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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 576   View pdf image (33K)
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576/Maryland Manual

The Commission conducts research and estab-
lishes regulations to reduce the volume of low-level
radioactive waste. The Commission also prepares
contingency plans in the event the regional facility
is closed; collects fees from party states until the
regional facility becomes available; and enters into
temporary agreements for emergency disposal.
The Commission provides for its own organiza-
tion and procedures, by-laws, rules, and regulations
(Code Environment Article, sees. 7-301 through


Chairperson: Duane Harris, Connecticut

Maryland representatives: Dr. Paul 0. Massicot,
Administrator, Tidewater Administration; James E.
McClellan, House of Delegates; Albert F. Goetze,
Governor's appointee, 1989.

Laura C. Leach, Interim Executive Director

1400 16th St., N.W
Washington, DC 20036 (202) 387-5330

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commis-
sion is an outgrowth of the Eastern Conservation
Conference begun in 1937. Seven states, including
Maryland, drew up and ratified a compact in 1941
(Chapter 435, Acts of 1941). This compact, as-
sented to by the U.S. Congress and signed by the
President in 1942, is the legal basis of the Atlantic
States Marine fisheries Commission.
The Commission advises federal and state agen-
cies on developing joint programs for particular
species of fish or bodies of water common to two
or more states. These programs may lead to uniform
laws or varying but coordinated measures. Each
participating state contributes to the support of the
Commission in proportion to the value of its marine
fisheries catch as compared with the total Atlantic
The Commission issues annual reports and
minutes of meetings. All are on file with the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources. The Commission also
publishes and distributes several other fisheries-re-
lated reports, as well as fishery management plans
for Atlantic coast species, which are available from
the Commission office.
The Commission has a membership of fifteen
Atlantic seaboard states. Each state is represented
by three commissioners. One commissioner repre-
sents the scare agency charged with conservation of
fisheries resources, one is a legislator, and one is
selected by die governor for a thrcc-ycdr term
(Code Natural Resources Article, sees. 4-301
through 4-305).


Chairperson: W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr., Virginia
Vice-Chairperson: Gerald W. Winegrad, Maryland
Vice-Chairperson: Jeffrey W. Coy, Pennsylvania

Maryland members: Torrey C. Brown, Secretary of
Natural Resources; JackF. Wicten, citizen member;
C. Bernard Fowler, State Senate; Michael H. Weir,
John F. Wood, Jr., House of Delegates.

Ann Pesiri Swanson, Executive Director

60 West St., Suite 200A
Annapolis, MD 21401 263-3420

Originally founded on a bi-state agreement be-
tween Maryland and Virginia, the Chesapeake Bay
Commission was created in 1980 (Chapter 674,
Acts of 1980). Its formation stemmed from recom-
mendations of the Chesapeake Bay Legislative Ad-
visory Commission on the need for improved
interstate coordination of Bay-wide management.
In 1985, Pennsylvania became a member of the
The Commission helps the legislatures of
Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania evaluate and
respond to problems of mutual concern relating to
Chesapeake Bay. It encourages coordinated
resource planning and action by the three member
states and their agencies. Through recommenda-
tions to the respective legislatures, the Commission
also provides, where appropriate, uniformity of
legislative application.
The Commission publishes an annual report,
occasional issue papers, and an annual legislative
progress report that summarizes Bay-related legis-
lative concerns of the member states. These publi-
cations are available upon request.

The Commission consists of twenty-one mem-
bers, seven from each of the signatory states. Five
members from each state are state legislators. Of the
five Maryland legislative members, two are senators
designated by the Senate President and three are
delegates designated by the Speaker of the House
of Delegates. The Governor or designee serves as a
member. Another member, who is neither a legis-
lator nor a member of the Executive branch, is
jointly selected by the Senate President and the
House Speaker. Legislative members serve terms
coterminous with their current terms of office.
Nonlegislative members serve at the pleasure of
their respective appointing authorities, but no
longer than four years unless reappointed. The
chairperson and vice-chairperson are selected by the
members, with each position alternating annually
among the delegations from the three states (Code
Natural Resources Article, sees. 8-302 through 8-


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 576   View pdf image (33K)
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