Economic and Environmental Affairs
Committee (Senate) .................... 34, 44
Economic Development Corporation ............ 510
Economic Development Strategy; Special Joint
Committee on ........................ 35, 49
Economic growth ........................... 3,4
Economic Growth Funds ................. 210,217
Economic Matters Committee (House) ........ 35, 46
Economy ................................... 3
Education ................................... 7
Education, Adult and Community .............. 241
Education, Higher. See Higher Education
Education, Joint Subcommittee on ............... 58
Education, State Board of................. 227, 229
Education, State Department of ............ 227,232
Education Commission of the States ............ 578
Education Coordinating Committee ............. 511
Education Council, Maryland .................. 578
Education Loan Corporation, Higher ........... 519
Education Supplemental Loan Authority,
Higher ................................ 520
Educational Affairs Division ............... 177,181
Educational Block Grants Advisory Committee . 229, 236
Educational Coordinating Council for State
Hospitals and Juvenile Institutions ....... 229, 236
Educational Coordinating Council for
Correctional Institutions ............... 229, 236
Educational Development Bureau .......... 230, 240
Educational Mobility Task Force ............... 566
Educational Services Office, Cultural and,
DHCD ................................ 329
Educational Support Bureau ................... 245
Educational testing .......................... 241
Egg Inspection Section ...................... 197
Elderly Task Force on Delivery System of
Services to ............................. 479
Elderly Rental Housing Program ............... 334
Election districts. See Legislative districts;
Congressional districts
Election Laws, State Administrative Board of
Elections ............................... 511
administrative board. State ................. 511
board of state canvassers ................... 505
future ................................. 718
laws .................................. 511
results, certified .......................... 505
returns, general election 1990 ............... 733
returns, primary election 1990 .............. 719
supervisors of ....................... 511, 718
Electricians, State Board of Master .......... 377, 389
Electrologists Board ..................... 283,316
Electronic Services Division, State Police ..... 427, 440
Elevators, Advisory Committee on .......... 377,386
Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and
Moving Walks ........................... 385
Emancipation, State .......................... 16
Emergency Food Assistance Program,
Temporary ......................... 349, 360
Emergency Fund, General .................... 174
General Iwkx/843
Emergency Management Advisory Council ....... 528
Emergency Management Agency ............... 527
Emergency Management and Civil Defense
Agency ............................... 453
Emergency Medical Services Systems ........ 481, 549
Emergency Number Systems Board ......... 427,438
Emergency Operations Section, State Police . . 428, 442
Emergency Response Commission .............. 529
Emergency Response Program, DEN ....... 249, 258
Emergency Shelter Grant Program, DHCD ...... 338
Employee Assistance Program ............. 421,424
Employee Development Division .......... 421, 424
Employee Services .......................... 424
Employees Surety Bond Committee ............ 540
Employer Health Care Costs Committee ......... 489
Employer-Employee Relations Division ......... 424
Employers' Fund, Uninsured .................. 546
Employment Agency Advisory Board ........... 394
Employment and Training Council, Governor's 209, 214
Employment and Training Division ......... 211, 222
Employment and Training local offices .......... 225
Employment data ........................ 4,163
Employment information. State ................ 419
Employment of Disabled, Chief Executive
Officers' Council for .................. 157,158
Employment of People with Disabilities,
Governor's Committee on ............. 157,158
Employment Services Office .............. 211, 223
Employment Standards Service ............ 376, 383
Employment Training Office .............. 211, 222
Energy Administration ....................... 512
Energy Assistance Program ............... 349, 360
Energy Committee, Local Government .......... 346
Energy Conservation Board ................... 346
Energy Conservation Building Standards Act ..... 337
Energy Financing Administration .............. 219
EncrgyOffice ............................. 346
Energy Overcharge Restitution Trust Fund
Board ................................. 566
Energy Pricing, Special Joint Committee on .... 35, 49
Enforcement and Services Program, DNR ........ 401
Engineering and Construction Office, DGS . . . 263,270
Engineering and Construction Services, DNR . 399, 407
Engineers, Board of Examining ............ 377, 390
Engineers Board, Professional ............. 377, 390
Engineers, District, State Highway
Administration ...................... 456,465
Engineers Registration Board, Professional ....... 394
Enterprise Development, DNR ............ 399, 407
Enterprise Incentive Deposit Fund ............. 218
Entomologist, State ......................... 193
Environment, Department of the ........... 247, 252
Environmental and Estuarine Studies Center ...... 557
Environmental Crimes Unit ............... 177,181
Environmental Geology and Mineral Resources
Program ............................... 416
Environmental Health Program ............ 249, 260
Environmental Matters Committee (House) .... 35, 46