University of Baltimore, 1980. Instructor (state and local
government), University of Maryland School of Law,
1982—. Member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judi-
cial Conference, 1985— (chairman, 1987-88). Received
numerous distinguished service awards and citations.
THEODORE G. BLOOM. 5th Appellate Circuit,
Court of Special Appeals, 1983—. Born in Baltimore, July
18, 1926. Attended Baltimore, Maryland, and Durham,
North Carolina, public schools; University of Maryland,
B.A., 1949; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D.,
1953. Scholastic honors: Phi Eta Sigma (National Fresh-
man Honor Society); Phi Kappa Phi (National Scholastic
Honor Society); Order of the Coif (National Law School
Honor Society). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1952. Served
in U.S. Navy, 1944-46,1950-51. Member, Maryland State
Bar Association (board of governors, 1971-72); Anne
Arundel County Bar Association (president, 1975-76).
Member, Anne Arundel County Charter Commission,
1971-72; Attorney Grievance Commission, 1982-83.
ROBERT F. FISCHER. At Large, Court of Special
Appeals, 1988—. Born in Baltimore County, February 29,
1932. Southern High School, Baltimore; University of
Maryland, B.A., 1954; University of Baltimore School of
Law, LL.B., 1961. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961.
Served in U.S. Air Force and Maryland Air National
Guard. Member, Maryland State and Howard County Bar
Associations. County Solicitor, Howard County, 1972-73.
Judge, District Court of Maryland, 1973-77. Judge, How-
ard County Circuit Court, 1977-88.
JOHN J. GARRITY. 4th Appellate Circuit, Court of
Special Appeals, 1982—. Born in New Haven, Connecti-
cut, December 3, 1933. Attended Brattleboro, Vermont,
parochial schools; Montgomery Junior College; Univer-
sity of North Carolina; American University, B.A., 1961;
American University School of Law, J.D., 1963. Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1964. Served in U.S. Navy, 1955-59.
Member, American, Maryland State and Prince George's
County Bar Associations; Association of Trial Lawyers of
America; Delta Theta Phi law fraternity. Assistant State's
Attorney, Prince George's County, 1967-69; assistant at-
torney general of Maryland, 1969-71. Member, Prince
George's County Council, 1971-74 (chairman, 1973).
Member, House of Delegates, 1975-78 (vice-chairman,
Prince George's County delegation, 1975-78); member of
Senate, 1978-82. Outstanding Legislator of the Year,
Maryland State's Attorneys'Association, 1981; Legislator
of the Year, Maryland Association of Counties, 1975 and
1979. Founder, Breakfast of Champions, Prince George's
County; member, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Emerald
Isle Division; charter member, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
Author, Appellate Writing, Practice and Procedure (Mont-
gomery-Prince George's County Continuing Education
Program); "A History of the Irish in Maryland," National
Hibernian Digest (June 1981).
ROBERT L. KARWACKI. At Large, Court of Special
Appeals, 1984—. Born in Baltimore, August 2, 1933.
Attended Mt. St. Joseph's High School; University of
Maryland, A.B., 1954; University of Maryland School of
Law, LL.B., 1956. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1956.
Served in U.S. Army Reserve. Member, American and
Maryland State Bar Associations. Assistant attorney gen-
eral for Maryland, 1963-65. Member, Governor's Com-
mission to Revise the Testamentary Laws of Maryland,
1965-69; president, Board of School Commissioners of
Baltimore City, 1970-71; chairman, Juvenile Justice Com-
mission, 1975-77. Member, Advisory Board, Juvenile Ser-
vices Administration, 1976-79; Commission to Study the
Judicial Branch of Government, 1981-82. Judge, Eighth
Judicial Circuit, 1973-84.
CHARLES E. MOYLAN, JR. At Large, Court of Spe-
cial Appeals, 1970—. Born in Baltimore, December 14,
1930. Baltimore City College; The Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, B.A., 1952; University of Maryland School of Law,
J.D., 1955. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1958. Served as a
special agent in Counter Intelligence Corps. Member,
American, Maryland State and Baltimore City Bar Associ-
ations; The Selden Society. Assistant State's Attorney,
Baltimore City, 1959-62; Deputy State's Attorney, Balti-
more City, 1963; State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1964-
70. Lecturer on constitutional/criminal law for American
Academy of Judicial Education, National Judicial College,
National College of District Attorneys, and other organi-
zations. Distinguished Service Award, National District
Attorneys Association, 1968.
RICHARD M. POLLITT. 1st Appellate Circuit, Court
of Special Appeals, 1986—. Born in Allen, Wicomico
County, April 30,1927. Attended Wicomico County pub-
lic schools; Salisbury State College, 1946; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1949. Admitted to Mary-
land Bar, 1949. Member, Maryland State and Wicomico
County Bar Associations; delegate, National Conference
of State Trial Judges, 1975-77. Special assistant attorney
general, 1959-72. Judge, First Judicial Circuit, 1972-86;
Chief Judge and Circuit Administrative Judge. Member,
Lions Club; BPOE.
WILLIAM W. WENNER. 3rd Appellate Circuit, Court
of Special Appeals, 1985—. Born in Brunswick, Maryland,
September 24, 1930. Brunswick High School and St.
James School; Kenyon College, A.B., 1952; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1958. Admitted to Mary-
land Bar, 1958. Served in U.S. Army. Member, Maryland
State and Frederick County Bar Associations; American
Judicature Society. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation.
Deputy State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1960-64.
Judge, District Court, District 11, 1978-80. Judge, Sixth
Judicial Circuit, 1980-85.
ALAN M. WILNER. At Large, Court of Special Ap-
peals, 1977—. Born in Baltimore, January 26,1937. Bal-
timore City College; The Johns Hopkins University, A.B.,
1958, M.L.A., 1966; University of Maryland School of
Law, J.D., 1962. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1962. Mem-
ber, Maryland State Bar Association; Order of the Coif.
Assistant attorney general of Maryland, 1965-68; chief
legislative officer, Governor's staff, 1974-77. Author, The
Maryland Board of Public Works: A History (1984).