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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 641   View pdf image (33K)
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1964. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964. Maryland Army
National Guard, 1964-70. Member, American Bankruptcy
Institute, 1983-90; National Association of Bankruptcy
Trustees, 1985-90. Wicomico County Bar Association
(vice-president, 1977; president, 1978). Member,
Maryland State and American Bar Assocations; The As-
sociation of Trial Lawyers of America; Maryland Trial
Lawyers Association; Commercial Law League of
America (member, bankruptcy and insolvency section,
1982-90); Trustee in Bankruptcy in Maryland, 1964-90.

GERAKD WM. WITTSTADT. Associate Judge, Bal-
timore County, District 8, District Court of Maryland,
since 1976. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 25,1932.
Mt. St. Joseph's High School; University of Maryland,
A.B., 1954; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D.,
1957. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1957. Served in U.S.
Marine Corps. Member, American, Maryland State and
Baltimore County Bar Associations. University ofMufylaiui
Law Review. Former assistant attorney general of Maryland
and assistant public defender of Maryland.

SYLVANIA W. WOODS. Associate Judge, Prince
George's County, District 5, District Court of Maryland,
since 1976. Born in Fort Gaines, Georgia, August 4,1927.
Attended public schools in Fort Gaines; Morris Brown
College, Atlanta, B.A., 1949; Atlanta University;
American University School of Law, J.D., 1960. Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1969. Served in U.S. Navy. Member,
Washington, District of Columbia and Prince George's
County Bar Associations. Vice-Chairman, Prince George's

District Court Bwgraphies/641

County Democratic Party; regional vice-chairman,
Maryland State Democratic Party, 1974-76; judge advo-
cate, American Legion, Department of Maryland, 1975.

PATRICK L. WOODWARD. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of
Maryland, since 1991.

DAVID W. YOUNG. Associate Judge, Baltimore Coun-
ty, District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1985. Born
in Hagcrstown, Maryland, August 26, 1951. North
Hagerstown High School; Hagerstown Junior College,
A.A., 1971; University of Maryland Baltimore County,
B.A., 1974; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D.,
1977. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1980. Member,
American, Baltimore City and Monumental City Bar As-
sociations. Legal Reporter, Baltimore County Commis-
sion on Charter Revision, 1977. Assistant City Solicitor,
Baltimore City, 1980-85. Member, Selective Service Sys-
tem Local Board, 1980—. President, Board of Managers,
Druid Hill Family YMCA, 1990—. Board of directors,
Family and Children's Services of Central Maryland; board
of directors, Baltimore Reads, Inc.; steering committee,
Second Generation Scholarship Fund (UMBC); advisory
committee, Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound Program.
Named outstanding young man of America by National
Jaycees, 1979. Recipient, Baltimore City Police Dept.
commendation, 1981; certificate of appreciation, Bal-
timore Chapter, American Red Cross, 1984; Baltimore
City Board of Estimates commendation, 1985.


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 641   View pdf image (33K)
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