SEC. 43.1S0 Vacant.
Part VII—Sheriffs.
SEC. 44.1S1 There shall be elected in each county and
in Baltimore City one person, resident in said county or
City, above the age of twenty-five vears and for at least five
years preceding his election a citizen of the State, to the
office of Sheriff. He shall hold office for four years, until
his successor is duly elected and qualified, give such bond,
exercise such powers and perform such duties as now are
or may hereafter be fixed by law.
In case of vacancy by death, resignation, refusal to
serve, or neglect to qualify or give bond, or by disqualifi-
cation or removal from the County or City, the Governor
shall appoint a person to be Sherifffor the remainder of the
official term.
The Sheriff in each county and in Baltimore City shall
receive such salary or compensation and such expenses
necessary to the conduct of his office as may be fixed by
law. All fees collected by the Sheriff shall be accounted for
and paid to the Treasury of the several counties and of
Baltimore City, respectively.
SEC. 45.1S2 Notaries Public may be appointed for
each county and the city of Baltimore, in the manner, for
the purpose, and with the powe^s now fixed, or which may
hereafter be prescribed by Law.
SEC. 1.1S3 There shall be an Attorney-General elected
by the qualified voters of the State, on general ticket, on
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of
November, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and on the
same day, in every fourth year thereafter, who shall hold his
office for four years from the time of his election and
qualification, and until his successor is elected and quali-
fied, and shall be re-eligible thereto, and shall be subject to
removal for incompetency, willful neglect of duty or mis-
demeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law.
SEC. 2. All elections for Attorney-General shall be
certified to, and returns made thereof by the Clerks of the
Circuit Courts for the several counties, and the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Baltimore City, to the Governor of the
State, whose duty it shall be to decide on the election and
qualification of the person returned; and in case of a tie
between two or more persons, to designate which of said
persons shall qualify as Attorney-General, and to adminis-
ter the oath of office to the person elected.
Constitution of Maryland/661
SEC. 3.154 (a) The Attorney General shall:
(1) Prosecute and defend on the part of the State all
cases pending in the Appellate Courts of the State, in the
Supreme Court of the United States or the inferior Federal
Courts, by or against the State, or in which the State may
be interested, except those criminal appeals otherwise pre-
scribed by the General Assembly.
(2) Investigate, commence, and prosecute or defend
any civil or criminal suit or action or category of such suits
or actions in any of the Federal Courts or in any Court of
this State, or before administrative agencies and quasi
legislative bodies, on the part of the State or in which the
State may be interested, which the General Assembly by
law or joint resolution, or the Governor, shall have directed
or shall direct to be investigated, commenced and prose-
cuted or defended.
(3) When required by the General Assembly by law or
joint resolution, or by the Governor, aid any State's Attor-
ney or other authorized prosecuting officer in investigat-
ing, commencing, and prosecuting any criminal suit or
action or category of such suits or actions brought by the
State in any Court of this State.
(4) Give his opinion in writing whenever required by
the General Assembly or either branch thereof, the Gover-
nor, the Comptroller, the Treasurer or any State's Attorney
on any legal matter or subject,
(b) The Attorney General shall have and perform any
other duties and possess any other powers, and ap^M the
number of deputies or assistants, as the General Assembly
from time to time may prescribe by law.
(c) The Attorney General shall receive for his services
the annual salary as the General Assembly from time to
time may prescribe by law, but he may not receive any fees,
perquisites or rewards whatever, in addition to his salary,
for the performance of any official duty,
(d) The Governor may not employ any additional
counsel, in any case whatever, unless authorized by the
General Assembly.
SEC. 4. No person shall be eligible to the office of
Attorney General, who is not a citizen of this State, and a
qualified voter therein, and has not resided and practiced
Law in this State for at least ten years.
SEC. 5. In case of vacancy in the office of Attorney
General, occasioned by death, resignation, removal from
the State, or from office, or other disqualification, the
Governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the
residue of the term.
SEC. 6.156 It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Court
of Appeals and the Clerks of any intermediate courts of
appeal, respectively, whenever a case shall be brought into
said Courts, in which the State is a party or has interest,
immediately to notify the Attorney General thereof.
150 Repealed by Chapter 789, Acts of 1969, ratified Nov. 3,1970.
151 Amended by Chapter 845, Acts of 1914, ratified Nov. 3,1914; Chapter 786, Acts of 1945, ratified Nov. 5, 1946; Chapter 55,
Acts of 1953, ratified Nov. 2,1954; Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
152 Amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
153 Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.
154 Amended by Chapter 663, Acts of 1912, ratified Nov. 4,1913; Chapter 10, Acts of 1966, ratified Nov. 8,1966; Chapter 545,
Acts of 1976, ratified Nov. 2, 1976.
155 Amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
156 Amended by Chapter 10, Acts of 1966, ratified Nov. 8,1966; Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.