520/Maryland Manual
T. Eloise Foster, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor: Caryl Lee Connor, 1991;
Gene A. Hessey, 1991; John J. Lordan, 1991;
Anna A. Curry, 1992; Gregory Russell, 1992;
Richelle Emerick, 1993; Gerald H. Spivey, 1993;
Tom Taylor, 1993.
Ex officio: Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the
Treasury; Lucille Maurer, State Treasurer.
Barbara Melanson, Executive Director
305 Winston Avc.
Baltimore, MD 21212 435-0922
Annual Report to Governor, Comptroller of the
Treasury, Senate President, House Speaker, and
Secretary of Budget 6rFiscal Planning due Jan.
The Maryland Higher Education Supplemental
Loan Authority was created in 1982 (Chapter 488,
Acts of 1982). The Authority issues tax-exempt
revenue bonds, notes, or other evidences of indeb-
tedness on behalf of participating colleges and
universities, which use the proceeds for student
loans. Loan applications and brochures describing
the loan program are available upon request. The
Authority is self-supporting and does not receive an
appropriation of State funds.
The Authority consists of eleven members. Nine
are appointed by the Governor and two serve ex
officio. Of the appointed members, two are trustees,
directors, officers, or employees of institutions of
higher education, at least one of whom is from an
institution nor owned or operated by the State or
any of its political subdivisions. Two members are
experienced in State and municipal finance, one in
higher education finance, and two in student finan-
cial aid. Two members are appointed from the public
at large. Members serve three-year terms. The
Authority appoints the Executive Director (Code
Education Article, sees. 18-1301 through 18-1319).
Alice G. Pinderhughes, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Evelyn T. Beasley, 1989;
Thomas A. Cardaci, 1989; Ronald L. Leonard,
1989; Mimi Selig, 1991; Duane E. Yoder, 1991;
John G. Brandenburg, 1993; Mark H. Friedman,
1993; James E. Matthews, 1993; Bernard L.
Tetrault, 1993; one vacancy.
Ex officio: Jacqueline H. Rogers, Secretary of
Housing & Community Development
330 North Charles St., Suite 304
Baltimore, MD 21201 625-0100
The Maryland Housing Resource Corporation
originated in 1985 as the Rental Housing Resource
Corporation, a nongovernmental entity established
to stimulate the construction and rehabilitation of
low-income rental housing in the State (Chapter
732, Acts of 1985). The Corporation received its
present name in 1987 (Chapter 309, Acts of 1987).
The Corporation operates a special fund that con-
sists of interest money earned on trust accounts
held by real estate licensees or on escrow accounts
held by vendors or builders of new houses, and
grants, donations, and federal funds. The Corpora-
tion is exempt from State and local taxes.
The Corporation is governed by a board of
directors whose members are appointed to three-
year terms by the Governor. The eleven voting
members of the board consist of licensees, repre-
sentatives of nonprofit and low-income housing
organizations, and the general public. The
Secretary of Housing and Community Develop-
ment (or designee) serves ex officio as a nonvoting
member (Code Financial Institutions Article, sees.
13-601 through 13-614).
Susan P. Leviton, Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent:
Martin I. Caplan, 1991; Sylvia S. Rodriguez, 1991;
George E. Dredden, Jr., 1993; Patricia M.
Mathews, 1993; Marion Shepley Sjodin, 1993;
Benjamin Harrison, Jr., 1995; Vincent A. Mulicri,
1995; Oscar Schuiz, 1995.
Jennifer Burdick, Executive Director
Louis Martin, Deputy Director
Benny F. Short, Assistant Director
20 E. Franklin St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-1700
toll free: 1-800-637-MCHR
TTY for Deaf: 333-1737
Eastern Shore Office
502 Race St.
Cambridge, MD 21613 228-0112
Western Maryland Office
Professional Arts Building, Room 305
Hagerstown, MD 21740 791-4011
BUDGET (CODE 23.12.00)
FY1991 Total Appropriation ...... $3,896,635
General Funds .................. $3,416,635
FederalFunds ..................$ 480,000
FY1991 Total Authorized Positions ........ 81