General Services, Department of...............231
Geological Survey ......................344, 357
Geological Survey Commission............344,357
Government Assistance Programs,
Commercial and.....................289, 296
Government Contract Enandng Program........198
Government House Trust.....................499
Governmental Affairs Office, DHMH.......243,254
Governmental Relations Unit, DHMH......243,254
biography of Governor Schaefer...........17-18
budget, State ........................31,135
commander in chief......................135
military staff............................137
qualifications for office....................135
sign or veto bills......................32,135
vacancy in office..........................30
veto ...............................32,135
Governor's Executive Council .............134,136
Governor's Mansion Trust ....................446
Governor's Salary Commission ................446
Grading Services and Egg Inspection Section . 176,181
Grain dealers..............................181
Grain Laws Section.....................176,181
Grape Growers' Advisory Board............176,183
Great Oaks Center......................247, 269
citizens advisory board................247,269
Great Seal of Maryland .......................12
Green Ridge Youth Center................454, 456
Grid System, State..........................434
Guardianship Advisory Board..............426, 427
Gunpowder Falls Local Advisory Board......341, 348
Gypsy Moth Control Section..................184
Hagerstown Community College ..............438
Hagerstown Correctional Institution........369, 379
Hagerstown Region Correctional Institutions
Advisory Committee .................368, 378
Hall of Records Commission..............429, 431
Handgun Permit Review Board............367, 373
Handgun permits...........................375
Handgun Roster Board ..................367,373
Handicapped, Library for Blind and Physically 209, 214
Handicapped Children, Coordinating Council
for Residential Placement of................142
Handicapped children, education...............215
Handicapped Employment Committee ..........142
Handicapped Individuals Office............135,141
Harford Community College..................438
Harford County............................578
board of supervisors of elections.............636
employment & training office...............204
health department .......................258
legislative district map .....................71
offices and officials.......................578
property tax assessment appeals board........464
senior citizen information & assistance........428
Hart-Miller Advisory Board...................410
Hart-Miller-Pleasure Island Citizens
Oversight Committee ....................447
Hay and Straw Directory .....................180
Hazardous and Solid Waste Management
Hazardous Substance Advisory Council......220, 224
Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting Board 344, 359
Health and Higher Educational Facilities
Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of ... 241,253
Health and Mental Hygiene Board of Review . 243, 253
Health Care Cost Containment Committee,
Joint ...............................27,42
Health Care Costs, Committee on Employer......411
Health Care Policy Finance, and Regulation,
Health Care Policy and Financing
Health Center, Environmental.............220,226
Health Center, Radiological ..............220, 225
Health Claims Arbitration Office ..............447
Health Club Registration Unit ............159, 165
Health Commission, Black and Minority.........419
Health Council, School..................252, 284
Health Departments, County .................258
Health Education and Advocacy Unit.......159,165
Health Effects of Fire, Center for Study of___244, 256
Health Enhancement Program, DOP ...........364
Health Insurance Advisory Council, State
Employees' ........................362, 364
Health Insurance Benefits Subcommittee,
Mandated .............................410
Health Officers, county......................258
Health Plan, State..........................275
Health Program Support and Special Projects
Office.............................244, 257
Health Resources Planning Commission.....249, 275
Health Services Cost Review Commission ..... 249, 274
Health Statistics Division ................248, 272
Health Systems Analysis Division ..........248, 272
Health Systems Financing Administration .... 249, 273
Hearing Aid Dealers Board of Examiners .... 322, 333
Hearing Impaired Advisory Commission.........420
Hearing-Impaired Infants Program.........248, 271
Hearings Office, DHMH ................243, 254
Helicopter Advisory Committee ...............411
Hereditary and Congenital Disorders
Commission........................250, 278
Hereditary Disorders Division.............247, 267
Herring Run Public Watershed Association
Herrington Manor State Park Board........342, 350
Hickey School.........................453, 455
advisory committee ..................453, 455
High Blood Pressure and Related
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Commission ... 250, 278