Sara Jane Hayle, C.R.N.P., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Nursing & State Board of
Physician Quality Assurance: Frank Barranco,M.D.;
Peter Stamas, M.D.; Linda Troupe, C.R.N.P.;
Shirley Van Zandt, C.R.N.P.; Theodore Wison,
The Nurse Practitioner Joint Committee was
created in 1981. The Committee reviews written
agreements between nurse practitioners and
physicians. The Committee then makes recommen-
dations to the State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance and the State Board of Nursing.
The Committee has six members. Three are ap-
pointed by the State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance and three by the State Board of Nursing.
Debra Benoit-Sivertson, C.R.N.P., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Nursing: Joyce Klein
Clair; Linda Foster; C. Kelly; Kathi Kidowski;
Karen Jaffe Lefler.
Organized in 1981, the Nurse Practitioner Peer
Review Committee oversees the use of health in-
surance and medical assistance benefits by certified
nurse practitioners. The Committee is appointed by
the State Board of Nursing (Code Health Occupa-
tions Article, sec. 7-504).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Nursing: not yet
The Rehabilitation Committee was authorized
in 1988 (Chapter 508, Acts of 1988).
The State Board of Nursing selects the
Committee's five members who are licensed registered
nurses with expertise in the field of chemical depend-
ency or psychiatric nursing. One member is a licensed
practical nurse, and one, a consumer knowledgeable
in the field of chemical dependency (Code Health
Occupations Article, sec. 7-208).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Carville D. Duncan, Vke-Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair &
vice-chair) with advice of Secretary of Health & Mental
Hygiene (consumer members also appointed with Senate
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene/319
advice ^consent): John R. Rosser, Jr., Ed.D., 1991;
Jules I. Cahan.M.D., 1992; Hilary H. Klein, 1992;
Darell R. Cammack, Jr., 1993; Theodore H.
Johnson, 1993; Jeaneanne S. Streib, 1993; Joseph
E. Devadoss, 1994; Cleve Laue, Jr., 1994; Eleanor
K. Wang, 1994.
Howard E. White, Executive Secretary
4201 Eatterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4750
Established in 1970, the State Board of Ex-
aminers of Nursing Home Administrators ex-
amines, licenses, and registers nursing home
administrators (Chapter 262, Acts of 1970). Licen-
ses must be renewed with the Board every two
years. They may be revoked or suspended for cause.
In addition, the Board studies nursing homes and
their administrators.
The Board consists of ten membiers appointed to
three-year terms by the Governor upon recommen-
dation of the Secretary ofHealth and Mental Hygiene.
Pour members are nursing home administrators; four
are not nursing home administrators but are actively
engaged in professions concerned with the care of the
chronically ill, infirm, or aged; and two are consumers.
Consumer members are appointed with Senate advice
and consent. They are not trained as nursing home
administrators, have no financial interests in a related
field, and have no household member who works in
this or a related field. The Governor designates the
chairperson and vice-chairperson; the Board appoints
the executive secretary Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1,1993 (Code Health Occupa-
tions Article, sees. 8-201 through 8-502).
Diane Gray Hunter, O.T.R., President, 1991
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene (consumer member also
appointed with Senate advice ^r consent): Deborah
Lieberman, O.T.R., 1991; Alice Victoria Arthur,
1992; Harry E. Smith, Sr., 1992; Jo A. Hubbs,
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4728
The State Board of Occupational Therapy Prac-
tice was created in 1978 (Chapter 909, Acts of
1978). The Board administers, coordinates, and
enforces the provisions of the Maryland Occupa-
tional Therapy Practice Act. The Board evaluates
the qualifications of applicants for licensure and
supervises the examination of applicants. It keeps a
current list of licensed occupational therapists and
occupational therapy assistants.
The Board's five members are appointed for
three-year terms by the Governor with the advice