SEC. 17.m There shall be a Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, who shall be appointed by and shall hold his office
at the pleasure of said Court of Appeals.
SEC. 18.11S (a) The Court of Appeals from time to
time shall adopt rules and regulations concerning the prac-
tice and procedure in and the administration of the appel-
late courts and in the other courts of this State, which snail
have the force of law until rescinded, changed or modified
by the Court of Appeals or otherwise by law. The powc^
of courts other than the Court of Appeals to make rules of
practice and procedure, or administrative rules, shall be
subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the Court
of Appeals or otherwise by law.
(b)n6 The Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals shall be
the administrative head of the Judicial system of the State.
He shall from time to time require, from each of the judges
of the Circuit Courts, of the District Court and of any
intermediate courts of appeal, reports as to the judicial work
and business of each of the judges and their respective courts.
He may, in case of a vacancy or of the illness, disqualification
or other absence of a judge or for the purpose of relieving
an accumulation of business in any court assign any judge
except a judge of the Orphans' Court to sit tempo^arily in
any court except an Orphans' Court. Any judge assigned by
the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals pursuant to this
section has all the power and authority pertaining to a judge
of the court to which he is so assigned; and his powe^ and
authority shall continue with respect to all cases (including
any mooon, or other matters incidental thereto) which may
come before him by virtue of such assignment until his action
thereon shall be completed. In the absence of the Chief
Judge of the Court of Appeals, the provisions of this section
shall be applicable to the seniorjudge present in the Court
of Appeals. The powers of the Chief Judge set forth in this
section shall be subject to any rule or regulation adopted by
the Court of Appeals.
SEC. 18A.117 Vacant.
PanllA—Interim Provisions.
SEC. 18B.118 (a) For the purpose of implementing the
amendments to this article, dealing with the selection and
tenure of appellate court judges, the following provisions
shall govern.
(b) Each judge of an appellate court who is in office for
an elected term on the effective date of these amendments,
unless he dies, resigns, retires, or is otherwise lawfully
removed, shall continue in office until the general election
next after the end of his elected term, or until his seventieth
birthday, whichever first occurs. His continuance in office
Constitution of Maryland/657
is then subject to the provisions of section 5 A (c) and (d)
of this article, applicable to judges of that court, but in no
event shall any judge continue in office after his seventieth
(c) Each judge of a court specified in subsection (b)
who is in office on the effective date of these amendments,
but who has not been elected to that office by the voters,
shall, within fifteen days after the effective date of these
amendments, be reappointed to that office. His continu-
ance in office is then subject to the provisions of section 5 A
(c) and (d) of this article, applicable to judges of that court,
but in no event shall any judge continue in office after his
seventieth birthday.
Tart JH—Circuit Courts.
SEC. 19.119 The State shall be divided into eight
Judicial Circuits, in manner following, viz.: The Counties
of Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Dorchester, shall
constitute the Hrst Circuit; the Counties of Caroline, Tal-
bot, Queen Anne's, Kent and Cecil, the Second; the Coun-
ties of Baltimore and Harford, the Third; the Counties of
Allegany Garrett, and Washington, the Fourth; the Coun-
ties of Carroll, Howard and Anne Arundel, the Fifth; the
Counties of Montgomery and Frederick, the Sixth; the
Counties of Prince George's, Charles, Calvert, and St.
Mary's, the Seventh; and Baltimore City, the Eighth.
SEC. 20.120 (a) There shall be a Circuit Court for each
county and for Baltimore City. The Circuit Courts shall
have and exercise, in the respective counties, and Baltimore
City, all the power, authority and jurisdiction, original and
appellate, which the Circuit Courts of the counties exer-
cised on the effective date of these amendments, and the
greater or lesser jurisdiction hereafter prescribed by law.
(b) The judges of the Circuit Courts for Montgomery
and Harford counties shall each, alternately and in rotation
and on schedules to be established by those judges, sit as
an Orphans' Court for their County, and shall nave and
exercise all the power, authority and jurisdiction which the
present Orphans' Courts now have and exercise, or which
may hereafter be provided by law.
SEC. 21. 21 (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection
(b) the General Assembly shall determine by law the
number of judges of the circuit court in each county and
circuit. These judges shall be selected in accordance with
Sections 3 and 5 of this Article.
(b) There shall be at least four circuit court judges
resident in each circuit, and at least one circuit court judge
shall be resident in each county. There shall be at least two
such judges resident in Anne Arundel County, at least three
114 Amended by Chapter 40, Acts of 1939, ratified Nov. 5,1940; Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.
115 Amended by Chapter 772, Acts of 1943, ratified Nov. 7,1944; Chapter 10, Acts of 1966, ratified Nov. 8,1966; Chapter 789,
Acts of 1969, ratified Nov. 3,1970; Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978; Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified
Nov. 4,1980.
116 Amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978; Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
117 Renumbered as sec. 18 by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978.
118 Added by Chapter 551, Acts of 1975, ratified Nov. 2,1976.
119 Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,1956.
120 Amended by Chapter 744, Acts of 1963, ratified Nov. 3,1964; Chapter 374, Acts of 1972, ratified Nov. 7,1972; Chapter
681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7,1978; Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4,1980.
121 Amended by Chapter 515, Acts of 1912, ratified Nov. 4,1913; Chapter 426, Acts of 1935, ratified Nov. 3,1936; Chapter
494, Acts of 1937, ratified Nov. 8,1938; Chapter 200, Acts of 1939, ratified Nov. 5,1940; Chapter 494, Acts of 1941,
ratified Nov. 3,1942; Chapter 772, Acts of 1943, ratified Nov. 7,1944; Chapter 607, Acts of 1953, ratified Nov. 2,1954;
Chapters 65 and 68, Acts of 1954, ratified Nov. 2,1954; Chapters 642 and 761, Acts of 1959, ratified Nov. 8,1960; Chapter
372, Acts of 1966, ratified Nov. 8,1966; Chapter 542, Acts of 1976, ratified Nov. 2,1976.