An ongoing survey of Maryland's historic sites is
carried out by the Truiil tliruugh contract with local
jurisdictions. Results of these surveys are being pub-
lished. The most significant sites are eligible for
nomination to the National Register through the
Trust. Properties listed on the National Register
receive a degree of protection from federally licensed
or funded projects char might adversely affect them.
The Trust's community education program in-
cludes the administration of a local volunteer net-
work, represented by advisory organizations (one
in each county in Baltimore City, and in Annapolis).
Besides carrying out their own local preservation
programs, these organizations assist the Trust by
promoting its programs, grants and loans; sponsor-
ing Preservation Week activities; and advising the
Trust on preservation needs and interests. The Trust
conducts an annual conference and sponsors
regional workshops. It hosts special events and
issues publications, including news sheets and a
quarterly news magazine.
The Trust maintains a library of archival and
photographic material relating to Maryland's ar-
chaeological and architectural history.
The Board ofTruscees of the Maryland Historical
Trust is composed of fifteen members. Twelve are
appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with
Senate advice and consent. Three serve ex officio: the
Governor, the Senate President, and the Speaker of
the House of Delegates, or their designees. Trustees
appoint eight area representatives to serve one-year
terms. The Board also appoints the Director.
Maryland's State Historic Preservation Officer, ap-
pointed by the Governor pursuant to the National
Historic Preservation act of 1966, is a member of the
Trust staff. Preservation activities as required by the
federal government are carried out by the State His-
toric Preservation Officer in concert with the Trust
(Code 1957, Art. 83B, sees. 5-601 through 5-619).
Richard B. Hughes, Chief Archaeologist
Tyier J. Bastian, State Terrestrial Archaeologist
Paul F. Hundley, State Underwater Archaeologist
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032 514-7600
The Archaeology Office originated as the Division
of Archaeology under the Maryland Geological Sur-
vey In 1990, archaeological functions of the Survey
were combined with the archeology staff of the
Maryland Historical Trust, and the Division was
reformed as the Archaeology Office within the
Maryland Historical Trust (Chapter 57, Acts of 1990).
The Office directs Maryland archaeological re-
search, synthesizes research data, and promotes fur-
ther research. The Office participates in the
excavation of significant historical or archaeological
sites that are in the custody or control of a State
agency and coordinates the retrieval and preserva-
tion of objects of archaeological significance dis-
covered during the course of any public
construction in the State. The Office also en-
courages preservation of prehistoric or historic sites
located on private property
Publishing reports of its research and investiga-
tions, the Office makes exhibits available to schools
to teach students about the manner of life of the
natives and early setders of Maryland. For museums,
institutions of higher education, and scientific or
historical institutions, the Office makes available ob-
jects and materials that show the archaeological
history of the State and helps these institutions
preserve and protect archaeological items in their
custody In addition, the Office trains interested
members of the public to identify, investigate, and
register terrestrial archaeological historic property
The administrative head of the Office is the Chief
Archaeologist (Code 1957, Art. 83B, sees. 5-622
through 5-627).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of the
Secretary & with Senate advice & consent: Douglas
Comer; Richard J. Dent, Ph.D.; Robert L.
McFarlin, M.D.; Joseph M. McNamara; Henry M.
Miller, Ph.D.; two vacancies.
Formerly under the Maryland Geological Survey
the Advisory Committee on Archaeology was trans-
ferred to the Maryland Historical Trust in 1990
(Chapter 57, Acts of 1990). The Committee advises
and assists the Archaeology Office on archaeological
matters and reviews policies, plans, rules, and regula-
tions concerned with archaeological matters.
The Committee's seven members are appointed to
three-year terms by the Governor upon recommen-
dation of the Secretary of Housing and Community
Development and with Senate advice and consent.
Paul F. Hundley, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Alan B. Albrighr; J. Barto
Arnold III; Tyier J. Bastian; John B. Broadwater;
David A. C. Carroll; Wayne E. dark; Elizabeth A.
Comer; Mark R. Edwards; Ralph Eshelman; F.
Ross Holland, Jr.; Richard B. Hughes; Donald H.
Keith; Thomas F. King; John W. Kiser; Emory
Krisroff; J. Rodney Little; Edward Miller; Henry
M. Miller; Curt Pererson; Michael Roberts; Paul E.
Schurick; Katherine Singley; Michael A. Smoiek;
Robert Sonderman; Mark L. Wasserman.