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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 587   View pdf image (33K)
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Robert C. Murphy, Chief Judge .................................. 2nd Appellate Circuit, 1989

Robert L. Ksrwacki, Judge ....................................... 1st Appellate Circuit, 1992

John F. McAuliffe.Jt^e ....................................... 3rd Appellate Circuit, 1995

Howard S. Chasanow,J«^e .................................... 4th Appellate Circuit, 1992

John C. Eldridge.J^e ........................................ 5th Appellate Circuit, 1991

Lawrence F. 'Bdodo-wsky, Judge ................................... 6th Appellate Circuit, 1992

Robert M. Bell,J«d^ .......................................... 6th Appellate Circuit, 1992

Courts of Appeal Building

361 Rowe Blvd.

Annapolis, MD 21401 974-3341


FY1991 appropriation ...................................................... $2,433,638

FY1991 authorized positions ........................................................ 37



Alexander L. Cummings, Clerk (appointed

CHIEF JUDGE ^ court ^P^) •••••••• .974-3341
Robert C. Murphy, Chief'Jmtge (designated by CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK.

Governor) ......................... 974-3923 Robert C. Frankc .......... .974-3341



As the highest tribunal in Maryland, the Court of Appeals was created by the Constitution of 1776.

The Court of Appeals hears cases almost exclusively by way ofceniwari (i.e., on review). The Court
may review a case decided by the Court of Special Appeals or may bring up for review cases filed in that
court before they are decided there. The Court of Appeals also may review certain decisions rendered by
the Circuit Court if that court acted in an appellate capacity with respect to an appeal from the District
Court. The Court may adopt rules of judicial administration, practice, and procedure which have the force
of law. It also reviews recommendations of the State Board of Law Examiners and conducts disciplinary
proceedings involving members of the bench and bar.

Throughout the year, the Court of Appeals holds hearings on the adoption or amendment of rules of
practice and procedure. It also supervises the Attorney Grievance Commission and admits persons to the
practice of law (Code Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, sees. 12-301 through 12-307). The term
of the Court begins the second Monday of September.

The Court is composed of seven members, one from each of the first five Appellate Judicial Circuits
and two from the Sixth Appellate Judicial Circuit (Baltimore City). After initial appointment by the
Governor and confirmation by the Senate, members of the Court run for office on their records without
opposition. If the voters reject the retention in office of a judge, or the vote is tied, the office becomes
vacant. Otherwise, the incumbent judge is retained in office for a ten-year term. The Chief Judge of the
Court of Appeals, designated by the Governor, is the constitutional administrative head of the Maryland
judicial system (Const., Art. IV, sees. 5A, 18(b)).

The clerk of the Court of Appeals is appointed by the Court. The clerk maintains the docket, receives
briefs and transcripts of cases filed with the Court, and maintains official custody of Court decisions, Acts
of the General Assembly, and other records required to be filed with the Court (Const., Art. IV sec. 17).

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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 587   View pdf image (33K)
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