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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 778   View pdf image (33K)
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778/Maryland Manual

be embraced in a separate bill shall not be construed or
applied to prevent the General Assembly from (1) propos-
ing in one bill a series of amendments to the Constitution
of Maryland for the general purpose of removing or cor-
recting constitutional provisions which are obsolete, inac-
curate, invalid, unconstitutional, or duplicarive; or (2)
embodying in a single Constitutional amendment one or
more Articles of the Constitution so long as that Constitu-
tional amendment embraces only a single subject. The bill
or bills proposing amendment or amendments shall be
publicized, either by publishing, by order of the Governor,
in at least two newspapers, in each County, where so many
may be published, and where not more than one may be
published, then in that newspaper, and in three newspapers
published in the City of Baltimore, once a week for four
weeks, or as otherwise ordered by the Governor in a
manner provided by law, immediately preceding the next
ensuing general election, at which the proposed amend-
ment or amendments shall be submitted, in a form to be
prescribed by the General Assembly, to the qualified voters
of the State for adoption or rejection. The votes cast for
and against said proposed amendment or amendments,
scveraBy, shall be returned to the Governor, in the manner
prescribed in other cases, and if it shall appear to the
Governor that a majority of the votes cast at said election
on said amendment or amendments, severally, were cast in
favor thereof, the Governor shall, by his proclamation,
declare the said amendment or amendments having
received said majority of votes, to have been adopted by
the people of Maryland as part of the Constitution thereof,
and thenceforth said amendment or amendments shall be
part of the said Constitution. If the General Assembly
determines that a proposed Constitutional amendment
affects only one county or the City of Baltimore, the
proposed amendment shall be part of the Constitution if it
receives a majority of the votes cast in the State and in the
affected county or City of Baltimore, as the case may be.
When two or more amendments shall be submitted to the
voters of this State at the same election, they shall be so
submitted as that each amendment shall be voted on

SEC. 1A. A proposed Constitutional amendment
which, by provbions that are of limited duration, provides
for a period of transition, or a unique schedule under which
the terms of the amendment are to become effective, shall
set forth those provisions in the amendment as a section or
sections of a separate article, to be known as "provisions of
limited duration", and state the date upon which or the
circumstances under which those provisions shall expire. If
the Constitutional amendment is adopted, those provisions
of limited duration shall have the same force and effect as
any other part of the Constitution, except that they shall
remain a part of the Constitution only so long as their terms
require. Each new section of the article known as
"provisions of limited duration" shall refer to the ode and
section of the other article of the Constitution of which it,
temporarily, is a part.

SEC. 2.210 It shall be the duty of the General Assemb-
ly to provide by Law for taking, at the general election to
be held in the year nineteen hundred and seventy, and
every twenty years thereafter, the sense of the People in
regard to calling a Convention for altering this Constitu-

Article XV

tion; and if a majority of voters at such election or elections
shall vote for a Convention, the General Assembly, at its
next session, shall provide by Law for the assembling of
such convention, and for the election of Delegates thereto.
Each County, and Legislative District of the City of Bal-
timore, shall have in such Convention a number of
Delegates equal to its representation in both Houses at the
time at which the Convention is called. But any Constitu-
tion, or change, or amendment of the existing Constitu-
tion, which may be adopted by such Convention, shall be
submitted to the voters of this State, and shall have no
effect unless the same shall have been adopted by a majority
of the voters voting thereon.



SECTION I.211 Every person holding any office
created by, or existing under the Constitution, or Laws of
the State, or holding any appointment under any Court of
this State, whose pay, or compensation is derived from fees,
or moneys coming into his hands for the discharge of his
official duties, or, in any way, growing out of, or connected
with his office, shall keep a book in which shall be entered
every sum, or sums of money, received by him, or on his
account, as a payment or compensation for his performance
of official duties, a copy of which entries in said book,
verified by the oath of the officer, by whom it is directed to
be kept, shall be returned yearly to the Comptroller of the
State for his inspection, and that of the General Assembly
of the State, to which the Comptroller shall, at each regular
session thereof, make a report showing what officers have
complied with this Section; and each of the said officers,
when the amount received by him for the year shall exceed
the sum which he is by Law entitled to retain, as his salary
or compensation for the discharge of his duties, and for the
expenses of his office, shall yearly pay over to the Treasurer
of the State the amount of such excess, subject to such
disposition thereof as the General Assembly may direct; if
any of such officers shall fail to comply with the requisitions
of this section for the period of thirty days after the
expiration of each and every year of his office, such officer
shall be deemed to have vacated his office, and the Gover-
nor shall declare the same vacant, and the vacancy therein
shall be filled as in the case of vacancy for any other cause,
and such officer shall be subject to suit by the State for the
amount that ought to be paid into the Treasury.

SEC. 2.212 Any elected official of the State, or of a
county or of a municipal corporation who during his term
of office is convicted of or enters a pica ofnolo contendere
to any crime which is a felony, or which is a misdemeanor
related to his public duties and responsibilities and involves
moral turpitude for which the penalty may be incarceration
in any penal institution, shall be suspended by operation of
law without pay or benefits from the elective office. During
and for the period of suspension of the elected official, the
appropriate governing body and/or official authorized by
law to fill any vacancy in the elective office shall appoint a
person to temporarily fill the elective office, provided that
if the elective office is one for which automatic succession
is provided by law, then in such event the person entitled
to succeed to the office shall temporarily fill the elective
office. If the conviction becomes final, after judicial review


209 Added by Chapter 680, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.

210 Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.

211 Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956; Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.

212 Originally Article XV, sec. 3, renumbered by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978. As sec. 3 it was amended by
Chapter 879, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974.

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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 778   View pdf image (33K)
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