894/Maryland Manual
offices and officials ...................... 623-627
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 424
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority .. 464
Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Commission ........................ 464
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Regulation Compact Review Committee.. . 362, 465
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission....... 455
Washington Suburban Transit Commission ....... 455
Waste Disposal Authority, Northeast Maryland ... 421
Waste Management Administration .............. 197
Waste Systems Operators Board............ 199, 248
Water Management Administration, DEN ........ 198
Water Management Program, Agricultural........ 168
Water Quality Advisory Committee.............. 305
Water Quality Cost-Share Program .............. 168
Water Resources Administration, DNR .......... 305
Water Resources Advisory Commission .......... 305
Water Supply Engineering and Planning Program . . 305
Waterfowl Advisory Committee ................. 299
Watermen's Compensation Program ............. 303
Watershed Protection Program ................. 194
Waterway Improvement Division ................ 303
Waterway Improvement Program ............... 303
Waterway Permits Program .................... 305
Waterworks and Waste Systems
Operators Board ...................... 199, 248
Waxter Children's Center ...................... 413
Ways and Means Committee (House) ............. 39
Weatherization Assistance Program......... 256, 272
Weed Control Section ......................... 168
Weeds Control Plans .......................... 168
Weights and Measures Section .................. 162
Welcome to Maryland ......................... 338
Welfare Employment Policy Office .............. 265
Well Drillers Board ........................... 200
Western Maryland Center...................... 227
citizens advisory board ...................... 227
Western Maryland Enterprise Study Commission . . 376
Western Maryland Power Plant Siting
Study Group .............................. 306
Western Maryland Tri-County Council........... 439
Wetland Permits Program...................... 305
Wetlands Administration ...................... 142
Wholesale Directory-Maryland Christmas
Tree Growers .............................. 164
Wholesale Food Center ........................ 401
Wholesale Produce Market..................... 401
Wholesome Meat Advisory Council.............. 162
WIC Office .................................. 227
Wicomico County
descriptive data ............................ 627
legislative district map ....................... 80
offices and officials ...................... 627-630
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 424
Wild Turkey Advisory Committee ............... 300
Wildlife Advisory Commission .................. 299
Wildlife Advisory Committee, Captive ........... 299
Wildlife Management Program.................. 298
Wildlife Service .............................. 298
Women, Commission for....................... 270
Women, Infants and Children Supplemental
Food Program ............................. 227
Women Convicted of Crime Committee, Sentencing
and Correctional Alternatives for ............. 360
Women's Services Program..................... 271
Woodland Preservation Tax Incentives Task Force .. 44
Worcester County
descriptive data ............................ 630
legislative district map ....................... 81
offices and officials...................... 630-632
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 424
Work Release Program ........................ 321
Worker's Compensation Commission............. 456
Worker's Compensation System Commission ...... 377
Workmen's Compensation Insurance ............. 310
Workmen's Compensation Laws Commission...... 377
Workshops and Factories Registration ........... 279
Wye Research and Education Center ............ 447
Youghiogheny River Local Review Board ........ 296
Youth Advisory Council....................... 392
Youth Camp Safety Advisory Council............ 225
Youth Centers ............................... 413
Youth Office, Children and..................... 391
Zoning Board, County......................... 544