552/Maryland Manual
JOHN F. KELLY, SR. District 5, District Court of
Maryland, 1987—. Born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island,
November 4, 1932. Providence College, B.A., 1955;
Georgetown University School of Law, LL.B., 1960. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1961. Member, American, Mary-
land State and Prince George's County Bar Associations.
President, Prince George's County Bar Association.
MARTIN A. KIRCHER. District 1, District Court of
Maryland, 1973----Rorn in Baltimore, June 25, 1930.
Baltimore City College; University of Baltimore, A.A.,
1956; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1958.
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1958. Served in U.S. Air
Force, 1951-55. Member, Maryland House of Delegates,
1963-73 (chairman, judiciary committee, 1969-73; mem-
ber, legislative council, 1969-73). National College of the
Judiciary, 1975 (faculty advisor, 1978).
STANLEY KLAVAN. District 6, District Court of
Maryland, 1975—. Born in Baltimore, June 20, 1925.
Central High School, Washington, D.C.; George Wash-
ington University, A.A., 1948; George Washington Uni-
versity Law School, LL.B., 1950. Admitted to District of
Columbia Bar, 1951; Maryland Bar, 1957. Served in U.S.
Navy. Member, American, Maryland State, District of
Columbia and Montgomery County Bar Associations;
American Judicature Society; American Judges Associa-
tion; Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
FRANK M. KRATOVIL. District 5, District Court of
Maryland, 1988—. Born in Detroit, Michigan, July 25,
1933. University of Maryland, B.A., 1959; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1963. Admitted to Mary-
land Bar, 1965. Member, American and Maryland State
Bar Associations. Served in U.S. Army, 1954-56. Parole
officer, 1960-65. Associate County Attorney, Prince
George's County, 1965-66. Associate Judge, Orphans'
Court, Prince George's County, 1966-70. Attorney, Prince
George's County Charter Board, 1968-70. Prince George's
County Legislative Board, 1968-70. Prince George's
County Legislative Officer, 1970-72. Deputy People's
Zoning Counsel, Prince George's County, 1972-74. Attor-
ney for City of Fairmont Heights, 1973-75. Recipient of
service awards from Prince George's County Charter
Board, 1970; Volunteer Parole Committee, 1973; Mary-
land State Bar Association Pro Bono Committee, 1985.
LARRY D. LAMSON. District 4, District Court of
Maryland, 1979—; Administrative Judge, 1988—. Born
in Denver, Colorado, May 7, 1948. Damascus High
School; Frostburg State College, 1969-71; University of
Nebraska Law School, J.D., 1971. Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1972. Served in the Nebraska Army National Guard.
Member, American, Nebraska, District of Columbia and
Maryland State Bar Associations; American Judicature
Society; American Trial Lawyers' Association. Deputy
State's Attorney, Calvert County, 1972-74. State's Attor-
ney, Calvert County, 1979.
LAWRENCE S. LANAHAN, JR. District 9, District
Court of Maryland, 1985—. Born in Baltimore, November
19,1934. Loyola College, B.S., 1956; University of Mary-
land School of Law, LL.B., 1963. Served in U.S. Navy,
1956-59. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1963. Member,
American and Maryland State Bar Associations. Member,
Harford County Bar Association (president, 1984-85).
JOHN S. LANDBECK, JR. District 9, District Court of
Maryland, 1985—. Born in Baltimore, May 28, 1941.
Aberdeen public schools; Harford Community College;
Eastern College of Commerce and Law; University of
Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1965. FBI agent, 1965-70.
Realtor, 1970-84. Civilian employee, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, 1972-73. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972.
Member, American, Maryland State and Harford County
Bar Associations.
ALAN B. LIPSON. District 1, District Court of Mary-
land, 1981—. Born in Providence, Rhode Island, October
10, 1930. University of New Hampshire, B.A., 1952;
University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1962.
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1962. Served in U.S. Air
Force, 1952-54, plus several short tours in subsequent
years; achieved rank of Captain. Member, Maryland State
and Baltimore City Bar Associations (active on several
committees). Associated with Sherbow, Shea and Doyle,
1970-79 (partner, 1976-79). Assistant State's Attorney,
Baltimore City, 1965-67. Assistant U.S. Attorney for
Maryland, 1967-70. Assistant attorney general of Mary-
land, 1979-81.
THOMAS A. LOHM. District 6, District Court of
Maryland, 1980—. Administrative Judge. Born in Clarks-
burg, West Virginia, June 20, 1922. Bethesda-Chevy
Chase High School; U.S. Merchant Marine Academy,
engineering, 1943; George Washington University, B.A.,
1949; George Washington University School of Law,
LL.B., 1951. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1954. Served in
U.S. Navy, 1943-46. Member, Maryland State and Mont-
gomery County Bar Associations. Member, American Le-
DONALD M. LOWMAN. District 7, District Court of
Maryland, 1982—. Born in Anne Arundel County, January
19,1928. Attended Glen Burnie schools; Eastern College;
Mt. Vernon School of Law, LL.B., J.D., 1968. Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1969. Member, Maryland State and
Anne Arundel County Bar Associations. Served in U.S.
Navy, 1946-48. Office of the Public Defender, Anne
Arundel County, 1972-82. Member, Elks; Masonic Order.
ROBERT N. LUCRE, SR. District 7, District Court of
Maryland, 1977—. Born in Washington, D.C., March 1,
1924. Annapolis High School; University of Maine; Uni-
versity of Maryland, B.S., 1950; University of Maryland
School of Law, LL.B., J.D., 1959. Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1959. Served in U.S. Army. Member, American,
Maryland State and Anne Arundel County Bar Associa-
tions; American Trial Lawyers Association; Inquiry Panel,
Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland. Agent and
inspector, U.S. Treasury Department, 1950-53. Chief,
Alcoholic Beverages Enforcement, Comptroller of the
Treasury of Maryland, 1953-62. Past president, Fairwinds
Community Association, Pines Community Association,
Severna Park Chamber of Commerce, Severna Park Rotary
Club; commodore, Rotary Yacht Squadron of the Chesa-
peake; past vice-president, Anne Arundel County YMCA.
LARNZELL MARTIN, JR. District 5, District Court
of Maryland, 1988—. Born in Dallas, Texas, October 4,
1950. Carleton College, B.A., magna cum laude, 1972;
Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., 1975. Admit-
ted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Member, Maryland State,
Prince George's County and J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Asso-
ciations. Member, Prince George's County Personnel
Board, 1983-84. Chairman, Process Committee, Prince
George's County Minority Business Enterprise Task Force,
1984. Member, Character Committee, Seventh Judicial
Circuit, 1986-88. Member, Board of Trustees, Public De-
fender System, 1986-88. County Attorney, Prince
George's County, 1986-88.