JOHN A. CADE, Republican, District 33. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, July 2,
1929. Attended Kentucky and Ohio parochial schools; Xavier University, B.S., 1953;
Northwestern Univcrsity,M.B.A., 1954; 2 years law school-Chase College and University
of Maryland. Professional business and real estate consultant. Graduate of Realtor's
Institute (G.R.I.). Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1946-48, 1950-51. Member, Annc
Arundel County Charter Board, 1962-63. Member, Anne Arundel County Council,
1965-70. Member, numerous commissions and committees studying state and local
financing, taxation, assessments, budgets, transportation, and education. Received Distin-
guished Service Award, Glen Burnie Jaycecs, 1963. Married. Member of the Senate since
1975. Minority Leader. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee; Rules Committee;
Legislative Policy Committee; Spending Affordability Committee; Special Joint Committee
on Economic Development Strategy. Senate Chairman, Special Joint Committee on
Legislative Data Systems. Annapolis office: 407 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991;
tel. 841-3568.
MICHAEL J. COLLINS, Democrat, District 6. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, July 24,
1940. Scranton Central High School; University of Scranton, B.S., 1962; The Johns
Hopkins University, M.L.A., 1966; Essex Community College; Loyola College. Educator.
Member, Essex Development Corp.; Essex-Middle River Chamber of Commerce; Bird
River Democratic and Civic Club; Riverside Democratic Club; Middle River Democratic
and Civic Club; Bengies-Chase Democratic Club; Fifteenth District Democratic Club, Deep
Creek Democratic Club and Civic Association; Knights of Columbus Council 2452.
Outstanding Contributions to Education, Teachers Association ofBaltirnorc County, 1975.
Essex Community College Man of the Year, 1985; Young Democrats Elected Official of
the Year Award, 1986; Maryland Psychological Association Legislator of the Year, 1988;
Potomac Chapter, Sierra Club Walter G. WeUs Award for Outstanding Contributions to
Preserving the Environment, 1988. Member, St. Clare's Parish Council (past president);
Holy Name Society of St. Clare's. Member, House of Delegates, 1978-86. Member of the
Senate since December 1986. Member, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee
(subcommittees on education cc. health); Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics; Joint
Committee on Federal Relations. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Investigation. District
office: 418 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore 21221; tel. 391-7800. Annapolis office: 211 James
Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel 841-3642.
GEORGE W. DELLA, JtL, Democrat, District 47. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, June
5, 1943. Gilman School; Southern High School; University of Baltimore; University of
Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1972. Maryland National Guard, 1965-71. Member,
Baltimore City Hospital Nursing Home Study Commission, appointed 1976. Member,
Baltimore City Council, 1976-83 (chairman. Budget and Finance Committee, 1979-83).
Member, Workmen's Compensation Study Committee; Mayor's Insurance Study Com-
mittee. Member, Corinthian Lodge No. 93, A.F. & A.M., Druid R.A. Chapter No. 28;
Monumental Commanders No. 3, Knights Templar; Hiram Council No. 5, R. & S.M.;
Boumi Temple A.A.O.NAi.S. Member, Stonewall Democratic Club; 19th Ward
Democratic Club; Baybrook Dcmo-ratii. Club. Member of the Senate since 1983. Member,
Finance Committee; ExecutiveNominations Committee; Joint Committee on the Manage-
ment of Public Funds; Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee; Special Joint
Committee on Energy Pricing. District office: 801 Light St., Baltimore 21230; tel.
244-8400. Annapolis office: 207 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3600.
HOWARD A. DENIS, Republican, District 16. Born November 21,1939. Bethesda-
Chevy Chase High School, 1957; Georgetown College, A.B., 1961; Georgetown Law
Center, 1965. Married to the former Babette Wise; one daughter. Member of the Senate
since 1977. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee; Executive Nominations Commit-
tee; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, Joint Commit-
tee on Legislative Ethics. Annapolis office: 402-B James Senate Office BIdg , 21401-1991;
tel. 858-3124.