Maryland Manual 1994-1995
under the Department of Health and Mental Hy-
giene, the Council was placed within the former
Office for Handicapped Individuals in 1987 (Ex-
ecutive Order 01.01.1987.08). The Council now is
part of the Office for Individuals with Disabilities.
The Council serves as an advocate for persons
with developmental disabilities. The Council also
develops the State plan on developmental disabili-
ties and monitors, reviews, and evaluates its imple-
mentation. Annually, the Council awards funding
for demonstration projects that enable people with
developmental disabilities to become independent,
productive citizens in their communities.
The Governor appoints the Council. At least
half its members are persons with developmental
disabilities or their parents or guardians, or imme-
diate relatives or guardians of persons with mentally
impairing developmental disabilities. Of these, at
least one-third must be persons with developmental
disabilities (U.S. Code, Title 42, sec. 6024).
Paul Rendine, Chairperson, 1994
Marian S. Vessels, Executive Director
(410) 333-2263
The Governor's Committee on Employment of
People with Disabilities originated in 1947 as the
Governor's Committee to Promote Employment of
the Handicapped. It was renamed the Governor's
Committee on Employment of the Handicapped in
1979. In 1980, the Committee was placed under the
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in the State
Department of Education (Executive Order
01.01.1980.12). The Committee became part of the
former Office for Handicapped Individuals in 1987
(Executive Order 01.01.1987.09) and received its
present name in 1989. The Committee now is within
the Office for Individuals with Disabilities.
The Committee works to create a public aware-
ness of the problems that people with disabilities
face in finding employment and of the laws that
ensure equal opportunity. It cooperates with all
groups, public and private, in promoting services
for individuals with disabilities. The Committee also
initiates and publicizes programs to stimulate hiring
of persons with disabilities.
The Committee encourages meaningful em-
ployment for qualified mentally, physically and
emotionally disabled individuals as defined by the
federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
The Committee also informs people with disabili-
ties of opportunities available for habilitation and
rehabilitation so that they may develop marketable
job skills.
The Committee sponsors annual conferences,
awards programs, and poster and journalism con-
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tests to inform the public of employment and reha-
bilitation programs for Maryland's disabled citizens.
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee
consists of thirty-five members who serve three-
year terms. The Governor designates the chairper-
son. Local committees exist in many counties and
in Baltimore City.
Mary E. Brady, Director
(410) 333-4975
The Technology Assistance Program (TAP) pro-
vides information and technology services to people
with disabilities. It is governed by the federal Technol-
ogy-Related Assistance for Individuals with the Dis-
abilities Act of 1988 (PL. 100-407). Created in 1990,
the Program is funded by a grant from the National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of
the U.S. Department ofEducation. Maryland was one
of the first states to receive such a grant.
To enhance the quality of life for Marylanders
with disabilities, the Program helps people to lo-
cate, evaluate, and purchase adaptive devices. The
Program provides technology-related training and
referral services in cooperation with the Depart-
ment of Health and Mental Hygiene. In 1990, the
Program helped to form the Clearinghouse for
Rehabilitation and Technology Information within
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
The Program has established three model technol-
ogy demonstration centers with a main site at the
Maryland Rehabilitation Center in Baltimore and sites
in Cumberland and Salisbury where technology re-
source specialists serve. Since May 1990, the Program
has helped over 10,000 people with disabilities to
obtain assistive devices. Awards covered home reno-
vation to accommodate a wheelchair, wheelchairs,
telecommunication devices for the hearing impaired,
and computer hardware and software.
Diane K. Ebberts, Chairperson
The Advisory Committee, formerly the Manage-
ment Committee, was appointed by the Governor
in December 1989 to oversee the Technology As-
sistance Program. The majority of its members are
consumers, with State and private agencies that
provide services to the disabled also represented.
Defunct Agencies of
Formerly under the Office for Individuals with Dis-
abilities, the Council disbanded in 1991.