Catherine I. Riley, Chairperson
Thomas Patrick O'Reilly, Vice-Chairperson
Troy Brailey; Thomas L. Bromwell; Victor
Cushwa; George W Della, Jr.; Leo E. Green;
Edward J. Kasemeyer; Lewis R. Riley; James C.
Simpson; Michael J. Wagner.
Staff: Isabella Firth; Stephen M. Ports 841-3710
Presidential Wing, James Building 841-3677
The Finance Committee considers legislation
relating to banks and financial institutions; credit
regulation and consumer financing; commercial
law; economic and community development; in-
surance; horse racing; lottery and gambling;
health; pensions and retirement; State personnel;
social services; transportation; utility regulation;
labor and employment; unemployment insurance;
and worker's compensation. The Committee con-
sists of eleven members.
Walter M. Baker, Chairperson
Norman R. Stone, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
F. Vernon Boozer; John C. Coolahan; Howard A.
Denis; Philip C. Jimeno; John A. Pica, Jr.; Margaret
C. Schweinhaut; Albert R. Wynn; Thomas M.
Yeager; Larry Young.
Staff: Susan H. Russell; Keith B. Levy 841-3870
Room 300, James Building 841-3623
The Judicial Proceedings Committee considers
legislation relating to legal aspects of alcoholic bev-
erages; commercial law; consumer protection; cor-
porations and associations; crimes and
punishments; criminal and civil procedures; family
law; judicial administration and court structure;
juvenile justice; law enforcement officials; legal pro-
fession; legal rights and immunities; licensing and
regulation (law enforcement only); real property;
trusts, estates, and probate; constitutional amend-
ments; equal rights and opportunities; ethics; and
motor vehicles. Eleven senators serve on this com-
Michael J. Wagner, Chairperson
John C. Coolahan, Vice-Chairperson
Clarence W Blount; F. Vernon Boozer; Troy
Brailey; Thomas L. Bromwell; George W. Della, Jr.;
Howard A. Denis; John W Derr; Arthur Dorman;
Bernie Fowler; Leo E. Green; Barbara A. Hoffman;
Nathan C. Irby; Francis X. Kelly; Frederick C.
Malkus, Jr.; Thomas Patrick O'Reilly; Charles H.
Smelser; Norman R. Stone, Jr.
Staff: Alan E Deanehan 841-3870
Room 306, James Building 841-3707
The Executive Nominations Committee exam-
ines all nominations for appointments made by the
Governor and reports its recommendations to the
Senate. The Committee consists of nineteen mem-
Victor Cushwa, Chairperson
Decatur W Trotter, Vice-Chairperson
Walter M. Baker; Clarence W Blount; John A.
Cade; Nathan C. Irby, Jr.; Laurence Levitan;
Thomas V Mike Miller, Jr.; Catherine I. Riley;
Charles H. Smelser; Norman R. Stone, Jr.
Staff: John R. Stierhoff 841-3700
Room 309, James Building 841-3609
The Rules Committee considers proposals con-
cerning the rules, organization, and procedures of
the Senate; reviews legislation introduced after the
24th day of a regular session; and decides on re-re-
ferral of those bills to other committees for consid-
eration. Eleven senators serve on this committee.
Charles J. Ryan, Chairperson
Howard E Rawlings, Vice-Chairperson
Gary R. Alexander; John M. Ashley, Jr.; John C.
Astle; R. Charles Avara; Joseph Bartenfelder;
Susan R. Buswell; Richard N. Dixon; John W
Douglass; George C. Edwards; Jennie M.
Forehand; Peter Franchot; John G. Gary; Martha
S. Klima; Nancy K. Kopp; Samuel C. Linton;
Timothy F. Maloney; James E. McClellan; Nancy
L. Murphy; Mark O. Pilchard; Eileen M.
Rehrmann; Samuel I. Rosenberg; Richard Rynd.
Staff: W Kevin Hughes; Melissa Pappas
Room 131, Lowe Building 841-3407
The Appropriations Committee considers legis-
lation relating to State operating and capital bud-
gets, including revenues and expenditures;
supplementary appropriations; State and county
bond authorizations; legislative budgetary proce-
dures; and State personnel and pensions.