138/Maryland Manual
JOHN FRANK SLADE III, Democrat, District 29C. Born m Leonardtown, Maryland,
August 5,1943. Great Mills High School; St. Mary's College; University of Maryland, B.S.,
1967; University of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B., 1969. Attorney. Assistant Public
Defender, 1972-74; Assistant State's Attorney, St. Mary's County, 1975-76. District Public
Defender, District 4 (Calvcrt, Charles and St. Mary's counties), 1976-82. Member, St.
Mary's County Youth Commission; St. Mary's County Community College Advisory
Board; St. Mary's County Ethics Law Review Committee; Legislative Council's Special
Committee on Rape and Related Offenses; Region II Planning Board of Governor's
Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. Member, Governor's
Committee to Review State Policy for Funding Maryland's Chesapeake Fisheries; Aquacul-
turc Advisory Committee. Married; three children. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1983. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1983-90. Member, Appropria-
tions Committee, 1991—. Chairman, Southern Maryland Delegation, 1986-90. District
office: Box 20, Valley Lee 20692; tel. 994-2930. Annapolis office: 217 Lowe House Office
Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3314.
ELIZABETH S. SMITH, Republican, District 33. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March
18, 1934. Educated in Ohio and Wisconsin parochial schools; California public schools.
Member, Chesapeake Bay Commission, 1978-83 (vice-chairman, 1983). Administrative
assistant to Senate Minority Leader, 1971-74. Delegate to Republican National Conven-
tion, 1980, 1984, 1988 (alternate, 1972,1976). Member, Republican Women of Anne
Arundel County; 5th District Republican Club; Scverna Park and Crofton Republican
Women's Clubs. Former member, board of directors, Maryland State Chamber of
Commerce. Past president. Greater Annapolis Chamber of Commerce; Maryland Clam
Festival. Member, Ladies Auxiliary of Anne Arundel General Hospital. Recipient of
honorary life membership award for outstanding service from Annapolis Chamber of
Commerce, 1968. Legislator of the Year, 1982, Anne Arundel Psychological Association.
Legislator of the Year, 1988, Marine Trades Association of Maryland. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1975. Member, Ways and Means Committee; Joint
Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review. Secretary, Maryland
Women Legislators. Member, Southern Legislative Conference (committee on federal
preemption and state/federal affairs). District office: 3438 Merrimac Rd., Harbor Hills,
Davidsonville 21035; tel. 269-0724. Annapolis office: 215 Lowe House Office Bidg.,
21401-1991; tel. 841-3223.
MICHAEL J. SPRAGUE, Democrat, District 28A. Born in Indian Head, Maryland,
October 11, 1940. Attended Indian Head public schools; Charles County Community
College; Appalachian State Teachers College, B.S., 1965. Insurance agent. Served with
U.S. Army, 1959-61. Member, Charles County Board of County Commissioners, 1970-
74. Member, Indian Head-Bryans Road Business Association; Jaycees; Lions Club; Moose;
Elks; Knights of Columbus. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. Member,
Ways and Means Committee; Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas. Former
chairperson. Southern Maryland Delegation. Served as member of Governor's Task Force
on Tourism. District office: P.O. Box 37, Bryans Road 20616; tel. 375-7995. Annapolis
office: 216 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3247.
J. LOWELL STOLTZFUS, Republican, District 38. Bom in Pottstown, Pennsylvania,
July 15,1949. Salisbury State College, B.A., 1973; Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Plant
nursery proprietor, farmer, and parochial school principal. Chairman, Somerset County
Planning and Zoning Commission, 1984-85 (member, 1980-84). Chairman, Somerset
County Board of Zoning Appeals, 1985-90. Past member. Area Agency on Aging.
Member, Delmarva Advisory Council; Somerset County Farm Bureau. Member, National
Kraut Packers Association; Association of Christian Schools International; Rehobeth
Puritan Club. Member, Holly Grove Mennonite Church. Married; four children. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1991. Member, Economic Matters Committee; Joint
Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas. District office: 27 West Broad St., Princess
Anne 21853; tel. 651-3886. Annapolis office: 412 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991;
tel. 841-3433.