House of Delegates ................. 21,31,34,37
biographies of members ................... 107
Housing and Community Development,
Department of ...................... 327, 330
Housing and Community Services Programs .. 328,338
Housing and Continuing Care Division .......... 498
Housing Credit Assurance Division ......... 328,336
Housing data .............................. 163
Housing Finance Division, DHCD ......... 327,333
Housing Finance Review Committee ........ 327,333
Housing for Economic Growth, SPECTRUM
Task Force .............................. 491
Housing Fund ......................... 328, 336
Housing Insurance Division ................... 346
Housing Management ................... 328, 336
Housing Policy Commission .............. 327, 332
Housing Programs, Rental ................ 327, 333
Housing Resource Corporation ................ 520
Housing Subsidy Programs ............... 328, 335
Howard County ............................ 677
board of supervisors of elections ......... 677,718
employment & training office ............... 225
health department........................ 303
legislative district map ..................... 84
offices and officials ....................... 677
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 533
senior information & assistance ............. 497
social services department .................. 356
Human Relations Commission ................. 520
Human Resources, Department of .......... 347, 351
Human Resources Advisory Council......... 347, 354
Humanities Council ......................... 481
Hunter Education Instructors .................. 400
Hydrogcology and Hydrology Program ...... 401,416
Hydrology Program ..................... 401, 416
Immigration Bureau ......................... 212
Immigration Commission, Southern Maryland ..... 213
Impeachment ............................... 39
Implementation Committee, Chcsapcake Bay
Program ............................... 577
Incentive Awards Program for State Employees
Task Force.............................. 490
Income Maintenance Administration ........ 349, 358
Income Maintenance local offices ............... 358
Income, per capita ............................ 4
Income Tax Division .................... 167,170
Income Tax Reform, Special Joint Committee on . 35,49
Incorporated Cities and Towns ................. 698
Indian Affairs Commission ................ 329, 344
Indoor Air Quality Task Force ................. 491
Industrial and Commercial Redevelopment
Fund .............................. 210, 217
Industrial Development Rnancing Authority
(MIDFA) .......................... 210,218
Industrial Discharge Program, DEN ........ 249, 258
Industrial Land Act Program (MILA) ....... 210, 217
Industrial Operations Program ................. 260
Industrial Training Program ................... 211
General lmUx/S47
Industrialized Building and Mobile Homes
Advisory Commission ................ 328, 338
Industrialized Building Program ............... 337
Industries ................................. 3,4
Infant Mortality Prevention Commission ......... 521
Infant Mortality State Advisory Council on ....... 325
Infants, Advisory Council for Program to
Identify Hearing-Impaired ............. 281,301
Infants, and Children, Office of Women, 281, 302
Infants, and Children, Supplemental Food
Program for Women, ..................... 302
Infants and Toddlers Program Intcragency
Coordinating Council ................ 153,157
Infants and Toddlers Program, Maryland ..... 153,157
Information, Department of .................. 213
Information Retrieval System, Maryland (MIRS) . . 150
Information Services Administration, DHMH . 278,290
Infrastructure Financing Program, Local
Government ........................ 328, 339
Injured Workers' Insurance Fund,
Commissioners of the ..................... 522
Inmate Grievance Commission ................ 453
Inmate Grievance Office ................. 427, 438
Insane, treatment of ......................... 287
Insect, State ................................ 12
Institutional Board of Review, Patuxent
Institution ............................. 453
Instruction Division ..................... 230,241
Instructional Technology Division .......... 230,239
Insurance Article Review Committee ............. 56
Insurance Commission ....................... 482
Insurance Division ...................... 375, 379
Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, Ton
and ................................. 36,53
Insurance requirements, automobile ............. 503
Integrated Emergency Management System ...... 528
Interagcncy Child Care Council ................ 364
Intcragency Committee on School Construction . . . 175
Intcragency Coordinating Council, Infants and
Toddlers Program .................... 153,157
Interdepartmental Task Force on Preservation
of State Streams ......................... 532
Intergovernmental Assistance Clearinghouse ...... 163
Intttyavemmmtu.1 Monitor .................... 163
Interior Designers, State Board of Certified .. . 377, 391
International Business Development Office .. . 210,217
International Cabinet, Governor's .......... 146,148
International Division ................... 210, 216
International Trade Office ................ 210, 216
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River
Basin ................................. 580
Interstate Mining Commission ................ 579
Interstate Oil Compact Commission ............ 580
Inventory Management Division ........... 265, 273
Investigation Committee (General Assembly) ... 35,47
Investigative Services Division, MVA ....... 458, 469
Investment Committee ...................... 543
J. DcWecsc Carter Center ................ 367,373