R. Claudy, M.D., 1990; David Morris Levine,
M.D., Sc.D., 1990; Edward Magruder Passano, Jr.,
1990; Betsy D. Simon, H.E.M., 1990; Janet W.
Neslen, M.D., 1991; Rose D. Nohe, 1991; James
H. Biddison, M.D., 1992; Lester Buster, 1992;
Valeria A. Tocci, 1992.
Edna Amdur, Acting Executive Director
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5891
The Commission originated as the Commission
on High Blood Pressure in 1976 (Chapter 792,
Acts of 1976). It became the State Commission on
High Blood Pressure and Related Cardiovascular
Risk Factors in 1986 (Chapter 486, Acts of 1986).
The Commission establishes guidelines to manage
and treat high blood pressure and related cardiovas-
cular risk factors. The Commission also develops
and promotes educational programs to prevent and
treat these conditions.
The Commission consists of sixteen members
appointed by the Governor for terms of four years.
Ten members are chosen from lists of qualified
individuals submitted by the American Heart Asso-
ciation—Maryland Affiliate; the Medical and
Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland; the
Maryland Conference of Health Officers; the De-
partment of Health and Mental Hygiene; the Mary-
land Hospital Association; the Maryland Nurses
Association; the Monumental City Medical Society;
the University of Maryland Hospital and School of
Medicine; The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions;
and the State Health Resources Planning Commis-
sion. A consumer member is appointed with Senate
advice and consent (Code Health—General Article,
secs. 13-201 through 13-206).
Chairperson: John H. Sadler, M.D., 1989
Appointed by Governor: Lawrence D. Bohan,
M.D., 1988; W. Gordon Walker, M.D., 1988;
John David Young, Jr., M.D., 1988; Francis P.
Chiaramonte, M.D., 1989; Louise P. Cavagnaro,
1990; Irwin Wolkstein, 1990; Ray C. Brown,
1991; Philip M. Jos, 1991; Joel H. Pachino, 1991;
James J. H. Carey, M.D., 1992.
Eva Schwartz, Executive Director
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5884
The State Commission on Kidney Disease was
created in 1971 (Chapter 492, Acts of 1971). The
Commission oversees a program of State assistance
throughout Maryland for persons with chronic
renal disease.
The Commission gathers and disseminates in-
formation on the treatment of chronic renal disease
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene/279
in the State. It also sets physical and medical stan-
dards for the operation of dialysis and renal trans-
plantation centers, and sets standards for the
acceptance of a patient into the treatment phase of
such programs. Patients accepted into the treat-
ment phase of the program are eligible for State
medical assistance. For the public and providers of
health services, the Commission also institutes and
supervises educational programs on kidney disease
and its treatment and prevention. The Commission
evaluates the entire kidney disease program annu-
ally and reports its evaluation to the Governor.
The Commission consists of twelve members
appointed to four-year terms by the Governor. Four
members are lay persons to the field of medicine,
two represent the medical insurance industry, and
one is appointed at the Governor's discretion. The
remaining five members are appointed by the Gov-
ernor from lists of names submitted respectively by
the Kidney Foundation of Maryland, the State
Health Resources Planning Commission, the med-
ical faculties of the University of Maryland and The
Johns Hopkins University, and the Medical and
Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland. The
Commission appoints the executive director (Code
Health—General Article, secs. 13-301 through 13-
President: Doris K. McCully, 1990
Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of
Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene and Senate
advice & consent: Gerald C. Bounds, 1989; Walter
G. Dabrowski, 1989; Jack H. Levinson, 1989;
Susan A. Cohen, 1990; Robert T. Foard, Jr., 1990;
Maggie Christine Lane, 1990; Robert C. Adams,
Sr., 1991; Richard A. Coleman, 1991; Erich W.
March, 1991; Hilary L. Stallings, 1991.
Ex officio: Thomas J. Murphy, designee of Secretary
of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5853
The State Board of Morticians was established
as the State Board of Undertakers in 1902 (Chapter
160, Acts of 1902). In 1937, it was renamed the
State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
The Board received its present name in 1981
(Chapter 8, Acts of 1981).
Every funeral director and embalmer in the State
must register with and procure a license from the
Board. The Board renews licenses every two years
and has the power to suspend or revoke any license.
The Board makes regulations for the enforcement
of laws regarding funeral directing and embalming.
The Board consists of eleven members ap-
pointed to four-year terms by the Governor upon