676/Maryland Manual
Court of Appeals and judges of any intermediate courts of
appeal) shall hold office tor terms of four years, and until
their successors shall qualify.
SEC. 4.229 The term of office of all Judges and other
officers, for whose election provision is made by this
Constitution, shall, except in cases otherwise expressly
provided herein, commence from the time of their Election.
All such officers shall qualify as soon after their election as
practicable, and shall enter upon the duties of their respec-
tive offices immediately upon their qualification.
SEC. 5.230 All officers to be arointed by the Gover-
nor shall hold office for the terms fixed by law. All officers
appointed by County Commissioners shall hold office for
terms of four years, unless otherwise duly changed by law.
SEC. 6.231 The terms of the members of the Board of
Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City and of the
several counties shall commence on the first Monday of
June next ensuing their appointment.
SEC. 7.232 Sections 1,2,3, and 5 of this Article do not
apply or refer to members of any elective local board of
SEC. 8.233 If at any election directed by this Constitu-
tion, any two or more candidates shall have the highest and
an equal number of votes, a new election shall be ordered
by the Governor, except in cases specially provided for by
this Constitution.
SEC. 9.M4 In the event of any inconsistency between
the provisions of this Article and any of the other provisions
of the Constitution, the provisions of this Article shall
prevail, and all other provisions shall be repealed or abro-
gated to the extent of such inconsistency.
SEC. 10.23S Vacant.
SEC. II.236 Vacant.
SEC. 12.237 Vacant.
SEC. 13.238 Vacant.
SEC. 1. Any provision of limited duration adopted
pursuant to Article XIV is set forth below. As each expires,
it shall stand repealed, and no further action shall be
required to remove it from the Constitution.
SEC. 2.240 (a) For the piu^se of implementing the
amendments, pressed by Chapter 523 of the Acts of 1980
(H.B. 1729) (OLR3623) or (S.B. 784) (OLR0746), con-
cerning the creation of a consolidated Circuit Court of
Ankle XVII
Baltimore City, this section temporarily is a part of Article
IV—Judiciary Department, secs. 5, 25, and 26 of the
Constitution. This section shall expire (in accordance with
Article XTV, sec. 1A of the Constitution), when, under the
provisions of subsection (b) of this section, all of the judges
of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City who are serving
on December 31,1982 have completed their then existing
terms, or have otherwise vacated their offices without
completing those terms.
(b) Each judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City,
who is in office on December 31, 1982, shall continue in
office as a judge of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, for
the remainder of the term to which he was appointed or
elected, subject to the provisions of Article IV, sections 3,
4, 4A, 4B, and 5 of the Constitution.
(c) Each clerk and each deputy clerk of a court of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City who is in office on
December 31, 1982 shall become a deputy clerk of the
Circuit Court for Baltimore City with no diminution of
salary and as such shall occupy a position in the personnel
merit system for the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Baltimore City. These persons shall serve subject to the
provisions of Article IV, section 26 of the Constitution.
Each person who otherwise has been employed in the
office of a clerk of a court of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City in a position authorized prior to June 30,
1982, shall become an employee of the office of the clerk
of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City and occupy a
position in the personnel merit system for that office, with
no diminution in salary, subject to the provisions of Article
IV, section 26 of the Constitution.
(d) At the primary and general elections occurring in
1982 in Baltimore City, there shall be nominated and
elected one clerk who shall be designated as clerk of the
Circuit Court for Baltimore City as created under the
amendments pR^sed in section 2 of said Chapter 523,
Acts of 1980. A clerk of one of the courts of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City is eligible to run in this election.
(e) The amendments to Article IV and this Article
XVIlI of the Constitution (p^oposed by the above refer-
enced Chapter 523 of the Acts of 1980) if approved by the
voters at the general election in Nov., 1980, shall take effect
on January 1,1983.
SEC. 3241 Of the methods of election of county com-
missioners authorized by Section 1 of Article VII, and of
members of county councils authorized by Section 3A(a)
of Article XI-A, of this Act, that method in effect in each
county immediately preceding the effective date of this Act
shall remain in effect unless changed on or after that date
pursuant to this Constitution.
229 Originally Article XV, sec. 9, transferred and amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
230 Originally Article XVII, sec. 4, transferred by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978. As sec. 4 it was amended by
Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.
231 Originally Article XVTI, sec. 8, transferred by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
232 Originally Article XVII, sec. l(b), transferred and amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978. As sec. l(b) it
was amended by Chapter 10, Acts of 1966, ratified Nov. 8, 1966; Chapter 370, Acts of 1972, ratified Nov. 7, 1972.
233 Transferred from Article XV, sec. 4, by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
234 Transferred from Article XVII, sec. 13, by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
235 Repealed by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6, 1956.
236 Amended and transferred to Article XVII, sec. 1, by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
237 Repealed by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.
238 Transferred to Article XVII, sec. 9, by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
239 Added by Chapter 680, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
240 Added by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
241 Added by Chapter 707, Acts of 1986, ratified Nov. 4,1986.