Part IV—Courts of Baltimore City.
SEC. 27.128 Vacant.
SEC. 28.12' Vacant.
SEC. 29.130 Vacant.
SEC. 30.131 Vacant.
SEC. 31.132 Vacant.
SEC. 31A.133 Vacant.
SEC. 32.134 Vacant.
SEC. 33.13S Vacant.
SEC. 34.13* Vacant.
SEC. 35.137 Vacant.
SEC. 36.138 Vacant.
SEC. 37.139 Vacant.
SEC. 38.140 Vacant.
SEC. 39.U1 Vacant.
Part V—Orphans' Court.
SEC. 40.142 The qualified voters of the City of Balti-
more, and of the several Counties, except Montgomery
County and Harford County, shall elect three Judges of the
Orphans' Courts of City and Counties, respectively, who
shall be citizens of the State and residents for the twelve
months preceding, in the City or County for which they may
be elected. They shall have all the powers now vested in the
Orphans' Courts of the State, subject to such changes as the
Legislature may prescribe. Each of the Judges shall be paid
such compensation as may be regulated by Law, to be paid
by the City or Counties, respectively. In case of a vacancy in
the office of Judge of the Orphans' Court, the Governor
shall appoint, subject to confirmation or rejection by the
Senate, some suitable person to fill the vacancy for the
residue of the term.
Constitution of Maryland/659
SEC. 41.143 There shall be a Register of Wills in each
county of the State, and the City of Baltimore, to be elected
by the legal and qualified voters of said counties and city,
respectively, who shall hold his office for four years from
the time of his election and until his successor is elected and
qualified; he shall be re-eligible, and subject at all times to
removal for willful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in
office in the same manner that the Clerics of the Courts are
removable. In the event of any vacancy in the office of the
Register of Wills, said vacancy shall be filled by the Judges
of the Orphans' Court, in which such vacancy occurs, until
the next general election for Delegates to the General
Assembly when a Register shall be elected to serve for four
years thereafter.
Part VI—District Court.
SEC. 41A.144 The District Court shall have the orig-
inal jurisdiction prescribed by law. Jurisdiction of the Dis-
trict Court shall be uniform throughout the State; except
that in Montgomery County and other counties and the
City of Baltimore, the Court may have such jurisdiction
over juvenile causes as is provided by law.
SEC. 41B.145 The District Court shall consist of the
number of judges prescribed by law. The State shall be
divided by law into districts. Each district shall consist of
one county or two or more entire and adjoining counties.
The number of judges shall be allocated among the districts
by law, and there shall be at least one District Court judge
resident in each district. In any district containing more than
one county, there shall be at least one District Court judge
resident in each county in the district. Functional divisions
of the District Court may be established in any district.
SEC. 41C.146 Each District Court judge shall devote
full time to his judicial duties, shall have the qualifications
prescribed by Section 2 of this Article, and shall De a resident
of the district in which he holds office. The number ofjudges
for any district may be increased or decreased by the General
Assembly from time to time, subject to the requirements of
Section 41B of this Article, and anyvacancy so created shall
be filled as provided in Section 41D of this Article.
128 Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
129 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
130 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4, 1980.
131 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
132 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
133 Added by Chapter 116, Acts of 1924, ratified Nov. 2,1926. Repealed by Chapter 617, Acts of 1968, ratified Nov. 5,1968.
134 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
135 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
136 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
137 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
138 Repealed by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
139 Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956; Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by
Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
140 Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, Nov. 5,1974. Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4, 1980.
141 Added by Chapter 313, Acts of 1892, ratified Nov. 7,1893. Amended by Chapter 889, Acts of 1974, ratified Nov. 5,1974.
Repealed by Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
142 Amended by Chapters 99 and 124, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956; Chapter 744, Acts of 1963, ratified Nov. 3,1964;
Chapter 374, Acts of 1972, ratified Nov. 7,1972; Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
143 Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.
144 Referring to the People's Courts, this section originally was added by Chapter 163, Acts of 1939, ratified Nov. 5,1940, and
amended by Chapter 575, Acts of 1959, ratified Nov. 8,1960. It was repealed and a new section concerning the District Court
was enacted by Chapter 789, Acts of 1969, ratified Nov. 3,1970, and amended by Chapter 544, Acts of 1976, ratified Nov. 2,
145 Added by Chapter 163, Acts of 1939, ratified Nov. 5, 1940. Repealed and a new section enacted by Chapter 789, Acts of
1969, ratified Nov. 3,1970.
146 Added by Chapter 373, Acts of 1959, ratified Nov. 8,1960. Repealed and a new section enacted by Chapter 789, Acts of
1969, ratified Nov. 3,1970.