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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 795   View pdf image (33K)
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Brewster, James 726,737
Breza,Therese 377,385
Brice.Flaxie 397,406
Brice, Richard T, IV 179
Bridge, Ronald 431
BridweU, Margaret W 475
Briggs, Ellsworth M. 702
Bright, William 679
Brill, Jay W 157,159
Brill, Michael M. 158
Brill, William H. 280,298
Brinkley, David R. 716
Brinkley, Jeanne 283,318
Brinsfield, Russell B. 413, 555
Brisco, Charlcne E. 360
Briscoe, John Hanson 596, 616
Briscoe, Solistine 679
Briscoc-Campbell, Beth 230, 238
Briscuso, Raymond J. 721
Brish, William M. 174
Brisker, Duycn P. 675
Britt, Gwendolyn 714
Broadwater, John B. 341
Broadwater, Stanley 698
Broadwater, Tommic, Jr. 725, 736
Brocato, Barbara Mart 304
Broccolina, Frank 604
Broccolino, Dario J. 544
Brockington, McNeal 437
Brockmeyer, Cathleen C. 178
Brodell, Robert D. 470
Brodcrick, Mary Elizabeth 684
Broderick, Patricia S. 717
Brodie, John E. 406
Brodie, Raymond, Jr. 307
Brodka, Edwin 376
Brogan, Susanne 31
Brohawn,LceA. 408
Brohawn, William 714
Bromwell, Thomas L. 31,34, 36,
44, 45,49,52,53,59,63,96,
Bronner, Yvonne 360
Brookbank, L. Marcus 563
Brookland, Robert K. 324
Brooks, Arccnia 307
Brooks, Brian 730
Brooks, C. 226
Brooks, Dunbar 658
Brooks, Henry 555
Brooks, John R. 196
Brooks, Renard 431
Brooks, Theodore E., Sr. 484
Brooks, William E. 428
Brooks, William E 218
Brookshirc, R. Rex, II 565
Brophy, Merrill 250
Brotman, Don Neil 315,489
Brotman, PhyUis B. 152,154, 514
Broumas, Eugenia P. 681
Brown, A. Cleveland 191,196
Brown, A. Elaine 300
Brown, Barry L. 692
Brown, Benjamin L. 546
Brown, Betty 421
Brown, Betty J. 655
Brown, C. Hope 729
Brown, Carolyn K. 281,306
Brown, Charles B. 459
Brown, Charles E. 189,193

Brown, David C. 167
Brown, David E. 147
Brown, David L. 350,364
Brown, Devon 432, 450, 476
Brown, Dorothy E. 427
Brown, Earle Palmer 546
Brown, Eddie C. 534
Brown, Elizabeth Y. 320
Brown, Ellyn L. 178,184
Brown, Elmer Jefferson 223
Brown, Emory 450
Brown, George Grafton 654
Brown, Gloria 683
Brown, Golder S. 684
Brown, Gregory A. 44
Brown, Helen M. 665
Brown, Irwin 179,459
Brown, James 714
Brown, James J. 694
Brown, James R. 377,389
Brown, Jane Law 437
Brown, Janet K. 177
Brown, John E Tucker 194
Brown, John H. 662
Brown, John Mitchell 729, 740
Blown, Ju»cfB. 238
Brown, Joyce C. 301
Brown, L. Edgar 597, 600,633
Brown, Lewis 265
Brown, Linda Blansfield 155
Brown, Lois 230
Brown, Lyn 654
Brown, Mary G. 597
Brown, Michael T. 730
Brown, Nicholas 216
Brown, Orpha Armstrong 655
Brown, Pamila J. 179,314
Brown, Patricia M. C. 177
Brown, Ray C. 317
Brown, Raymond 360
Brown, Raymond H. 229,237
Brown, Richard A., Jr. 427
Brown, Roger W 145, 482,596,
Brown, Roland H., Sr. 332
Brown, Ruth S. 699
Brown, Sandra 349
Brown, Sandra J. 679
Brown, Stanley Derwin 729
Brown, Sue A. 322
Brown, Sylvia H. 545
Brown, Torrcy C. 145,147,161,
Brown, Vernon 226
Brown, Virginia Darby 384
Brown, W Benjamin 702
Brown, W Russell 268
Brown, Walter 398
Brown, Walter A. 504
Brown, William 504
Brown, William J. 480
Brown-Moore, Jacqueline 472
Browne, Charles B. 675
Browne, Lynne M. 499
BrowneU, Elizabeth K. 489
Bruce, Bevcrly 684
Bruce, Charles A., Jr. 142
Bruck, Clifford C. 147

Name Index/795

Brucckncr, Richard J. 504
Brugger, George A. 495
Brugh.MarkP. 726
Bruncr, Rebecca 492
Brungardt, Gilbert A. 550
Bruning, David W, Sr. 696
Bruning, Olga M. 179
Brunson, Dorothy E. 219
Bryan, David C. 536
Bryant, David 568
Bryant, William A. 316
Bryant, William A., Jr. 283
Bryson, Henry L. 376,380
Bryson, John C. 579
Bryson, Robert E. 605
Buchanan, Howard A. 328, 340
Buchanan, William R., Sr. 594, 616
Bucher, E. David 283,318
Buchhcister, John 716
Buchhcister, John E, Jr. 724
Bucket, W Max 198
Buckholtz, David R. 158
Buckland, Patricia Lee 662
Buckler, Stanley L. 686
Buckler, William 715
Bucklct-Fcifarck, Ellen 157
Buckley, James 459,472
Buckley; James K. 665
Buckley, Jane S. 288
Buckley, Paul S. 531
Buckworth, Clifton L. 405
Buehler, Patrick M. 571, 658
Buffington, Jack 278
Buffington, John E 367
Buffington, Kathleen B. 716
Buffkins, Archie L. 534
Buford, J. Calvin 155
Bugg,KarcnL. 563
Bukosky, Florence C. 543
BulkelcyJohnT. 470
Bullard, Elizabeth 660
Bullcn, H. Stafford (Skip), Jr. 147
Bullock, Rcba B. 147,235
Bulmash, Melvin 307
Bunch, Mac 365,370
Bundy.Karen 649
Bundy,Mark 395
Bunting, Ellen H. 717
Bunting, Josiah, III 564
Bunting, Norman R., Sr. 715
Buppcrt, Stuart G., II 178,182
Burbagc, John Howard 522
Burch, Catherine M. 683
Burch, Donna G. 667
Burch, Elliott, Jr. 566
Burch, E EUiott, Jr. 571
Burd,Bill 235
Burden, Marsha L. 143,165, 481
Burden, Thomas L. 507,652
Burdettc, Douglas C., Jr. 197
Burdick, James F. 317
Burdick, Jennifer 520,521
Bures, Charles 278
Burford.Marc 655
Burgan, John E 385
Burgess, Michael Luther 716,732,
Burgess, William J. 727,738
Burgess, William S. 401,414
Burk, John E, Jr. 464


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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