448/Maryland Manual
appeal with the Circuit Court to reverse or modify
the award.
The Office is headed by a Director appointed by
the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The
Director is responsible for preparing three lists of
qualified persons willing to serve as arbitrators of
health-care malpractice claims. One list consists of
attorneys, one of health care providers, and one of
persons from the general public who are neither
attorneys, health care providers, nor in the employ
of insurance interests (Code Courts and Judicial
Proceedings Article, sec. 3-2A-03).
Chairperson: John Carroll Byrnes
Martin W. Walsh, Jr., Secretary of the Environment;
Michael J. Nelson, designee of Secretary of Natural
Resources; Vacancy, Director of Planning; Mary
Dolan, Regional Planning Council; Jody Landers,
Baltimore City; Norman W. Lauenstein, Baltimore
County Council; Samuel R. Martin, Regional
Planning Council; Kenneth C. Montague, Jr.,House
of Delegates; Paul Solomon, Baltimore County.
409 Gittings Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21212 532-8855
The Herring Run Public Watershed Association
Commission was formed in 1978 to provide for
regional cooperation of the State, Baltimore City,
and Baltimore County on flood control, water qual-
ity, and watershed management of the Herring Run
Public Watershed (Chapter 992, Acts of 1978). The
Watershed is the land and water area from which all
water drains to and from the Herring Run. It in-
cludes Herring Run, West Herring Run, Chinqua-
pin Run, Moores Run, and Armistead Creek.
The Commission consists of nine members.
They include the Secretaries of the Environment
and Natural Resources and the Director of Plan-
ning, or their designees; two members from Balti-
more City selected by the Mayor; two members
from Baltimore County chosen by the County Ex-
ecutive; and two members named by the Baltimore
Regional Planning Council. Of the six county and
city members, at least one is from the county or city
legislative body, and at least one is a General Assem-
bly member.
The Commission is authorized to appoint an
advisory committee of interested citizens (Code
Natural Resources Article, secs. 8-1701 through
Chairperson: J. Henry Butta
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice &
consent: J. Glenn Beall, Jr.; Barrie G. Christman;
Frank J. DeFrancis; Willard Hackerman; Elmer B.
Kaelin; Quentdn R. Lawson; Osborne A. Payne;
Constance Cornell Stuart; Albert W. Turner; one
Ex officio (nonvoting): Gary Eric Gamerman,
Chairperson, Student Advisory Council
Shaila R. Aery, Secretary of Higher Education
16 Francis St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2971
Budget (Code 36.09.00)
FY 1989 Total Appropriation...........$46,109,033
General Funds...................................$43,512,518
Special Funds....................................$ 392,500
Federal Funds....................................$ 2,204,015
FY 1989 Total Authorized Positions.................58
Annual Report to Governor, General Assembly, & Sec-
retary of Higher Education.
Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on
review of State Higher Education Plan and status and
needs ofpostsecondary education due July.
Annual Report on Performance Accountability Plans to
Governor & General Assembly.
Annual Status Report to Governor & General Assembly
on College Preparation Intervention Program.
Annual Report of Maryland Eire-Rescue Education
and Training Commission to Governor, General
Assembly, & Secretary of Higher Education.
Annual Report of State Scholarship Administration to
General Assembly on implementation of Loan Assis-
tance Repayment Program.
Annual Report of State Scholarship Administration to
General Assembly on number of applicants & recipients
for graduate nursing student scholarships due Nov. 1.
Annual Report of State Scholarship Administration to
Governor, General Assembly & Maryland Higher Ed-
ucation Commission on reciprocal scholarship program.
Shaila R. Aery ...................974-2971
George Funaro................................974-2971
Joseph J. Popovich, Jr., Director