such diverse enterprises as computer firms, hotels,
auto repair shops, janitorial services, and hospitals.
Within the services industry, high tech services,
especially computer and data processing, mush-
roomed at the incredible rate of 92%. The largest
concentration of service industries is found in
Montgomery County, where 35. 1% of the work
force is employed in services.
By 1986, manufacturing ranked 4th after services,
trade, and government, with 11% of total employ-
ment. The largest concentration in Maryland is
found in Dorchester County, where manufacturing
employs 41. 9% of the workforce and constitutes
43. 9% of the payroll. Within manufacturing, high
tech manufacturing makes up nearly one-third of
the industry and grew by 10% from 1980 to 1986
while total manufacturing declined. Manufacture of
communications equipment accounted for 45% of
high tech manufacturing and is concentrated in
Anne Arundel County
Total value added in 1987 by manufactures was
$12, 370. 5 million (up 7. 6% from 1984).
Most Important Manufactures:
electric & electronic equipment... $2, 422. 5 million
food & kindred products.............$1, 827. 7 million
chemicals & allied products.........$1, 298. 2 million
printing & publishing..................$1, 233. 3 million
Maryland's ten largest private employers:
1) Westinghouse Electric Corp.; 2) Bethlehem
Steel Co.; 3) Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.; 4)
Johns Hopkins University; 5) C & P Telephone
Co.; 6) IBM Corp.; 7) Johns Hopkins Hospital; 8)
Marriott Corp.; 9) General Motors; 10) Martin
Roughly 40% of Maryland's total land area is used
for farming. Average (arm size (1986): 147 acres,
valued at $1, 887 per acre. Broiler chickens are the
most valuable farm product ($35. 5 million in
1987), followed by dairy production. Agricultural
operations are dispersed throughout the State. In
1987, Garrett County produced the most oats, St.
Mary's County led in tobacco production, and
Wicomico County was the top producer of soy-
Preliminary figures for 1987 show livestock and
livestock products providing 65. 1% of farm cash
receipts while crops made up the other 34. 9%.
Broiler chickens contributed most towards cash
receipts, accounting for 31. 4%, almost as much as
total crops. Maryland ranks 6th in the nation in
broiler production.
Maryland At A Glance/3
Stone, 26, 200, 000 short tons, value
$123, 500, 000; sand and gravel, 16, 700, 000 short
tons, value $67, 300, 000; bituminous coal,
4, 179, 000 tons, approximate value $109, 072, 000;
clays (excludes ball clay), 351, 000 short tons, value
$1, 756, 000; lime, 9, 000 short tons; value
$543, 000. Approximate total value of all nonfuel
mineral production: $294, 013, 000.
Fish, 10, 026, 000 pounds, dockside value
$3, 571, 000; blue crabs, 48, 108, 000 pounds, dock-
side value $18, 142, 000; oyster meat, 6, 828, 000
pounds, dockside value $14, 420, 000; clams, in-
cluding soft-shell, hard-shell, and surf, 21, 456, 000
pounds, dockside value $11, 318, 000; American
lobster, 50, 000 pounds, dockside value $172, 000.
Maryland leads the nation in blue crab production.
The Port of Baltimore has a vital role in Maryland's
economic development, generating more than $1. 5
billion in economic benefits and thousands of jobs.
In 1987, Baltimore retained its status as the East
Coast's second leading container port with
4, 550, 000 tons of domestic container cargo worth
$16, 840, 211, 000. Foreign waterborne commerce
increased in 1987 to 24, 884, 091 short tons. Vessels
calling at the Port of Baltimore in 1987 numbered
2, 761.
Chief Exports: coal, corn, soybeans, lignite and coal
coke, and petroleum, fuel oils, and asphalt. The
World Trade Center in Baltimore, headquarters for
the Port, serves as the center of international com-
merce for the region.
Chief Imports: Baltimore is a major port of entry for
imported automobiles and small trucks with
531, 897 short tons moving through the port in
1987. Other chief imports are iron ore, petroleum
and petroleum products, gypsum, sugar, cement,
bauxite, salt, crude mineral substances, fertilizer
and fertilizer materials, coal, and ferroalloys.
The State owns and operates two airports, Balti-
more-Washington International (BWI) and Martin
State Airport.
BWI has grown significantly, both in air service and
passenger traffic. In 1985, BWI reported 7, 830, 404
commercial passengers, an increase of 17. 3% over
the previous year. With over 620 flights daily,
twenty-one passenger and nine cargo airlines now
serve the facility. BWI also handles approximately
59% of all air freight in the Baltimore-Washington
region (198, 557, 250 pounds in 1985). Several air-
lines at BWI offer both passenger and cargo flights
to a variety of international destinations. BWI is