160/Maryland Manual
nology resource specialists serve the Eastern Shore
and Western Maryland. By April 1991, the Program
had helped over 50 people with disabilities to ob-
tain assisrive devices. Awards covered home renova-
tion to accommodate a wheelchair, wheelchairs,
telecommunication devices for the hearing im-
paired, and computer hardware and software.
Diane K. Ebberts, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Price Baum; Susan Bogart;
Mary Brady; Robert Burns; Charles Caldwell, Jr.;
Harsha Desai; Edward Duggan; Peter S. Fanning;
David Hayden; Patricia Jamison; Carl J. Jensema;
Eileen Jones; David Kimelman; John Koch;
William Lee; Karen-Ann Lichtenstein; Kali Mallik;
Sandra J. Malone; Willis Mann; Roderick J.
McDonald; Diana O'Conor; Denise K. Ovelgone;
Elizabeth Rogovsky; Winston Sibert; Jeffrey
Silverman; Paul Singleton; Selig Solomon; J. H,
Srachlin; J. Carl Uhrmacher.
The Management Committee of the Technology
Assistance Program was appointed by the Gover-
nor in December 1989 to oversee the Program. The
majority of its members are consumers, with State
and private agencies that provide services to the
disabled also represented.
Nancy J. Nowak, Executive Director
301 W Preston St., 15th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202 225-1834
FY1991 Total Appropriation ........ $293,343
General Funds ................... $293,343
FY1991 Total Authorized Positions .......... 3
Nancy J. Nowak....................... 225-1834
Nancy J. Nowak, Chairperson . 225-1834
Stephen A. Bocian ................ 225-1834
The Governor's Office of Justice Assistance was
created within the Executive Department by the
Governor in 1987 (Executive Order
The Office is headed by the Executive Director
who is appointed by the Governor. For programs
in the administration of justice, the Executive Direc-
tor is responsible for the development of com-
prehensive planning and the administration and
monitoring of funds, grants, and services
authorized and appropriated under federal legisla-
tion. State and local problems in administering
justice also are evaluated by the Executive Director.
The Executive Director advises the Governor on
budget requests and legislation for the administra-
tion of justice. On national, State or local boards or
bodies concerned with the administration of justice,
the Executive Director may be designated as the
Governor's representative. The Executive Director
also serves on the Criminal Justice Information
Advisory Board.
Nancy J. Nowak, Chairperson
Vacancy, Vice-Chairperson
At large members appointed by Governor (who also
designates chair & vice-chair): Cornelius J. Behan;
Robert Y. Dubel; Michael J. Flaherty; Otis L.
Hayward; Frank J. Komenda; Sidney Kramer;
Maureen Lamb; Jerome M. Levine; Samuel C.
Linton; M. Kenneth Long, Jr.; J. Edward Malone;
David B. Mitchell; Daniel W. Moylan; Dennis F.
Rasmussen; Valeric L. Siegel; Elmer H. Tippett;
Charles F. Wellford; John C. Wobensmith.
Special consultant members appointed by Governor:
Gary C. Colston; Robert C. Heird; John G.
Kruchko; Richard H. Lane; Dale Massi; Angelo
Rossi; John A. Talbott, M.D.; Ronald J. Trethric;
Bernard C. Trueschler; Rodney Trump.
Ex ofjicio: Robert C. Murphy, Chief Judge, Court
of Appeals; Robert F. Sweeney, Chief Judge,
District Court of Maryland; J. Joseph Curran, Jr.,
Attorney General; Nelson J. Sabarini, Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene; Bishop L. Robinson,
Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services;
vacancy, State Superintendent of Schools; Nancy
S. Grasmick, Secretary of Juvenile Services; Mary
Ann Saar, Director of Operations & Public Safety,
Office of the Governor; Stephen E. Harris, Public
Defender; Edward V. Woods, Police
Commissioner, Baltimore City; Paul J. Davis,
Chairperson, Maryland Parole Commission; George
B. Rasin, Jr., Chairperson, Maryland Juvenile Justice
Advisory Council.
In 1987, the Governor's Advisory Board for
Justice Assistance was created (Executive Order
01.01.1987.17). The Board helps the Executive
Director of the Governor's Office of Justice Assis-
tance develop strategy to support the State's ap-
plication for federal aid in the administration of
justice. The Board reviews and makes recommenda-
tions to the Executive Director on all requests for
funds, grants, and services chosen by the Office for
administration or combined planning. The Board