Fort McHenry .............................. 16
Fossil Shell. State ............................ 11
Foster Care for Children Review Board ...... 347, 354
Frederick County ........................... 671
board of supervisors of elections ......... 671, 718
employment & training office ............... 225
health department........................ 303
legislative district map ..................... 81
offices and officials ....................... 671
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 533
senior information & assistance ............. 497
social services department .................. 356
Free Schools ............................... 232
fresh Fruits and Vegetables UsersGuide ............ 197
Freshwater fisheries ..................... 399, 409
Front Foot Assessment on Farmland Task Force .... 490
Frostburg State University .................... 551
Fruit and VyttabU Directory ................... 197
Fur Resources Advisory Committee ............. 399
Garrett County ............................. 673
board of supervisors of elections ......... 673, 718
employment & training office ............... 225
health department........................ 303
legislative district map ..................... 82
offices and officials ....................... 673
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 533
senior information & assistance ............. 497
social services department .................. 356
Gem dealers, secondhand, licensure of ....... 377, 393
General Accounting Division, Comptroller of
the Treasury ........................ 167,170
General Assembly ...................... 21, 31, 37
appointments to ......................... 142
bill status ............................... 42
bills ................................. 38-41
biographies of members ................ 95-142
budget bill .......................... 40,146
committees, conference ..................... 41
committees, joint standing ............... 35, 47
committees, special House ............... 35, 47
committees, special joint .................... 49
committees, special Senate .................. 34
committees, standing ................ 34, 41, 47
committees, statutory ................... 35, 48
constitutional amendments .................. 38
election of state treasurer ................... 39
emergency bills ........................... 39
first meeting of ........................... 14
history of 1989 session ..................... 43
history of 1990 session ..................... 43
legislative agencies ........................ 54
legislative districts ...................... 61-94
membership ............................. 37
membership (alphabetical) .................. 31
membership by county .................. 59-61
membership by district .................. 63-67
sessions ................................. 38
telephone numbers ........................ 31
time of meeting .......................... 38
vetoed bills .............................. 41
General Assembly Compensation Commission ..... 514
General Education Development Testing
Program ............................... 240
General election returns- 1990 ................. 733
General Index/845
General Emergency Fund .................... 174
General Professional Services Selection Board,
DGS ............................. 263,270
General Public Assistance .................... 358
General Services, Department of ........... 263, 267
Geological Survey ...................... 401, 415
Geological Survey Commission ............ 401, 416
Government ...........................1,19-22
Government Assistance Programs, Commercial
and............................... 328, 339
Government Contract Financing Program ........ 219
Governmental Affairs Office, DHMH ....... 277, 289
Governor ............................. 143,146
appointments ........................... 146
biography of Governor Schaefer .......... .23-24
budget. State ........................ 40,146
commander in chief ...................... 146
duties ................................. 146
military staff............................ 148
qualifications for office .................... 146
sign or veto bills ...................... 41,146
vacancy in office .......................... 39
veto .................................. 146
Governor's Executive Council ............. 145,147
Governor's Executive Advisory Council ...... 146, 147
Governor's Mansion Trust .................... 514
Governor's Salary Commission ................ 515
Grading Services and Egg Inspection Section . 191,197
Grain and Livestock .......................... 197
Grain dealers .............................. 198
Grain Laws Section ..................... 191,198
Grape Growers' Advisory Board ........... 191,199
Great Oaks Center ...................... 281, 305
Groat Seal of Maryland ........................ 9
Green Ridge Youth Center ................ 367, 372
Greenways and Resources Planning ......... 398, 407
Greenways Commission ...................... 479
Grid System, State .......................... 503
Group Home for Boys ................... 367, 372
Growth in Chesapeake Region Commission ...... 480
Guano Inspector ........................... 200
Guardianship Advisory Board ................. 566
Gunpowder Falls Local Advisory Board ......... 397
Gypsy Moth Control Section .................. 200
Hagerstown Correctional Institution ........ 430, 447
Hagerstown Region Correctional Institutions
Advisory Committee ..................... 446
Hall of Records Commission .................. 500
Handgun Permit Review Board ............ 427, 438
Handgun permits ........................... 441
Handgun Roster Board .................. 425, 435
Handicapped Children, Coordinating Council
for Residential Placement of............ 152,154
Handicapped children, education ............... 242
Handicapped Individuals Office ................ 184
Handicapped. Library for Blind and Physically 230, 239