The Maryland Manual is a guidebook to Maryland government. It shows the form in which we fashion
our government from our laws and constitution. The Manual also describes the public purposes
government is designed to serve. But form and purposes are not static. They change when voters cast their
ballots at the polls. They change when the General Assembly convenes to enact legislation. They change
when the Governor signs legislation into law. Indeed, they change each time government addresses issues
that shape public policy. As you read these words, Maryland government is changing as any responsive
and effective democratic government continually must transform to best serve its citizens.
As you turn these pages, the General Assembly is considering a proposal to create a new Department
of Juvenile Services. Functions of the former Department of State Planning are being reassigned to the
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning and to the Office of the Governor.
This edition reflects changes made within the past year as well. A new University of Maryland System
now encompasses eleven campuses. The Maryland Higher Education Commission replaces the former
State Board for Higher Education to govern State colleges and universities.
Within Stare agency descriptions, this edition introduces budgetary information for Fiscal Year 1989
(July 1,1988—June 30,1989). We are indebted to the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning for
their FY1988 budget review that provided the base from which to develop current data. This edition also
lists annual and other mandated reports of State agencies and outlines agency organizational structure.
The General Assembly section, thanks to the work of Ann J. Buckley, more clearly delineates legislative
process and responsibility. Also newly added is a description of the Federal Public Defender in Maryland.
As the content of the Manual has changed, so has its form. Composition style, for the first time, was
devised and laid out in-house at the State Archives.
While many people in Maryland government helped with this edition, special thanks are due Daryl C.
Plevy, Special Assistant to the Governor, and Robert A. Pascal, the Governor's Appointments Secretary,
as well as Patricia E. Joyce and Penny MacAdams of his staff for their continuing aid. John R. Stierhoff
from the Office of the President of the Senate, and the staff of the Office of the Speaker of the House of
Delegates were most helpful. F. Carvel Payne, Director of the Department of Legislative Reference, and
Lynda C. Davis and George Ann Waller of his staff rendered valuable assistance. From the Department
of Agriculture, Douglas H. Wilson, Director of Administrative Services, and M. Bruce West and Carroll
D. Homann of the Agricultural Statistical Service were continually helpful. Irene Tashlickof the Research
Division, Department of Economic and Employment Development, unearthed all manner of data upon
request. Tricia L. Slawinski of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Sharon L. Nathanson
of the Department of Human Resources alerted us to changes in their agencies. James W. Dunmyer,
Assistant Secretary for Administration, Department of Natural Resources, explained structure. James H.
Norris, Jr., State Court Administrator, and his staff and Ernest L. Bailey, Jr., Assistant State Court
Administrator for Personnel, advised on the judiciary and secured Circuit Court judicial biographies. Betty
L. Thompson, Administrative Assistant, at the District Court kindly forwarded biographies of newly
appointed judges.
At the Archives, special thanks are due Teresa M. Fountain, Director of Photographic Services, and
James S. Hefelfinger, Photographer, who graciously produced photographic materials, and Lynne
Browne, Jennifer Guy, Louise Sutton Porter, and Betsy Stccic who offered valuable aid. The new
photograph of the Chief Judge and members of the Court of Special Appeals is the work of Don Kneesi,
Annapolis photographer.
This Manual provides more information on State government than any previous edition. It was
produced by fewer people and at less cost as well. In large part, this is due to the guidance of Edward C.
Papenfuse, State Archivist. The daily burden of production, however, was shared with four colleagues at
the Archives. I am deeply grateful to them. Their ingenuity, resourcefulness, and dedication formed the
substance of this book. Associate Editor Ann J. Buckley, Editorial Associate Katharine Rodier, Word
Processing Specialist Ray F. Lynch, and Composition Specialist David M. Williams, this edition is dedicated
to you.
Annapolis, Maryland
February 1989
Diane P. Frese