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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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Camngton, Hugh C. 278,290
Camngton, Theresa 282
Carrion, Audrey J.S. 176,609
Carrion, Maria D. 363
Carroll, Bradley 178,184
Carroll, David A. C. 145,341,
Carroll, Dennis W, Jr. 177
Carroll, Donald W 147
Carroll, Donald W.Jr. 392
Carroll, Illene 431
Carroll, Mary Ellen 457
Carroll, Rebecca E. 534
Carroll, William G. 567
Carrozza, James E. 147
Carson, Carol 654
Carson, Jacqueline 566
Carson, Wiliiam 530
Cartano, Melissa Martin 717
Carter, Cynthia Elaine 274
Carter, Donald P. 516
Carter, Edward 248,255
Carter, Everett 486
Carter, James A. 429,446
Carter, Jo Anne 230,241
Carter, Michael R. 277, 289, 476
Carter, Muriel G. 651
Carter, Pamela 714
Carter, ToiY. 177
Carter, W Minor 506
Caitwright, Allen 328
Carven, A. Frank, III 143,165
Carver, DarleneT. 211,224
Case, Joan 210,219
Case, Michael E 649
Casev Betty 564
Casey Mildred B. 684
CascyPaulK. 332
Cascy; Robert P. 575,577,582
Cashon, Bruce E. 457,467
Cason,AlanC. 569
Casper, Jacob 189,528
Cassagnol, Theresa 296
Cassard, Steve 263
Cassell, Harold 173,175
Cassilly Joseph I. 675
Castaldi, Richard J. 683
Castelli, Angelo I. 683
Castello, Vivian H. 716
Castle, Jack B. 214
Castle, MelvinL. 716
Castle, Phillip 145
Casula, Frank P. 542.543,683
Casula, Joseph S. 536,596,618
Catalano, Deborah 655
Cathell, Dale R. 591, 614, 631
Gather, William A. 385
Carita,Josc 216
Catlctt, Delancy L. 717
Cadin, Milton G. 700
Caughlin, Michael J. 248, 255
Caulk, Robert 356
Cavallaro, Louis V 392
Cave, William MacKenzie 595, 618
Cawley; Wayne A, Jr. 145,146,
Cawood, Ina 397
Cawood, James C., Jr. 595, 618

Celentano, John M. 216
Chalmcrs, William E. 147
Chalofsky, Margie 681
Chamberlain, Helen 715, 716
Chamberlain, Roger D. 740
Chambers, Ann 237
Chambers, Barry 249, 250, 261
Chambers, Joseph E 470
Chambers, Max E. 194
Chan, Desmond 259
Chance, Edward A. 655
Chance, Robert C. 257
Chandle, Theodore M.,Jr. 608
Chandlee, Theodore M., Jr. 455, 464
Chandler, Charles E. 425, 437
Chandler, Mary Lou 281,306
Chancy, Charles 692
Chancy, Dorothy 651
Chancy, Frank 476
Chang, David 681
Chang.PinYu 715
Chapin, David W 455,539
Chapman, Barbara Ann 534
Chapman, David Harris 607
Chapman, Oscar J. 300
Chapman, Sheryl 152
Chappell, Annette 550
Chappetl, Barbara 365
Charleston, Frederick P., Sr. 724
Charlton, W Dickerson 340
Charshcc, E Gould 192, 202
Chamhas, George 263
Chasanow, Howard S. 587, 611,
Chase, Virginia 247
Chase, Walter E., Sr. 443
Chasen,Mary 715
Chasnoff, Joel 31, 35, 46. 50, 60,
Cheek, DenzilT. 560
Cheeks, Robert F. 263
Cheesman, Otto 714
Cheezum, James 398
Chcnowith, Veronica L. 606
Cherry; Susan M. 177
Chester, Charles E 536, 725,736
Chester, Lemuel D., II 669
Cheung.Alan 681
Chiapparelli, Charles A. 655
Chiapparelli, Joseph J. 483
Chiavacci, Roy L. 427,438
Chicca, William E. 402
Chin, Calvin 532
Chin, Katherinc M. 147, 360, 482
Chinn, Barbara H. 716
Chinn, Richard 700
Chisolm, J. Julian, Jr. 261
Chiuchiolo, Michael A. 677
Chlada,John 248
Chmura, Tom 210
Cho, Soo-Jin 656
Chou, Pearl Y. 458,468
Chowning, Charles F. 431
Chrencik, Robert 559
Christensen, Doran 553
Christian, Koran 488
Christian, William 429
Christine Samuel W, III 222
Christman, Barrie G. 517,518
Chullin. Matko Lee, III 724

Name Index/797

Chung, Chun Yong 219
Church, Carroll W 229
Church, James C. 696,731
Church, Martha Eleanor 578, 607
Church, Rosemaric 730
Ciccone, Jack R. 294
Cicone, Frank E. 631
Cicplak, Stanley M. 266,275
Cieslicki, Virginia 230,240
Cihiar, Christine C. 538
Cihiar, William 398
Cioffi, Richard 312
Ciotola, Joseph A. 491,597, 600,
Cipriani, Aida M. 652
Cirincione, Janice 692
Cissna, Paul B. 344
Citaramanis, Michael T. 712
Clagett, Brice M. 407
Clagett, Marcie 714
Clagett, Patricia 730
Clagett, Robert Y. 580
Clagett, Stephen L. 600, 633, 642
Clagett, Virginia P. 567,651
Clair, Joyce Klein 319
Clancy, Thomas K. 178
Clapp, James H. 606
Claridge, William E. 515, 522
Clark, Alice G. Pollard 677
Clark, Carol 673
Clark, Dale 502
Clark, David M., Sr. 684
Clark, Deborah P. 510
Clark, Gwendolyn M. 236,322
Clark, James E, Jr. 480
Clark, James, Jr. 397, 405, 407
Clark, Jeffrey F. 667
Clark, Jodic 488
Clark, John T, III 600,633
Clark, Joseph E. 486
Clark, Judith 717
Clark, Lillian 509
Clark, Lillian A. 667
Clark, Major 354
Clark, OffieE. 230,238
Clark, Richard John 596,618
Clark, Robert L, Jr. 717
Clark, Shirley 322
Clark, V Marion 715
Clark, Victor, Jr. 715,716
Clark, Wayne E. 329, 341, 345
Clark, Willard 406
Clark, William A. 730
Clark, William E. 528
Clark, William E 495
Clarke, Brian W 539
Clarke, Edward 0., Jr. 538
Clarke, Mary Pat 567,652
• Clarke, Patricia 714
Clarke, Robert 397
Class, W D., Jr. 513
Claudy Frank R. 316
Clay Robert 432
Claybaugh, Gloria P. 322
Claybaum-Rock, MaryE. 321
Claypool, Norma 477
Clayton, Philip S. 568
Clayton, Ronald W 268
Clearwater, Harvey 483
Cleaves, Emery T. 401,415


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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