312/Maryland Manual
James P. Klink, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene:
John H. Funkey, 1989; Margaret Neely, 1990;
Susan W. Owens, 1991; Hardev Singh Palta, 1991;
Charles F. Pearce III, 1991; Willarda Virginia
Edwards, M.D., 1992; Rayna M. Keyser, R.N.,
1992; Mary Etta Mills, Sc.D., 1992; Patrick P.
Mutch, M.P.H., 1993; Zorayda Lee-Llacer, M.D,
1994; Richard Cioffi, M.D, 1995; Karen B. Lewis,
Carol Benner, Administrator
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 764-2750
The State Advisory Board on Hospital Licensing
was established in 1945. The Board advises the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene on stand-
ards for hospitals, the issuance or denial of hospital
licenses, and the approval of applications for hospi-
tal conversions, alterations, or additions.
The Board consists of thirteen members ap-
pointed by the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene for five-year terms. Three members are
recommended by the Medical and Chirurgical
Faculty of die State of Maryland; one by the
Maryland Pharmaceutical Association; four by the
Maryland Hospital Association; and one (an owner
or administrator of a licensed nursing home) by the
Health Facilities Association of Maryland. Two
members are recommended by the Maryland Nur-
ses Association. Those recommended by the
Maryland Hospital Association must include two
hospital administrators, a trustee of a Maryland
hospital, and a physician engaged in the private
practice of medicine who is a member of the Medical
and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland.
At least two members must reside in Baltimore City
and at least two in the counties. Two members
represent the public (Code Health—General Ar-
ticle, sees. 19-303 through 19-306).
Gene Heisler, Deputy Director
The Long-Term Care Program regulates nursing
homes, domiciliary care homes, day care for the
elderly, and community-based treatment programs
for the mentally ill and substance abusers. The
Division Program also investigates unlicensed
domiciliary care homes.
William H. Don-ill, Deputy Director
The Hospitals and Ambulatory Care Program
regulates hospitals, major medical equipment, risk
management, and physician credenrialling, as well
as health maintenance organizations, home health
agencies, State hospitals, health care facilities in
correctional institutions, and community-based
treatment programs for the developmentally dis-
abled. The Program also surveys federal programs
for compliance with Medicare regulations. These
programs cover end-stage renal dialysis, inde-
pendent and outpatient physical therapists, com-
prehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities,
ambulatory surgical centers, rural health clinics, and
portable X-ray units.
The Complaint and Quality Assurance Unit in-
vestigates all complaints about any health-related
facility The Unit also monitors the quality of nurs-
ing, sanitation, and dietary services.
Charles 0. Fisher, Sr, Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chait):
Richard G. Frank, Ph.D., 1991; James R. Wood,
1991; Susan R. Guarnieri, M.D., 1992; C. James
Lowrhers, 1993; Barry A. Kuhne, 1994; William
B. Russell, M.D., 1994.
John M. Colmers, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-2649
The State Health Services Cose Review Com-
mission was established in 1971 to monitor all fiscal
affairs of Maryland's hospitals and related institu-
tions (Chapter 627, Acts of 1971). The Commis-
sion publicly may disclose a hospital's financial
position, its verified total costs incurred in rendering
health services, and the level of reasonableness of its
rates as determined by Commission review and
certification. The Commission also evaluates the
adequacy of each institution's financial resources to
meet its financial requirements. When these resour-
ces are inadequate, the Commission seeks solutions.
The Commission assures purchasers of hospital
health care that total costs are reasonably related to
the total services offered by the hospital, that ag-
gregate rates are set in reasonable relationship to
die hospital's aggregate costs, and that rates are set
equitably among all purchasers of services without
undue discrimination.
The Commission consists of seven members ap-
pointed to four-year terms by the Governor, who
also designates the chairperson. Authorization for
the Commission continues until July 1,1993 (Code
Health—General Article, sees. 19-201 through 19-