Maryland government has changed over the past two years, but particularly since 1990, a year that brought
forth a new federal census, general elections that produced a new General Assembly, and "cost containment"
in the budget of State government. Indeed, budgetary matters for Fiscal Year 1991 remain in flux as we go to
press. Yet, the Maryland Manual, 1991-1992, incorporates these and many other changes.
In the midst of structural transformations within government agencies, we have made every effort to
provide accurate and timely information. The text reflects mandates enacted in 1991 during the regular
session of the General Assembly. First presented in the last Manual edition, budgetary information has
been updated several times for the current volume. Fiscal Year 1991 budget figures for individual State
agencies reflect data as of April 15,1991, from the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
New to this edition are histories of many of the principal executive departments by Associate Editor,
Ann J. Baker. These histories trace the origin and functions of agencies whose historical evolutions show
that the concerns of modern government are not new.
A separate section on Intercounty Agencies has been added. In most cases, these agencies constitute a
regional approach to governmental responsibilities. Previously, they had appeared in the Independenr
Agencies section. Information on municipalities is reintroduced to this volume with assistance from the
Maryland Municipal League and new census data from the Office of Planning. Formerly part of the
Manual, historical lists of principal officers of Maryland appeared in a separate publication after they
were expanded and combined with lists of members of the General Assembly, who served from 1790
to 1990. The State Archives published these lists in 1990 as An Historical List of Public Officials of
Maryland—Governors., Legislators., and other Principal Officers of Government, 1632 to 1990, the first volume
in the new series of the Archives of Maryland.
Many people in Maryland government helped to produce this book by sharing data, knowledge, and
wise counsel, but special thanks are due Pamela J. Kelly, Special Assistant to the Governor, and Robert
A. Pascal, the Governor's Appointments Secretary, as well as Doreen A. Riggin, Patricia E. Joyce, Penny
MacAdams, and Jennifer Mayhew of his staff for their continuing aid. The Office of Planning aided many
times with population figures during various stages of the 1990 federal census. Returns from the primary
and general elections of 1990 arrived quickly from the State Administrative Board of Election Laws.
The offices of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates were most helpful.
F. Carvel Payne, Director of the Department of Legislative Reference, and Lynda C. Davis of the Library
and Information Services Division graciously reviewed the section on the General Assembly during a busy
legislative session. Anna Sakers and Ginger Lambros of the General Assembly's Mail Room helped locate
newly elected legislators.
We wish to thank the Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals for photographs of their members
taken by Marion E. Warren in May 1991. Ernest L. Bailey, Jr., former Assistant State Court Administrator
for Personnel, advised on the Judiciary and secured judicial biographies. Betty L. Thompson regularly
alerted us to changes at the District Court of Maryland and forwarded biographies of new judges.
New maps appear in this edition thanks to the aid of several State government agencies: the Map of
Maryland facing p. 1 is reproduced by courtesy of the Department of Geography, University of Maryland
College Park; Map of Baltimore City Points of Interest, courtesy of the Mass Transit Administration,
Department of Transportation; Map of Government Buildings in Downtown Annapolis, courtesy of the
Department of Legislative Reference; Map of Metro (metrorail transit system for national capital area),
courtesy of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Individual county maps come from the
State Highway Administration, Department of Transportation. In the Local Government section, the
Baltimore City map is reproduced with permission of Rand McNally & Co.
We are grateful to Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archivist, for his faithful guidance. At the Archives,
special thanks also go to Ann J. Baker, Patricia S. Shaffer, Ray F. Lynch, and David M. Williams, as well
as Teresa M. Fountain, James S. Hefelfinger, Robert Oszakiewski, Lynne M. Browne, Susan R. Cummings,
and the fine staff who daily make accessible the public records of government.
Annapolis, Maryland Diane P. Frese
May 1991 Editor