392/Maryland Manual
of Special Session of 1973). The Board licenses
landscape architects who desire to practice in
Maryland. It holds examinations at least once a year
and determines who may be exempt from the
provisions of the law.
The Board comprises five members appointed to
three-year terms by the Governor upon the recom-
mendation of the Secretary of Licensing and
Regulation with Senate advice and consent. Three
members must be registered landscape architects of
recognized standing and must have engaged in the
practice of landscape architecture in Maryland for
at least five years prior to appointment. Additional
members representing the interests of consumers
may be appointed by the Governor. Authorization
for the Board continues until July 1, 1993 (Code
Business Occupations and Professions Article, sees.
9-101 through 9-702).
Milton B. Sachse, Chairperson, 1990
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
advice of Secretary of Licensing & Regulation: David
L. Bindler, 1990; Donald W. Can-oil, Jr., 1990;
Stephen M. Farkas, 1990; Brian H. Hope, 1990;
Richard W. Owen III, 1991; Joseph B. Smith,
Ex officio: Judith B. Donaldson, designee of
Secretary of Licensing & Regulation; Michael R.
Watson, President, Association of Maryland Pilots.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
In Maryland, boat pilots were regulated first in
1787, when a board was formed to examine the
qualifications of those who practiced the "art of
piloting in Chesapeake bay and the rivers thereof
(Chapter 26, Acts of 1787). Numerous boards were
appointed thereafter to examine, license, and set
fees. The State Board of Pilots was created as the
Board of Examiners of Maryland Pilots in 1969 to
license pilots (Chapter 575, Acts of 1969). The
Board received its present name in 1989 (Chapter
3, Acts of 1989). The Board establishes rules and
regulations to ensure the safety of pilotage services.
In 1984, the responsibility for setting pilotage fees
and charges was transferred to the Public Service
Commission (Chapter 727, Acts of 1984).
The Board consists of nine members appointed
for two-year terms by the Governor. The Secretary
of Licensing and Regulation (or designee) serves ex
officio and the eight remaining members are ap-
pointed with the Secretary's advice. Four members
must be licensed or retired pilots with at least five
years experience. Two must be members of the
steamship industry who actively employ pilots, and
two are consumer representatives. The President of
the Association of Maryland Pilots also serves ex
officio on the Board. Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1, 1993 (Code Business Oc-
cupations and Professions Article, sees. 11-101
through 11-802).
Milton Snyder, Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
advice of Secretary of Licensing & Regulation and
Senate advice & consent: James C. Fitzsimmons,
1989; Elmer Doan, 1990; John E. Mertens, 1990;
Charles J. Morgan, Jr., 1990; N. Paul Joyner,
1991; Harry T. Phoebus, Jr., 1991; Edwin E.
Schanken, 1991; CliveT. Hendrix, 1992.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The first board for examining and licensing
plumbers in Maryland was established in 1886
(Chapter 439, Acts of 1886). Its jurisdiction was
limited to Baltimore City The State Board of Com-
missioners of Practical Plumbing was created with
statewide jurisdiction in 1910 (Chapter 436, Acts
of 1910). In 1988, it was renamed the State Board
of Plumbing (Chapter 647, Acts of 1988).
The Board examines and certifies journeymen
and master plumbers. It regulates the plumbing
trade. Periodically, the Board also publishes the
State Plumbing Code.
The Board is comprised of nine members. They
are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor
with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and
Regulation and Senate advice and consent. Mem-
bers include seven practical and skilled plumbers
from various regions of the State and two public
members. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1,1993 (Code Business Occupations and
Professions Article, sees. 12-101 through 12-702).
Larry S. Kaminirz, Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation: Louis V. Cavallaro, 1991;
M. Dunbar Ashbury, 1992; William Raymond
Bosley, 1992; Thomas F. Ellis III, 1992; Kara C.
King Bess, 1993; Donald E. Howard, 1993.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Scare Board of Public Accountancy
originated in 1900 (Chapter 719, Acts of 1900).
Subject to the authority of the Secretary of Licens-
ing and Regulation, the Board examines applicants
for certificates as certified public accountants;
judges applications by certified public accountants