Licensing and Regulation, Department of .... 375,379
Licensing and School Vehicle Safety Division .. 458,470
Licensing and Watercraft Registration Service . 395,405
Licensing Boards ....................... 377,389
Licensing Division, State Police ............ 427, 441
Lida Lee Tall Learning Resources Center Board .... 523
Lie Detector Test Law ....................... 383
Lieutenant Governor ........................ 165
biography ofLt. Governor Steinberg ....... 25-26
duties ................................. 165
Lighthouse Commission ...................... 524
Lobbyist registration ........................ 513
Local and Family Health Administration ..... 280,300
Local Government Infrastructure Financing
Program ........................... 328,339
Local Health Administration .................. 325
Local Planning Assistance .................... 163
LongTerm Care Division ..................... 498
LongTerm Care Subcommittee ................ 481
LongTerm Financial Planning for Disabled
Individuals Task Force ..................... 483
Long-Term Guarantee Program ................ 219
Lottery Agency ............................ 525
Lottery Commission ........................ 526
Lower Eastern Shore Tourism Center Advisory
Committee ............................. 568
Lunacy Commission ......................... 287
Main Street Center, DHCD ................... 339
Management Analysis and Audits Division .... 203, 207
Management Development Center .............. 424
Management of Public Funds Joint Committee . . 36, 52
Mandated Health Insurance Benefits Interdepartmental
Committee ......................... 282,308
Mandated Health Insurance Benefits Subcommittee . 490
Mansion Trust, Governor's .................... 514
Manufactures ................................ 4
Map Division .............................. 503
Maple Run Youth Center ................. 367,372
Mapping Committee, State ............... 401,415
Marathon Planning Committee ................ 483
MARCOM System .......................... 274
Marinas, State ............................. 412
Marine fisheries Commission .................. 576
Maritime Archeology Advisory Committee . . . 328,341
Marketing and Agricultural Development
Office ............................. 191,196
Marketing Services Section, DAG .......... 191,197
Marriage records ........................... 291
Martin State Airport......................... 473
Martinak State Park Board .................... 397
Maryland ................................... 1
agriculture ............................... 2
airports .................................. 5
aquaculturc ............................... 2
boating waters ............................ 2
capital ................................... 1
climate .................................. 1
economy ................................. 3
education ................................ 7
General Index/849
Maryland (continual)
forests .................................. 1
government ........................ .1,19-22
great seal ................................ 9
historical chronology ...................... 14
holidays ................................ 13
income .................................. 4
industries .............................. 3,4
labor force ............................... 4
land area ................................ 1
libraries ................................. 8
location ................................. 1
manufactures ............................. 4
medical care .............................. 8
mineral production ......................... 2
name ................................ 1,13
parks and recreation areas .................... 2
physiography ............................. 1
population ............................... 3
port of Baltimore .......................... 4
railroads ................................. 7
rivers ................................... 2
seafood production ......................... 2
state symbols ............................. 9
transportation, public ....................... 5
water area ............................... 1
MarylandAgri-Facts ......................... 197
Maryland agricultural Statistics ................ 197
Maryland Appellate Reports .................... 604
Maryland Fair ami Show Schedule ............... 198
Maryland Hospital .......................... 287
Maryland Inebriate Asylum ................... 287
Maryland Information Retrieval System (MIRS) . . . 150
Maryland Magazine ..................... 211, 220
Maryland Manual ...................... 149, 500
Maryland, My Maryland ...................... 12
Maryland Prosecutor ......................... 544
Maryland Register .......................... 150
Maryland Reports ........................... 604
Maryland Service Corps .................. 164,165
Maryland Training School for Boys ............. 371
Maryland You Arc Beautiful Program Office ...... 143
Maryland-Bred Race Fund Advisory
Committee ......................... 377, 393
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission ............................ 569
Marylander ............................... 424
Mass Transit. See also Transit
Mass Transit Administration .............. 459, 471
Maternal and Child Health Division ........ 282, 311
Maternal Health and Family Planning Office . . 281,302
Mathematics, Science and Technology Task Force . . . 245
MDCARES ............................... 292
Meadow Mountain Youth Center ........... 367, 372
Meat and Poultry Inspection Section ............ 202
Mcd-Evac Program ......................... 481
Mcd-Evac Program, Special Joint Committee on .... 58
Mediation and Conciliation Service ............. 384
Medicaid. See Medical Assistance Program
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit ............. 177,181
Medicaid Information Systems Division ......... 310