THOMAS A. LOHM. District Administrative Judge,
Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of
Maryland, since 1983 (Associate Judge, 1980—). Born in
Clarksburg, West Virginia, June 20, 1922. Bethesda-
Chevy Chase High School; U.S. Merchant Marine
Academy, engineering, 1943. Served in U.S. Navy, 1943-
46. George Washington University, B.A., 1949; George
Washington University School of Law, LL.B., 1951. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1954. Member, Montgomery
County Bar Association. Member, American Legion.
MICHAEL E. LONEY. Associate Judge, Anne Arundcl
County, District 7, District Court of Maryland, since 1990.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 17,1939. University of
Baltimore (Baltimore College of Commerce), A.A., 1963;
University of Baltimore (Eastern College - Mt. Vernon),
LL.B., 1966. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1966. Member,
American, Maryland State and Annc Arundel County Bar
Associations. Member, American Trial Lawyers Associa-
tion. Member, William Paca Inn of Court. Past president,
Annc Arundel County Bar Association. Past member. Judi-
cial Selection Commission. Master and examiner, Annc
Arundel County Circuit Court, 1976-90. Hearing officer,
Anne Arundel County Board of Education, 1984-90.
DONALD M. LOWMAN. Associate Judge,Anne Arun-
del County, District 7, District Court of Maryland, since
1982. Born in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, January
19, 1928. Attended Glen Burnic schools. Served in U.S.
Navy, 1946-48. Eastern College; Mt. Vernon School of
Law, LL.B., J.D., 1968. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969.
Member, Maryland State and Annc Arundel County Bar
Associations. Office of the Public Defender, Annc Arundel
County, 1972-82. Member, Elks; Masonic Order.
JOSEPH P. MANCK. Associate Judge, Anne Arundel
County, District 7, District Court of Maryland, since 1989.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 3, 1947. Gettysburg
College, B.A., 1969; University of Baltimore School of Law,
J.D., cum laudc, 1972. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972.
Member, American, Maryland State and Anne Arundel
County Bar Associations; District of Columbia Bar. Member,
American Trial Lawyers Association; Maryland Trial
Lawyers Association. Law Clerk to Judge E. Mackall Childs,
Annc Arundel County Circuit Court, 1971-72. Counsel to
Annc Arundel County Board of Appeals, 1975-78. Chair-
man, Annapolis Zoning Board of Appeals, 1976-77. Mem-
ber, Character Committee of State Board of Law Examiners,
1982—. Lecturer, Evidence for Paralegals, University of
Maryland Paralegal Studies, 1982-83. Member, Heuisler
Honor Society; Nu Beta Epsilon.
KEITH E. MATHEWS. Associate Judge, Baltimore
City, District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1983.
Born in Stcubcnvillc, Ohio, March 2,1944. Morgan State
College, B.S., 1966. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1966-68.
University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1972. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1972. Staff attorney. Legal Aid
Bureau, Inc., 1972-73. Legislative assistant and special
counsel to Representative Parrcn J. Mitchcll, 1973-74.
Attorney, Antitrust Division, U.S. Dcpt. of Justice, 1974-
75. Partner, Foster, Mathcws & Hill, 1975-82. Assistant
State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1978-83.
MICHAEL L. McCAMPBELL. Associate Judge, Bal-
timore County, District 8, District Court of Maryland,
since 1990. Born in Detroit, Michigan, January 3, 1939.
University of Baltimore, B.A., 1978; University of Bal-
timore Law School, J.D., 1982. Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1982. Served in U.S. Navy. Member, Baltimore
District CourtBiographies/637
County Bar Association. Howard County Police Depart-
ment, 1972-77. Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore
County, 1983-84. Office of Public Defender, Baltimore
County, 1984-90.
JAMES CHARLES McKINNEY. District Administra-
tive Judge, Cecil County, District 3, District Court of
Maryland, since 1988 (Associate Judge, 1986—). Born in
Wilmington, Delaware, January 7, 1946. Attended Cecil
County public schools; Washington College, B.A., 1968;
University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1975. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1975. Member, Maryland State
and Cecil County Bar Associations. Assistant State's Attor-
ney, Cecil County, 1977-81. Deputy State's Attorney,
Cecil County, 1982-86. Treasurer, Cecil County
Democratic Central Committee, 1982-86.
HENRY J. MONAHAN. Associate Judge, Montgomery
County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, since 1981.
Born in New York City, November 15,1932. St. Thomas
Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, AA., 1952; Fail-field
University and Walsh School of Foreign Service, Geor-
getown University, B.S., 1955. Served in U.S. Army
Counter-Intelligence Corps, 1955-57. Georgetown Univer-
sity School of Law, LL.B., 1963. Admitted to District of
Columbia Bar, 1964, Maryland Bar, 1969. Member,
American, Maryland State, Montgomery County and Dis-
trict of Columbia Bar Associations. Assistant U.S. Attorney
for District of Columbia, 1964-69. Past president, Orchar-
dale Citizen Association; past chairman. Little Flower Parish
Council. Member, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; Board of
Directors, Catholic Youth Organization. Board of Directors,
Immaculata College High School, Rockvillc, Maryland,
1985-86. Member, Montgomery County Task Force on
Spousal Abuse, 1988—. Member, Montgomery County Bar
Foundation. American Inns of Court, Montgomery County
Chapter. Member, numerous Judicial Conference, Maryland
State Bar and Montgomery County Bar Committees. Moot
Court Judge, Georgetown and American University Law
Schools. Member, Catholic War Veterans; Disabled
American Veterans.
DOUGLAS H. MOORE, JR. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of
Maryland, since 1967. Born in Washington, DC, January
30, 1926. Bethcsda-Chevy Chase High School; George
Washington University, B.S., 1950; George Washington
University Law School, J.D., 1953. Admitted to Maryland
and District of Columbia Bars, 1954. Served in U.S. Army
Air Corps. Member, Maryland State, Montgomery County
and District of Columbia Bar Associations; National
Council of Juvenile Court Judges; Maryland Council of
Juvenile Court Judges; Metro Area Council of Juvenile
Court Judges. Assistant corporation counsel. District of
Columbia, 1956-58. Assistant county attorney,
Montgomery County, 1958-60; deputy county attorney,
Montgomery County, 1960-67. Judge, People's Court for
Juvenile Causes, 1967-71. Judgc-in-charge, Juvenile
Division, District 6, District Court of Maryland. Chair-
man, Advisory Board of Juvenile Services; Judicial Con-
ference Committee on Juvenile and Family Law and
Procedure, 1978. Member, Bcnchboolc Committee for
Maryland Courts. Washingtonian of the Year Award,
Wushnyunian Magaaw, Bethcsda-Chevy Chase Chamber
of Commerce President's Award for Service to the Youth of
Montgomery County.