President, The Johns Hopkins University; Donald
N. Langenberg, Ph.D., Chancellor, University of
Maryland System; Christopher B. Nelson,
President, St. John's College; Earl S. Richardson,
Ed.D., President, Morgan State University.
Appointed by Senate President: Julian L. Lapides
Appointed by House Speaker: Anne Scarlett Perkins
Secretary: Edward C. Papcnfuse, Ph.D., State Archivist
The Hall of Records Commission was created in
1935 (Chapter 18, Acts of 1935). The Commission
serves as an advisory body to the State Archives.
The Commission reviews and comments upon
proposed budget, publications, and public access
policies of the Archives.
The Commission is composed of eleven mem-
bers. Nine serve ex officio. Two are members of the
General Assembly: one senator, appointed by the
Senate President, and one delegate, appointed by
the House Speaker (Code State Government Ar-
ticle, sees. 9-1001 through 9-1006).
Oden Bowie, Chairperson
Appointed by State Archivist with Governor's approval:
Nancy Brennan; William Voss Elder III; Sara
Barker Hanan; Dorothy Mcllvain Scott.
Ex officio: WinfieldM. Kelly, Jr., Secretary of State;
Joseph M. Coale III, President, Historic Annapolis,
Inc.; Kenneth N. Weaver, Ph.D., Director,
Maryland Geological Survey.
Secretary: Edward C. Papenfuse, Ph.D., State Archivist
Nancy M. Bramucci, Curator
State Archives
350 Rowe Blvd.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-3867
The Commission on Artistic Property was
created in 1969 (Chapter 111, Acts of 1969). Itwas
incorporated into the State Archives in 1984
(Chapter 286, Acts of 1984).
The Commission keeps a continuing inventory
of all valuable paintings and other decorative arts
located in a public area of any State building in the
Annapolis area, except a State room of the
Governor's Mansion. The Commission also
provides for the acquisition, location, proper care,
custody restoration, display, and preservation of
these paintings and decorative arts. Every person,
agency, or organization desiring to acquire a paint-
ing or other decorative art work for display in a
State building or premises in the Annapolis area,
except in a room of the Governor's Mansion, must
secure from the Commission both prior approval
and final acceptance of the painting or decorative
art work. In such instances, the Commission con-
Independent Agencies/SOl
siders the competence of the artist, the proposed
location, and the quality historical significance, and
appropriateness of the work.
The Commission may, with the approval of the
Governor and the State Archivist, receive and ac-
cept gifts and loans of paintings and decorative art
works. Widi the approval of the Governor, the State
Archivist may accept gifts of money for the Com-
mission from any source, public or private, and
thereafter administer and expend the funds accord-
ing to the conditions and terms of the gift.
The Commission consists of eight members ap-
pointed by the State Archivist with the approval of
the Governor. At least one member must represent
a cultural institution in Maryland. Three members
serve ex officio. The State Archivist, with the ap-
proval of the Governor, designates the chairperson
(Code State Government Article, sees. 9-1016
through 9-1023).
Lloyd W. Jones, Director of Assessments & Taxation
Vacancy, Deputy Director
301 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-1184
toll free: 1-800-462-1803
Property Tax Credit Programs: 321-3750
Property Tax Credit, toll free: 1-800-492-3790
BUDGET (CODE 24.03.00)
FY1991 Total Appropriation $87,199,789
General Funds ................. $87,199,789
FY1991 Total Authorized Positions ....... 902
Annual Report to General Assembly.
Copy of annual report by every cooperative to be
transmitted to Department of Agriculture.
Lloyd W. Jones, Director of Assessments ^r- TuxMwn
(appointed by Governor) ..............225-1184
William W. Saltzman .......... .225-1188
Vacancy ........................225-1184
John J. Qmnn,Associ»tt Director
...................... .225-1194
Paul Andcrson, Corporate Administrator
.........,.........: 225-1330
....... toll free: 1-800-962-7010
Robert E. Young, Associate Director