SAMUEL M. PAB.HAM, Democrat, District 41. Born in Warrenton, North Carolina,
February 4,1930. North Carolina Central University, B.S.C., 1952; New York University,
M.A., 1956. Served in U.S. Army, 1953-55 (Corporal). Retired teacher and department
head for business education, Baltimore City Public School System. Contractual professor,
Morgan State University. Member, Educational Systems for the 70s (curriculum develop-
ment), 1969-72. Treasurer, Baltimore Teachers' Union, 1969-74. Project Director, Bal-
timore City Teacher Corps, 1974-78. Principal, Evening School of Dunbar High School,
Baltimore City, 1980-84. Member, Urban Services Commission, Baltimore City. President,
Five in Five Democratic Club. Treasurer, Northwest Civic Forum. Member, NAACP.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1989. Member, Constitutional and Administrative
Law Committee. District office: 4811 Liberty Heights Ave., Baltimore 21207; tel.
367-7455. Annapolis office: 314 Lowe House Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3283.
ANNE SCAB-LETT PERKINS, Democrat, District 44. Born in Baltimore, Maryland,
September 29, 1937. Bryn Mawr School; Boston University, B.A., 1959; University of
Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1978. Attorney. Chairman, Commission on Con-
dominiums, Cooperatives, and Homeowners' Associations, 1984-86. Member, Task Force
to Study the Funding of Public Education, 1983-84; Governor's Housing Task Force,
1982-83; Hall of Records Commission, 1979— President, Maryland Conference of Social
Concern, 1973-75; president. New Democratic Club, 1976-77. Trustee, Maryland In-
stitute, College of Art, 1972—; Urban Services Commission, 1988—. Served as board
member of Baltimore City Fair; Family and Children's Services; Theatre Project. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1979. Chairman, Constitutional and Administrative Law
Committee. Member, Legislative Policy Committee; Rules and Executive Nominations
Committee. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1979-86. President, Women's Caucus, 1985-
86. District office: 1532 HavenwoodRd.,Northwood Shopping Center, Baltimore 21218;
tel. 243-3904. Annapolis office: 141 Lowe House Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-
MARSHA G. PERRY, Democrat, District 33. Born in Niagara Falls, New York,
December 9, 1936. Elmira College; Cornell University, B.S. (industrial & labor relations,
& secondary education), 1959. Anne Arundel Co. Patuxent Wastewater Reclamation
Advisory Committee. Southern Conference on Infant Mortality. Member, bd. of directors,
Martin Pollack Project; Sarah's House; Anne Arundel Co. Heart Affiliate; Chesapeake and
Potomac Region, American Cancer Society; Anne Arundel Co. Fuel Fund; Meadows
Recovery Center; Harbour School; Bello Machre; Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts;
Chrysalis House; Crofton Kiwanis Club; Crofton Civic Assoc. Anne Arundel Co. Drug
and Alcohol Advisory Commission; Fort Meade Coordinating Council. District 33
Democratic Club; Greater Odenton Improvement Assoc.; Patuxent Improvement Assoc.
Past president. West County Federation of Community Assocs. Skating instructor, Bowie
Ice Arena; Benfield Pines Ice Rink, Millersville. Power skating coach, Washington Capitals
Youth Hockey. Member, St. Elizabeth Ann Stton Church. Crofton Citizen of the Year,
1986. Married; three children. Member, House of Delegates, since 1987. Environmental
Matters Committee. Southern Legislative Conference (committee on natural resources &
the environment). District office: 1605 Edgerton Place, Crofton 21114; tel. 721-7034
Annapolis office: 215 Lowe House Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3223, 858-3223.
CAROL STOKER PETZOLD, Democrat, District 19. Born in St. Louis, Missouri.
Central High School, Memphis, Tennessee; Valparaiso University, B.S., 1959. Member,
State Scholarship Board, 1978-87 (chairman, 1985-87). Member, Montgomery County
Commission for Children and Youth, 1979-84. Member, Montgomery County Commis-
sion on Councilmanic Redistncting, 1982; Citizens Advisory Board, Regional Institute for
Children and Adolescents, 1988—. Member, Metropolitan Washington Council of Govern-
ments Transportation Planning Board, 1989—. President, Kensington Day Care Council,
1970-74. Member, Kensington Branch, American Association of University Women,
1962— (president, 1977-79). Member, board of directors, Lutheran Social Services,
1980-86; United Way Council, 1981—; board of directors, Aspen Hill Civic Association,
1985—. AAUW Name Grant Honoree, 1971, 1981, and Outstanding Member Award,
1979; U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Recognition of Outstanding
Commitment to Children, 1980. Married; three children. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1987. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee.
National Conference of State Legislatures Transportation Committee. District office:
14113 Chadwick Lane, Rockville 20853; tel. 871-7413. Annapolis office: 225-A Lowe
House Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 858-3038, 841-3038.