department Secretaries Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Within the Executive Branch are fifteen principal departments of government: Agriculture; Budget
and Fiscal Planning; Economic and Employment Development; Education; Environment; General
Services; Health and Mental Hygiene; Housing and Community Development; Human Resources;
Juvenile Services; Licensing and Regulation; Natural Resources; Personnel; Public Safety and Correc-
tional Services; and Transportation. The head of each department, except for Education, is the Secretary.
Appointed by the Governor (subject to Senate confirmation), the Secretary serves at the Governor's
pleasure. The State Department of Education is headed by the State Board of Education. The Board
appoints to a four-year term the State Superintendent of Schools who directs the Department.
LEWIS R. RILEY, Secretary of Agriculture since 1994. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture,
1992 -94. Born in Parsonsburg, Maryland, February 19,1935. Graduate of Wicomico Senior
High School. Farmer; poultryman; businessman. Member, Wicomico County Council,
1966-78 (president, four years; vice-president, four years). President. Maryland Association
of Counties, 1973; Advisory Board of Holly Center; Delmarva Advisory Council. Member
and past president, Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department. Member, Wicomico Farm
Bureau. Advisory Board, First National Bank. President, Beaver Run Farms, Inc., a family
farm corporation operated with his son, producing grain, swine, and poultry. Board of
Directors, Delmarva Poultry Industry- Director, Farmers and Planters Company. Member
of House of Delegates, 1979-87; Minority Whip, 1982-87. Member of State Senate,
1987-92; member, Budget and Taxation Committee; Joint Committee on Investigation.
Member, Governor's Pesticide Council; Aquaculture Advisory Committee. Office address:
50 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401; tel. (410) 841-5880.
CHARLES L. BENTON, JR., Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning since 1987.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, May 20, 1916. University of Maryland, B.A. (business &
public administration), 1938, M.A. (economics), 1940. Certified Public Accountant, 1940.
Professor of Accounting, University of Maryland, 1940-43. Comptroller, University of
Maryland, 1943-46. Director of Finance and Business, University of Maryland, 1946-56.
Budget Director, City of Baltimore, 1956-65. Director, Finance Department, City of
Baltimore, 1965-86. Fiscal Advisor to the Governor, 1987. Member, Commission on State
and County Finance, 1962-65. Past president and founder, Baltimore City Foundation. Past
president, Lexington Market; Baltimore Yacht Basin. Past Trustee, Loan and Guaranty
Programs of the City of Baltimore. Past chairman, Municipal Employees Credit Union;
Maryland Credit Union Insurance Corporation. Past director, Baltimore Economic
Development Corporation. Office address: 45 Calvert St., Room 111, Annapolis, MD
21401; tel. (410) 974-2114.
MARK L. WASSERMAN, Secretary of Economic and Employment Development
since 1991. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 7, 1949. George Washington
University, B.A.; University of Maryland College Park, Master of Community Planning.
Physical Development Coordinator, Baltimore City. Campaign manager, Citizens for
Schaefer, 1986. Executive Chief of Administration and Director, Governor's Program Office,
1987-91. Graduate of Leadership Program of Greater Baltimore Committee. Board of
Directors, United Way Community Services of Central Maryland. Office address: 217 East
Redwood St., Baltimore, MD 21202; tel. (410) 333-6901.