14 /Maryland at a Glance
STATE FISH. The striped bass or rockfish (Roccus
saxatilis 2) was designated as the official fish of the
State of Maryland in 1965 (Chapter 513, Acts of
1965; Code State Government Article, sec. 13-
STATE FLAG. Maryland's flag bears the arms of
the Calvert and Crossland families. Calvert was the
family name of the Lords Baltimore who founded
Maryland, and their colors of gold and black appear
in the first and fourth quarters of the flag. Crossland
was the family of the mother of George Calvert, first
Lord Baltimore. The red and white Crossland col-
ors, with a Greek cross terminating in the foils,
appear in the second and third quarters. This flag
was first flown October 11,1880, in Baltimore at a
parade marking the 150th anniversary of the found-
ing of Baltimore. It also was flown October 25,
1888, at Gettysburg Battlefield for ceremonies
dedicating monuments to Maryland regiments of
the Army of the Potomac. Officially, it was adopted
as the State flag in 1904 (Chapter 48, Acts of
1904). Maryland law requires that if any ornament
is affixed to the top of a flagstaff carrying the
Maryland flag, the ornament must be a gold cross
bottony (Chapter 862, Acts of 1945; Code State
Government Article, sees. 13-201 through 13-
STATE FLOWER. The Black-Eyed Susan (Rud-
beckia hirta) has been the official Maryland flower
since 1918 (Chapter 458, Acts of 1918). A yellow
daisy, or coneflower, it blooms in late summer
(Code State Government Article, sec. 13-305).
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
STATE FOSSIL SHELL. In 1984, the shell of the
Ecphora quadricostata (Say), an extinct snail, was
designated the State fossil shell (Chapter 313, Acts
of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 13-
311). The Ecphora inhabited Chesapeake Bay and
other East Coast tidal waters 5 to 12 million years
ago. An Ecphora shell found in St. Mary's County,
c. 1685, was one of the first North American fossils
illustrated in European scientific works.