Chairperson: Peter F. O'Malley, 1994
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice &
consent: Ilona Modley Hogan, 1990; John W. T.
Webb, 1990; Dr. Albert N. Whiting, 1990;
Richard O. Berndt, 1991; Roger R. Blunt, 1991;
Henry R. Lord, 1991; Ann R. Hull, 1992; George
V. McGowan, 1992; Constance M. Unseld, 1992;
Margaret Alton, 1993; Benjamin L. Brown, 1993;
George F. Will, 1993; Charles W. Cole, Jr., 1994;.
Thomas J. Owen, 1994; Rodney Lydell Tyson,
student member, 1989.
Ex officio: Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Secretary of
Office of Board of Regents
29 S. Greene St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 328-7000
John S. Toll, Ph.D., Chancellor <& Chief Executive
Officer 853-3601
Jean E. Spencer, Ph.D., Deputy Chancellor
Patricia S. Florestano, Ph.D., Vice-Chancellorfor
Governmental Relations 85 3-3620
Raymond J. Miller, Ph.D., Vice-Chancellor for
Agricultural Affairs &Dean of the Colleges
of Agriculture &Lifi Sciences 454-6332
Donald L. Myers, M.B.A., Vice-Chancellor for
General Administration 853-3625
Edgar B. Schick, Ph.D., Vice-Chancellor for
Polity &Planning 853-3611
Robert G. Smith, M.A., Vice-Chancellor for
University Relations 853-3699
David S. Sparks, Ph.D., Vice-Chancellor for
Academic Affairs 853-3692
Office of the Chancellor
University of Maryland
Adelphi, MD 20783 853-3600
Baltimore, MD 21201 328-7000
Public Service Hotline: 454-3000
University of Maryland at Baltimore
Edward N. Brandt, Jr., M.D., President 328-7002
University of Maryland College Park
William E. Kirwan, Ph.D., President 454-4796
Bowie State University
James Earl Lyons, Sr., Ph.D., President 464-3200
Towson State University
Hoke L. Smith, Ph.D., President 321-2356
Independent Agencies/481
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
William P Hytche, Ed.D., President 651-3306
Frostburg State University
Herb. F. Reinhard, Ed.D., President 689-4111
Coppin State College
Calvin W Burnett, Ph.D., President 333-5910
University of Baltimore
H. Mebane Turner, Ed.D., President 625-3000
Salisbury State University
Thomas E. Bellavance, Ph.D., President 543-6011
University of Maryland University College
T. Benjamin Massey, Ph.D., President 985-7077
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Michael K. Hooker, Ph.D., President 455-2274
Agricultural Experiment Station
Robert A. Kennedy, Ph.D., Director 454-2707
Cooperative Extension Service
Craig S. Oliver, Ph.D., Director 454-3742
Center For Environmental & Estuarine Studies
Thomas C. Malone, Ph.D., Acting Director
Maryland Biotechnology Institute
Rita R. Colwell, Ph.D., Director 454-8119
Maryland Sea Grant College
Christopher D'Elia, Ph.D., Director 454-5690
Budget (Code 36.02.00)
FY1989 Total Appropriation.......$1,176,316,433
General Funds..............................$ 516,559,764
Other Current Unrestricted Funds
................................................$ 463,524,172
Current Restricted Funds.............$ 196,232,497
FY1989 Total Authorized Positions......16,010.14
Annual Report to General Assembly.
Annual Report to Joint Budget & Audit Committee on
use of nonbudgeted or dedicated junds for capital con-
struction projects due Jan. 10.
Annual Report to Board of Public Works & Legislative
Policy Committee on Small Business Preference Pro-
gram due within 90 days after end of fiscal year.
Annual Review of Board of Regents to Governor, Gen-
eral Assembly, & Maryland Higher Education Com-
mission of Overall Plan due July 1.
Annual Financial Information Statement ofUniversity
College to Department of Budget & Fiscal Planning
due Oct. 1.